Demogorgon after November

BBQ Applicant Posts: 39

Any thoughts on what will happen to the Demogorgon once he is made exclusive, other than what we already know?

We know that all Stranger Things characters will have no native perks from now on. Behaviour won’t be able to balance Demo anymore, so Demo is essentially stuck in the game like a sore thumb to Behaviour.

Making these characters exclusive will create a lot more elitism in this game, a lot more than any exclusive cosmetics or charms did, since it’s an exclusive killer that no new player will be able to try without buying scalped nightmare edition copies of the game. He is considered by many to be a decent killer too, usually sitting around the middle of killer tier lists (at least in my observations).

I am worried that this will be unhealthy for the game, but there’s not much you can do when it comes to licensing issues.

