Pyramid Head is so boring to play against



  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    I think hes pretty cool. He takes a pretty hefty amount of mechanical skill and map knowledge to utilize effectively. Sure there are some lose/lose scenarios against him as survivor, but most killers have those. I think hes a balanced versatile B tier killer with great aesthetics to match. I think most people just hate him because the only people that even play him anymore are the VERY good pyramid heads. Hes a dying breed.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    I mean stealth works for me but getting chased can be really frustrating

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    I’m way less concerned with PoTD than I still am about cages/tormenting survivors. The amount of camping and tunneling this allows for PH players, my gosh. Allegedly the cage is supposed to respawn elsewhere if he gets too close, which apparently must be touching the caged survivor. Because I can’t even remember the last time I saw a cage move when he was within a very close range. And cage locations are predetermined and fixed.

    Thankfully the concern is minimal only because I hardly ever see him, about as much as Nurse.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    How does everyone know they're at high mmr?

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    I’m assuming because I get very good killers and very good survivors im my team

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    I would say hes C tier at best. What PH can do Nemesis can do it all better, Nemesis have faster power, he can break pallets and move freely while holding M2. PH its limited to the intelligence of the survivors and is very predictable sadly.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Oh yeah the caging is another thing but yeah. It is what it is. We can only hope the devs will one day do everything what we’re wishing for

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,038

    Pyramid head now is fine honestly

    When he had no transiton cooldown between power and normal weapon it felt like bs

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,982

    This. He’s one of the few balanced killers like Deathslinger (RIP).

    OP I can see how PH can be annoying- he used to piss me off too. But his 50/50’s at pallets can feel very rewarding when you beat him at his own mind game. If he guesses wrong, you can run to a nearby tile and extend chase. DO NOT VALUT WINDOWS AND PALLETS WHEN HE’S DIRECTLY BEHIND YOU. Treat him like Huntress- that’s a fee hit. You have to get creative and try to bait vaults. When I hear the sword drop, I look forward down and try to fake the direction I’m going in, then dodge. Personally I don’t’ like to look behind me when he’s aiming because the really good ones will herd you into a structure or obstacle for a hit, and i don’t know tiles that well. I’m always bumping into ######### whenever I look behind in chase. He’s so rare in the wild now, though- so new players and fairly new players won’t get to practice often.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited October 2021

    If you play against their power well, it's not a lose lose situation.

    At least not all or even most of the time.

    It doesn't matter how well the killer uses his power, it will always have a visual indicator, sound cue, restricted movement, short range, startup, a delay, and a cooldown whether you fire it or not. None of this is affected by the killers skill and these are what give the power counterplay in situations.

    Play against him like huntress or Clown, predrop the pallet before he's in range. Just like Huntress, at a certain range they're probably going to hit you if you animation lock yourself. You can actually dodge his shots better since it tells you where its going before it even starts traveling and only has 8m range. You can waste a lot of their time if they go for power hits and you're across a pallet or window already.

    Pallet greed will get you hit, do not greed the loop or pallet. Try to avoid vaulting if they're within range if you can and mind game if he's already close.

    At a certain point every killer will hit you eventually and put you in a lose lose. You just do what you can to minimize how often those situations happen. That doesn't mean every killer is too much, he still struggles against any decent-good team.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Playing Pyramid Head against good/meta survivors is stupidly hard as they will fake just about every action and vault+DeadHard through Pyramid's M2 making his clunky and time-limited power very hard to use.

    There are rarely "100% lose loss situations" unless he commits to the chase for a decent amount of time and doesn't mess up in which case all killers should get hits/downs by default.

    It's a 4v1 game afterall and each survivor has 3 hook states.

    Also comparing him to old Stridor Spirit is a complete joke.

  • MaxFiGuy
    MaxFiGuy Member Posts: 56

    Try getting a pallet stun on him. He can't melee after canceling his power anymore. If you're in the open, watch and try to juke his ranged attack.

    Try using more stealthy tactics. He's not a Doctor that can make you scream. Try leaving a generator sooner or run Spine Chill or other stealth perks.