Would you be ok with killers being able to relight their hexes?๐Ÿ˜‡ why or why not?

latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

I mean a limited number of times...we dont want then to be OP.

Also if it the hez is cleansed it loses all its accumulated tokens.

Post edited by latinfla4 on


  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Would it really be to the killers benefit? Again killers always say they don't have time to do anything right? So why and how would they have the time to go to a totem spot and activate their hex totems? It makes no sense.

    Also if a survivor happens to see where you placed your totem you would get no benefit from it anyway since the survivors would immediately close the totem.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    But that was random this would be able to be placed...a hex safe haven.

  • CLB198
    CLB198 Member Posts: 315

    I also saw an idea that was called a bloodrite where the killer would have to injure a survivor to make a new totem that for example would block all windows within 24 meters, but as a tradeoff it could be destroyed as fast as Victor

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119
  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Absolutely, less time for them to be patrolling gens. Hell yeah

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    Depends. If there is a requirement to relight them such as hooks then sure. If there isn't then relight totems have to can come back but with a much weaker effect.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Nope. Hex perks are very strong and it would be too OP. I don't mind that boon perks can be used more than once because they are much weaker.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    And allowing survivors to relight their Boons isn't OP......yes Killers should be allowed to relight their Hexs now because Hex Undying is useless with how Boons work. The Devs either didn't think too clearly on how they can be OP.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    Terrible idea. Imagine getting 5 haunted grounds. Imagine having a whole game with ruin up when not versing clown or trapper. And relighting the other hexes would be useless.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I guess it could maybe work if you could only do it once, but on the other hand, it would perhaps already be too strong looking at how strong some of the hex perks are.

    I would fear that the Undying/Ruin combo would become too hard to get rid of again considering Ruin's power.

    Not to mention that this could also hurt solo survivors more than swf survivors. With swf, only one survivors has to see the killer relighting the totem, and everyone would know where it is. Solo survivors wouldn't have that privilage, so if the one survivor that saw the killer relighting their totem got chased after that, Ruin or any other Hex perk would potentially stay up for much longer against the solo survivor team then the swf team.

    If the aura of the totem that got relit was shown to all survivors, maybe that could work. Obviously that totem wouldn't last too long but it would create a small second objective for survivors for that short time.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Boon perks are not on a level with Hex perks when it comes to their effects. A map wide gen regression at twice the speed for example is definitely stronger than double the healing speed and self healing within a 24 meter radius of the boon totem. Not to mention the killer doesn't need to waste time activating their totem.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    No. I would prefer you just choose the totem location if you so desired, and maybe make it so you can transfer your hex to any dull as a result of it. So it randomly spawns, but if you dislike the hex, you can manually walk up to it and switch it like how Demogorgon teleports.

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    Honestly, I feel like boon totems are way stronger than ruin right now, considering that ruin is not likely going to last beyond the 3 minute mark, and boon totems can be made to cover the entire map + be reblessed ad infinitum

    If the trade off was that the ruin regression rate was cut in half, the range reduced to cover half the map (based on totem location), BUT you could reapply the hex with an activation that took 1/4 of however long it takes to bless a boon totem ... ruin would be massively stronger than it is right now

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    No side should be able to relight their totem. Once itโ€™s gone, itโ€™s gone.

  • Hexes are mostly fine in my opinion. Boons might not be though

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    The vast majority of hexes are simply not worth the perk slot as is. Unless it's Ruin, Plaything (which is balanced around essentially relighting itself) and possibly DH, survivors don't really bother cleansing.

    Ruin would be too powerful.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Not leaving scratch marks within a selected zone and having a 100% boost to healing speed isn't on par.....with the right build you can heal someone in .46 secs I have watched a video on YouTube of a guy testing out that theory and proving it works......he healed his entire team within seconds. So again I say a killer should be allowed to relight his totem if it gets snuffed by a Boon.....also with current totem placement I have seen large zones of Boon that cross paths with each other making a large anti scratch healing zone......the Devs need to rethink a few things before the game loses more killers to OP or broken survivor builds

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I agree 100% with what your saying.....as I said in a response before the healing speed increase with the right build can heal a person fully in around .46 secs

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,292
  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I know that but let's look at the facts you have 4 survivors who can light Boons.....the likelyhood that your Hex can move is very slim especially with how easy it is to find totems....besides that doesn't negate the facts with the new Boons I stated above....

