Pyramid Head is so boring to play against
He creates so many lose lose situations with his power that I don’t even bother letting him just kill me and move on to the next match. It’s just boring.
I’d rather play against old stridor spirit than playing against him.
I like playing against good nurses, blights etc but certain killers in dbd are so wrongheaded. Pyramid Head’s power doesn’t fit in dbd because you can literally just run in a straight line and/or hope for the best without interacting with anything because he will down you anyway.
I’m hoping that he gets some changes, not nerfs.
I struggle against him too but honestly like him or not, he is balanced and takes quite a bit of skill to use.
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He is fun for me
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This is where I disagree. Faking a power is not skillful in the slightest. And that’s what he’s doing all the time.
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I used to hate him, but since the rework, i dislike him a little less. But you are not wrong with what you say, many loose loose situations.
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Oh, I see, you guys are doing the whole Deathslinger thing and hoping it works on Pyramid Head? Yes... I feel it is a 50/50 and that I cannot properly react resulting in a win win for bubble butt. Pls nerf.
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Complaining about the most telegraphed killer in the game.. wow
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No, this post has nothing to do with deathslinger and I said PH needs changes, not nerfs.
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I see, interesting opinion. Hm.
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Again. He needs changes, not nerfs.
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any change you want is a nerf to him.. or would you be happy for his power to be instant?
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I’m sure the devs would find something to make him less frustrating to play against while keeping him good.
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If you're playing against enough Pyramid Heads to make a complaint thread about him, please give me your matches. I barely play against him and it makes me sad, especially since he is my favorite Killer and I main him myself!
Hopefully we'll be seeing more of him when a certain man arrives in the Fog. 😏
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I've rarely gone against good pyramid heads. For the most part running towards a window or pallet then veering off to the side last second works, and keeps working.
As for the other aspect to his power, don't tread in the goo.
If all else fails, he's also weak to the good ol' W key.
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The current survivor meta is so boring to play against....
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Oh, does that mean they’re making more silent hill content? Tell me please 😳
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Yeah I feel you. The current killer meta is so boring to play against too.
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I keep playing against PHs that fake their power and leave me in lose lose situations. I’m already faking what I can but soon they will know my play style and fake their power even more. This whole “power-faking” is complete bs.
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I can't say anything specific but there's a certain character whom we've been waiting for for awhile. He'll be here soon and I'm swiping him up as soon as he arrives!
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Versing good Pyramid Heads will basically always be a lose/lose situation. They are patient and wait to see if you commit to a vault or fake it. They will always get the hit. I agree it's not very fun to verse, because there isn't much of anything you can do, but PH as a whole is "balanced", since he follows the common trend of killers being strong and oppressive in a 1v1 but weak with no mobility in the 1v4.
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Cause changes means only nerfs.
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So what you're complaining about is a killer that mind-games, so you mind-game the mind game so the mind game can be mind-gamed but you worry if you game their mind too much they can mind-game your mind games - so you want to remove their mind-game so your mind game will be the mind-game without their mind games to mind-game?
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PH is fine and doesn’t need changing. Your problem is most likely the fact that you give up against him instead of learning how to juke his highly telegraphed power.
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If the killer uses their power and misses they're punished but you want them to be punished for not using it too? Why cant the killer change their mind, why must they be put into a lose lose situation then?
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No Im certain any change the devs make will hinder him more than help. They have proven time and again they dont know what they are doing.
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I’ve been playing against him since he came out. Nobody ever can play well against a good pyramid head and I’m always in high rank/ high MMR. You want to tell me everyone is just bad? nah..
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Frustrating to play againts? Do you even play PH? Frustrating is when you see how easy survivors can dodge his power. If we are going to complain about something please complain about something logical.
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If they use their power well, it’s not a lose lose situation.
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😏 Maybe!
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Nonsense. PH has more counter play than the majority of killers. Just because you struggle doesn’t mean everyone does.
