Would you be ok with killers being able to relight their hexes?😇 why or why not?
No, killers should not be able to be re-light their hexes.
But survivors shouldn’t be able to re-light their boons, either.
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I'd be fine with that as long as Killers didn't know if there were or were not boon totems, they spawn at the beginning of the match, the cover the entire map and they made the same inaudible crackling noise that Hex Totems make. Plus, the next boon totem should be an Undying boon totem.
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Other than ruin and NOED and devour, what are the OP Hex perks?
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Free aura block, no scratch marks and healing map-wide?
You’re either trolling or just another biased survivor main.
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I'm being sarcastic. Killer players really don't want Boons to be the exact same as Hexes. But they keep asking for Boons to be like Hexes.
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I don't believe hex should be able to be relit, I also believe stumped totems should break
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The killer is one player, survivors are 4 and have access to a combined 16 perks. Of course the survivor version of a “hex” (boon) should be comparably weaker than the killer’s version.
Survivors should NEVER be individually stronger than a killer. That’s why I believe a Boon Totem should share the same risk as a Hex, but not be at quite the same level strength-wise.
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With Circle of Healing, you are basically asking for a perk on the about the same level as Self-Care to be worse than Self-Care.
The Developers would be shooting themselves in the foot by doing that because no player is going to buy the new survivor character that has perks worse than what is currently in the game. It would be filling up their blood-web with a bunch of useless perks.
Do you know anyone that plays this game that would buy 3 perks, 1 which is absolutely beyond worthless (Clairvoyance) and 2 others that get broken the second they are used. That would make Circle of Healing much worse than Self-Care. And Shadow-Step would be much worse than Distortion. At least Distortion gives you 3 tokens.
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Iron will, BT, exhaustion perk and DS will never not be meta as they cover situations that counter every killer. They work in a more broad sense as opposed to situationally countering a specific event.
But yeah boon totems seem a little crazy, I've said in my head from the start that the killer shouldn't be able to see it and it should be a one time thing, high risk high reward. So I don't think being able to relight killer hexes is the answer. Like devour hope is a game winner if you can't find it. Same with tinkerer blight with ruin.
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I guess it all depends on the range and effect. I do agree that 32m range would be an overall nerf. I think you'd basically have to make the range 3 to 4 times larger than boon totems, time to set is 3-4 times less etc. since the killer can only set one at a time. Then the effect could be balanced around the fact that it's replaceable. Anyways, that's all hypothetical and never gunna happen
That would be great to have a lingering effect on broken hexes. I like OhTofu's idea of basically having one perk slot dedicated to a hex, then the strength of that perk is determined by how many dull totems you have left (perk is at maximum strength at 5 totems, lower strength at 3, no strength at 0 etc.) Would require a massive overhaul of the hex and totem system, which is never gunna happen, but it would be a huge improvement to the game imo
Agree with that point on swf vs solos, but that's more a general game problem. If BHVR would implement a ping system already, solos could have that same advantage
I'm glad they stopped the boon totems from stacking because that was comically busted but I think they're still gunna be a nightmare to face. Circle of healing is definitely going to be in the meta long term if it stays as is, I think. No self-healing perks are nearly as good, and it has the added bonus of essentially giving you triple strength botany knowledge within a limited range. Shadowstep might also be meta as well because that + iron will is going to absolutely murder Spirit. Seriously, Spirit is just going to have zero information to work from during a phase if people start pairing those perks. Seems like high mmr survivor is going to be versing only blight and nurse all day long soon
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Only if they are weak and worked in a tiny corner of the map and the killer had to spend a game losing 28 seconds relighting it.
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ok so infinite noed, devour hope, haunted grounds, undying. sounds like fun to go against
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I believe it would only be fair, if a hex relights only after stomping out a boon. For Example, say you cleansed Ruin, and then lit up a boon, if the killer stomps out the boon it relights as Hex: Ruin. Of course for certain hexes like NOED or Plaything the rules are pretty strict for their activation: if there are no dull totems available at the time they are supposed to activate, this simply means they don't activate, so stomping out a boon AFTER the gates have powered doesn't light up NOED, and doing the same after you've hooked a survivor for the first time doesn't activate a Plaything totem.
What this does is create a power struggle for who has control over the bones in the map, and this wouldn't really be broken for the killer because whatever boon they stomp out is replaced with a hex, so as a survivor, you already know where that totem is since it was a boon, and can go over to it to either cleanse it or bless it again depending upon how much time you want to spend on it, or how crucial controlling that territory is.
This way boons have better risk and reward for using them. You are rewarded with the boon's effects as long as they stand, but risk giving the killer back any number of hexes they brought in that have been cleansed/blessed. In Ruins case this isn't really a problem, because you'll automatically know where it is after the killer stomps it out bringing back ruin, but for something like Devour Hope, it can be very dangerous using Boons because no one wants that back, even if its only around for a short time.
I think this is the only feasible way to allow killers to relight hexes in that it requires survivors to allow it via their own choice of blessing a totem in the first place.
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One idea I'd had was a perk that turns a Boon Totem into a previously cleansed Hex Totem. They get Devour Hope, but also have a Boon set up, there's your Devour back.
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This is actually the Devs' reasoning in the previous interview. They said that Killers don't get the ability to relight Hexes because when a survivor is running Boon totems they are limited by range, no stacking, and wasted time. Each of which can be considered a double edged sword by Killers.
For Killers, the effects of a Hex are immediately applied once prerequisites associated to it are met - AND the effect stretches universally. These effects, to paraphrase their response, influence the key functions of the trial (**a topic I'd like to debate about separately**). Thus- cleansing one of these "powerful" Hexes should be kept as permanent for that trial.
I'm not Survivor sided or Killer sided, and I understand this reasoning.
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28 seconds? But it takes survivors 16 seconds, and there are four survivors and only one killer, so the time should probably be 4 seconds. Not to mention their effects are strong, and 24 meter radius isn't that tiny either.
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Yes, the limit is until the survivors cleanse all the totems.
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I did mention stacks would be lost?
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yes but devour stacks could be reobtained
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It would make for an interesting dynamic 🤔
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All going to depend on how much they are abused 🤔