  • Gladonos
    Gladonos Member Posts: 392
  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    I do not think that this would be a good idea.

    The problem is that Killer perks are on a whole other power level than survivor perks. This is needed because you have to account for only 4 killers perks that are supposed to have the same power level as 16 survivor perks.

    Now if you could reapply a Hex that would make it quit more powerful. The most Hex perks are already quit intense, when you think about it. Hex: Ruin is a gamechanger, Hex: Devoure Hope allows for instant downs (play this on Nurse and you see the problem quit well) as does Hex: No one escapes Death and so on. If this is the level of power Hexes are supposed to have, then I am fine with them being oneshots.

    Also as @Gladonos pointed out, most Hex perks have unlimited range. This makes them quit a bit stronger than the boon perks as it also give the devs an option to buff and nerf Boons more freely.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Oh hell no lol

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    Yes, with some tweaking perhaps. It's not the same as old undying for 2 reasons: It is not automatic, the killer would have to go out their way to light a totem, taking valuable time to do so (and lets be realistic here, the chance of them doing so without a survivor knowing immediately where it is is pretty slim) and secondly, Boon totems are now a thing, meaning totems are going to be sought out more than before anyway.

    Giving a 20+ second timer to curse a dull totem with a hex in all honesty is not going to be very practical anyway, but would give killers more options when their totems do get cleansed.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    No. Hex totems effect the whole map and some can be really game changing if relit multiple times. It would be old Undying all over again

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,292

    That still doesn't change the way Hexes work though, all that's changed is that survivors are more likely to hunt totems before they realise there's a hex. And that's provided boon totems even see any usage.

    And if you're still hung up about the .46 second heal: Doesn't that require multiple boons overlapping (Which is getting removed), BK, maxed out DM, We'll Make It, and a fully built medkit?

    Because if a survivor is investing that many resources into the eventuality that the killer distributes their hits among all four survivors and then lets them gather up in the middle of three totems, shortly after an unhook, I think it's pretty fair that they get dummy heal speeds.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Ok I have seen 90% of people argue No don't let them relight their Hexs....then just give killers the ability to smash totems instead of making them a dull totem again.....any of the killers would just smash the things rather than keep snuffing them out anyway. Or give Killers a way to better defend their Hex Totems since they are changing how Thrill of the Hunt works.....

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Maybe. I thin kRuin is still fine with Undying, on its own though you risk losing it within the first monute or so.

    If it lasts 3 minutes though I would argue you already got some nice value out of it.

    But the actual effect of Ruin is definitely stronger than that of the upcoming boon effects, both because of the actual effect and the range. And if all 4 survivors try and bless a totem to cover the entire map, all survivors are off of gens, while searching and blessing a totem.

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    Fair points, I guess the main point I'm trying to make though is that while I agree that (some) hex totems have stronger effects than the boon totems, along with mapwide coverage and the lack of a need to initially set them, boon totems are really not significantly weaker than the hexes and they have much much smaller downsides.

    If hex effects and range were weakened in exchange for the ability to set your totems (so a survivor doesn't spawn literally on top of it and/or not getting the shining beacon on top of a hill totem) and the ability to reset the totem in the event of it breaking, then I think most people would be a lot less angry about boon totems. Hexes are frustrating to use right now because you have virtually no control over them, whereas boon totems offer a pretty comparatively massive amount of control

    Even if the boon totem effects are weaker, they are overall so much more reliably good than hexes just by virtue of the killer never being able to fully disable them. I usually run small game + inner strength but that healing boon totem looks like it's easily twice as strong as that combo just on its own, so I'll probably end up switching to that

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416
    edited October 2021

    sure I am fine with it with one condition. that we do not see the totems auras ever. so we would have to go look for and find one. and all tokens towards said perks are lost.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    The current boons are no where near meta perks. Maybe if you get a boon that acts like a Decisive Strike, then you would see a nerf.

    For example.