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If you miss with his power, that’s on you. -rest deleted-
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I just lost braincells reading this... So, because YOU boxed yourself in, it is somehow the killers fault and you feel it is op that you can't just drop a pallet or vault a window in 100% safety?
High mmr indeed.Actually i take that back. The high mmr survivors are the ones that hug gens like their life depends on it and are fully carried by terrible balance decisions around gen speed and shift +W pre drop meta.
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Did you just tell me I’m lying?
It’s not just me, literally everyone I ever play with can’t play well against him because of the power-faking into lose lose situations.
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"Nobody can ever play well against a good pyramid head" - this'un by itself kinda says the issue is you. Plenty of people play well against excellent Pyramid Heads. I'd be suggesting some confirmation bias or sour lens is colouring your judgement.
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Ok well. I agree, I shouldn’t be able to get a free escape if I “box myself in”.
But yeah I’m pretty sure you get what I mean.
also calm down.
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By your logic then its your fault to not being able to dodge his power then. Come on be realistic, his power is very situacional and its really easy to bait him and make PH miss. He can't move right or left freely when he use his power, so in practice Nemesis its better because he can A, and D when using the tentacle. PH power angle its more limited and you get a huge indicator on the floor when he use trail of torment that gives enough time to react and dodge.
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So, because you and your friends can’t play vs. PH, you think he should be changed. Sounds about right. Hm. Acceptable trolling. Not too obvious, not too subtle.
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Proof it. I haven’t seen anyone in a good while since every PH is doing the same thing now
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Prove literally every player you're paired with is bad against Pyramid Head. At this point, yeah: calling this a lie, or just filled with copium.
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Im pretty sure even the PH mains know, that faking the power is kinda bs.
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I do agree that PH's zoning is frustratingly strong. Dodging Punishment of the Damned is very easy, so I understand why many less experienced PHs decide to zone instead, but it still takes very little skill to perform.
I think a good way to solve the zoning problem is to increase the cooldown before being able to M1 after letting go of Rites of Judgment by an extra second, but allowing PH to move at either 4.4m/s or 4.6m/s during this cooldown. This way, PH can lay trails and cancel his power without losing a massive amount of distance like he does now, but he gives survivors time to vault/get to a safe place during his cooldown.
PH used to feel really smooth before his nerf in terms of laying trails, and frankly I just want that back. Current PH, as much as I love him, feels very clunky.
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Well, whatever then. If you don’t want to believe me. Have a nice day!
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I agree ☝️
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If you think he's so easy to play and gives free wins, try him out for a few games. See how you do.
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No.. I am tired of people bitching about low tier killers and getting them dumpstered.
I can't physically play Deathslinger anymore because of the new slow aim giving me motion sickness. That is thanks to terrible people that probably never played the killer beyond a daily, assuming they even have the killer unlocked, complaining about something that did have counters.
Even if the counters were situational (los blockers) or required actual skill (predicting the killers behaviour and moving out of the way or tricking them) they were still there and he had trash map pressure so would usually lose to gens anyway. I have stupidly low ping so i don't know the experience of a killer with trash ping (60+) but survivors would react to me raising the gun every time before the game would physically let me shoot.
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If he fake, that mean you can take the window and he cant do anything about that ofc you need to look beind you.
I saw in your original post you said you could just run in a straight line and he will catch you in a way you are right but he will never get you with his power because its only 8 meter and it take him 1,5 sec or 2 sec before he can shoot plus the travel time you can dodge this easy.
I really think you struggle against PH because he is not play very much. So you dont have enough practice against him. He is the kind of killer were almost every match the survivor will have because because he is fair and survivor have a lot of counterplay against him.
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I’m playing solo survivor 100% of the time. I have a lot of experience. I’ve never seen anyone play good against him lol period
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I played him and I felt like playing spirit with stridor. Ashamed, that he can do such bs with his power.
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Ok that sounds bad and I feel your pain.