What are some anti-camping perks?

As far as I know Camadre is the only one.
Camadre: If a survivor stands within 18m (I think) the hook timer is stopped for 30 seconds (Second stage only)
EDIT: I’m not talking about anti-tunneling perks, also feel free to put some combo anti-camping perks
I forgot the name but there's a perk that allows you to unhook yourself once per trial. And since every single survivor runs exhaustion perks and almost everyone Ds u have descent chances to run away.
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Yeah it’s Deliverance, and it requires you to get a safe unhook before your first hook.
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Borrowed Time, Babysitter, Camaraderie, Slippery Meat, Deliverance, Off The Record, literally any perk that assists you in keeping off the hook in the first place because sometimes that's what it takes--not sure about others, I'll come back later
Edit: more: Sprint Burst (unhooker or unhooked) Desperate Measures, No One Left Behind...
Edit 2, electric boogaloo: Kindred. Literally just Kindred.
Edit 3: I fixed Desperate Measures getting replaced by Deliverance, not sure what happened.
Post edited by CryptFriend on0 -
most of those are anti tunneling perks
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Hey, if the killer's camping, they're probably going to follow through--it's best to be prepared rather than lead your teammate to the slaughter. What were you going to do, leave them on hook the entire game? I added a perfect perk for even that situation.
*Laughs in unhooking without BT in front of a Bubba*
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Borrowed time is the only useful one.
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*Laughs in DS*
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The Best Anti Camping perk is ... Don't be a flashlighting, Tea Bagging Survivor. Its not a rare perk but a lot of survivors use it and its super effective lol.
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Perks can only do so much. The best thing to do against a camper is to either be so good at the game you can loop them for 5 gens or stealth well enough you're not caught. Next best thing is to play with good players who will take hits and trade hooks, if you can get away with BT.
If anything, I think the best anti-camping perk is Kindred, if, that is a big IF, you have competent teammates that know to rush gens and leave.
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I've never teabagged and never bring a flashlight, still got my share of facecamps. What now?
OP: There is no anti-camping perk. Best you can do is take anti-tunnelling and just hookbomb and hope it works out in the end. DS is mandatory for that, realistically.
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You got your share so be thankful lol. You could have gotten more than your fair share =). SRSLY, as a killer main those types always get the hammer. No joke.