    Circle of Healing vs Self-Care

    Circle of Healing

    • 14 Seconds to Light
    • 16 Seconds to Use = Total of 30 seconds
    • Can be broken really easily by the killer so you will probably have to relight it. (Another 14 seconds)
    • All 4 survivors can use it.
    • Plus the time for you have to find a totem.
    • Plus the time you have to go to that totem when you are hurt. (Walking to the totem will probably require more than 15 seconds by itself)
    • Probably need another perk to find totems.


    • 32 Second Heal
    • No time wasted finding totem
    • No time wasted moving to totem.

    As you can see, Circle of Healing is a convoluted Self Care. It's big advantage is all 4 survivors can use it, if for some reason, the Killer doesn't break it.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    No hex is big risk big reward they're nowhere near comparable to Boon totems although we could use better hiding spots for hexes instead of that

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    Would it be fair for every reblessed boon totem to have a lower effect such as longer healing?๐Ÿ˜Š

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    No it'd be ridiculous, just like how old undying was ridiculous.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Old Undying was fine.

    The problem was it's interaction with Ruin (and to a lesser extent NOED).

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Almost every single time I played against old undying whichever hex the killer paired it with (usually ruin) would stay up for the whole game and only die on the last totem. Basically being given 5 of your hex perk is stupid.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Yup. The ideal solution would have been something ad-hoc and surgical, like 'Undying no longer works with Ruin'.

    The problem is that the Undying nerf was a blanket nerf to almost all hexes, and most of them were mediocre-to-terrible before that.

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    Yup id be fine with it. No killer will be happy to run around looking for a totem just to relight their perks for the most part. They would likely use it to relight a dull totem if they happen to chance by one!

    Thats why i already think boons arent as amazing as people are assuming, there potentially 2-3 gens of time wasted if theyre constantly relit by 4 people. If this becomes a new meta its better for killer overall i think than the current DH, BT, adrenaline, unbreakable meta which currently requires no setup or time wasted to use. At least if survivors want to bring 2 boon perks theyre gonna have to replace to other meta perks.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    But old undying gave survivors that second objective the game needed for balance.

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    *Shiftily peers at Scourge Hook perks*

    seriously, though--Hangman's Trick, the potential is there for it to fit in that neat little category~

    ... I--I don't remember where I was going with this. Welp.

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    YES. if boons can be re-lit then hexes should be able to be re-lit along with killer choosing which totem since BHVR wants this game to have more interaction with totems right?

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    then allow killer 5 perks, if survs get 5 perks counting a teamates boon perk that they also get killer should have one more

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2021

    and give the map another 3 killers that can relight them snuffing out your boon totems and giving other killers an accumulative 5 perks to balance the game out

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Let's be real: Hex Perks are awful. They might have strong abilities, but they are absolutely garbage to run now.

    That being said..No. I think that would just be adding too much to the whole totem mechanic. Nothing would change they would just bless or cleanse them.

    I'd prefer killers being to destroy totems instead.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    We shouldn't solve fundamental issues with the game with perks.

  • Gladonos
    Gladonos Member Posts: 392

    My god you are so cute like a loyal dog. Alright as pointless and childish as this is I shall continue: "OMFG! YOU WANNA GO THAT WAY THEN ALLOW BOONS TO AUTO SPAWN IN LIKE HEXES!!!"

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356
    edited October 2021

    More reliable, true, but not as effective or strong.

    I'm honestly not even quite sure if killers would benefit too much from having to try to look for totems and then reactivate their hex perks like that, if it means that it only has like a 32 meter radius effect or something like that. Maybe I am wrong, but I'm doubtful that would make the perks better.

    I think if anything, it would be nice to have Hex perks changed so they still have a lingering effect after they've been destroyed for a short period of time. Perhaps only until a certain amount of minutes have passed, after that, the effect disappears immediately when the totem is destroyed. Maybe that could help make them a bit more reliable.

    Killers relighting totems however is also a problem when it comes to solo vs swf survivor balance. In a 4 man swf, only one survivor needs to see you reactivate a totem, and everyone knows where it is. A solo survivor team doesn't have that.

    I have to say though, I think with the announced nerfs to Boon perks, they will be fine, but we'll see. I would definitely like to see some new perks enter the meta though.