Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Do you like SBMM?

QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

Now that the dust has settled, I want to know what everyone thinks about MMR. Just a simple yes or no. You don't have to type a reasoning if you don't want to.

Do you like SBMM? 50 votes

Yes- I do like MMR.
JawsIsTheNextKillerTaigaAneurysmPSPsyainSwiftWarriorCar 6 votes
No- I do not like MMR
Seiko300pizzaduffyhp90UistreelElusivePukkaDonZwiebelTunnelVisionIcewhisperLordRegallandromatIsJustMeawustzdnbm33TheRealFitzyFobboKill_Yr_Idol83getuy45u4iuReverseVelocityEsterhauseSOMENINJANAMEGannTM 29 votes
I am indifferent.
Slaughterhouse3TapeKnotkaeru[Deleted User]Blazelskimusstang62RoboMojoTatariuChurchofPigHeaderNathan13HaunterofShadowsTacitusKilgoreMrCalac123jesterkind 15 votes


  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941
    No- I do not like MMR

    Getting toxic swf's almost every game as killer is not fun.

    They just force you into using a meta build every game. I want to P3 every killer before getting all perks, that way i don't waste so many bloodpoints. But you need strong perks at higher MMR.

    I think it would be a good idea if BHVR does something about toxic players.

    In the 5th aniversary they were talking about the autoban feature, one day i hope they will do something about the toxic players that try to ruin everyone's fun.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147
    I am indifferent.

    Skill Based Match Making is not the issue. Bad game balance is the issue. If the game was balanced the system with some teaks would be totally fine, instead it has shined a large light on the issues this game has.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610
    I am indifferent.

    Indifferent. People are wildly overblowing how much worse the sweat is, it wasn't all that much better before and I've had a lot more fun, close games myself.

    Could it be improved? Absolutely. Is it a failure? No.

    H1GHLVND3R Member Posts: 138
    No- I do not like MMR

    Getting garbage team every single game, why should i like it? worst ranked system ever created

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,697
    I am indifferent.

    playing survivor hasn't been too bad, but on the killer side most of my matches have been a nightmare.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
    I am indifferent.

    Playing survivor is 1000x better. Playing killer is 1000x worse. A soul for a soul i say, as long as one side is still playable i am relatively indifferent.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360
    Yes- I do like MMR.

    Players that are really good at the game are now playing others that are also really good at the game.

    The old system was too harsh on new players and too easy for veterans.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549
    No- I do not like MMR

    My 4 man I play with on Sundays, where I'm the best survivor (and I have never claimed to be amazing at survivor) and the others vary between "still pretty new" and "only plays killer when not with us" have not settled yet MMR wise and it's just been extremely not fun for all of us. Solo queue I don't notice much of a difference, killer has been trending sweaty without me changing how I play, but the 4 man having its fun killed even a month into the system feels...not great. We don't tryhard, we run silly builds, but haven't settled to where that's acceptable yet.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544
    No- I do not like MMR

    dev's im getting killers who don't even know how to break a gen while i 360 and moonwalk them

    maybe make sbmm a little more balanced

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,157
    No- I do not like MMR

    During the tests I was indifferent because I didn't notice much of a change in match making during the last test. The live version though does not feel like the last test, it feels bad. I don't feel like I'm getting matched with players of equal skill. If I die I get stuck in a deathloop because my swf teammate and I get randoms that are useless/hide, the only thing we have in common is having died recently. We are stuck in the deathloop until we finally get matched with randoms that are useful and we are able to work as team.

    I miss the old system. I miss knowing if I die atleast the next match I'll get evenly skilled teammates. I miss old system where even if we all died it didn't feel as bad because atleast my teammates tried because they wanted to atleast pip.

    Now everyone just cares about escaping. Before where I occasionally got a useless teammate now I consistently get them. Before I'd be willing to give a killer that had a rough time a kill, now I won't because I don't want to get stuck in a deathloop.

    I wish they'd have objectives, altruism, and chases be part of the matchmaking not just escapes.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited October 2021
    No- I do not like MMR

    MMR's fine on paper, but the reality is they went for an overly simplistic approach that game developers have known, as an industry, does not work for matchmaking like this - and the evasiveness/lack of transparency just made everything worse. BHVR also knew, due to a previous attempt at escape-based matchmaking, that this system wasn't stable, but they did it anyway.

    Rank/Emblem-based tiers of play encourage participation, which is what we're missing now. In EBMM we're having survivors being "rewarded" for leaving other players on hook, and killers being "rewarded" for camping - and anyone who says 'we shouldn't think of MMR as a reward' is a deliberately dishonest fool.

    "Monke Brain understand number go up, Monke Brain think good."

    It's a basic, universal truth of gaming that we're seeking reward due to play. Due to the grind in the game, the reward can't be a common commodity like bloodpoints - that's blood from the stone, not fun. That's payment, not enjoyment. Rather, getting good chases, getting good saves, getting good downs: those are what truly reward DBD players.

    The instability of MMR as implemented, however, balanced around SoloQ survivor rather than taking into account the skill ceilings of killers, the loadouts of players, and the presence of SWFs in the game has created a situation where the devs have taken their inability to account for and willful ignorance of the reality of the online playspace and weaponized it against the players.