New Matchmaking System!?!?

I´m sorry if I am not informed correctly but is the "skill" based System already out yet?
I mean what is this?
Best Regards
It is and it's unrelated to those grades on the left
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grades do not equal high mmr. mmr is completely hidden. grades are just a monthly level system to earn some extra bloodpoints
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Thank´s for your answers but wasn´t there the announcment that every Killer get´s an (hidden mmr) rank of his own?
I´m a survivor main but because my friend is not on this game so much anymore, I would like to start play Killer as well. Of course I´m not as good as survivor (meaning I´m obviously very bad). I touched Killer maybe 4- 6 times a year and now with the new System I´ll get Survivors from Hell?
Maybe it´s "mimimi" but I´m sorry it´s hard to understand.
Best Regards
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The symbols ok the left are now called grades and "work" the same as old ranks as you climb them via pipping but it is impossible to depip with them and they only offer a BP reward at the end of each month circle on the 13th and reset completely back to Ashe 4 (the grey one).
Matchmaking is now done with a hidden MMR value and each killer starts on a medium level. Also if you main on killer and increase your MMR with them significantly it passively pulls the MMR of all other killer with it to compensate for transferable skills.