Change to Q&A format

Godzilla Member Posts: 55
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I might be the millionth person to suggest this, I channel my inner April Ludgate and don't interact with people here or in life in general, if I am then just let it be another voice in the crowd calling for this change

I understand that giving concrete answers in the Q&As in tricky business, hence they "coming soon" and "its on our radar, we're looking into it, but no announcements at this time". I completely understand and I'm not complaining that they have to say that a lot.

My gripe is sitting down to watch a hour and 30 min Q&A and hearing the whole song and dance of "here's a question by john doe, john doe asks: why is this like that and that like this" followed by "its coming soon or we're looking into it but no announcements yet" over and over and over and over and over again. The repetition becomes tedious and I have to take breaks from the video.

I would much appreciate all the questions that fall under those 2 categories of answers be spoken out all at once and listed on the screen and in front of the folks answering the questions so that if there is something minor they have to say about any of them they can see the list. That way all those types of questions and answers can be delivered in a timely manner and they can move on to questions they have more concrete or elaborate answers for. I imagine that would have turned the latest Q&A from an hour and a half into a 40, 50 min video?

I saw that during the video Giggles noted that folks in the chat were complaining about getting those same answers a lot. Maybe if all those questions were listed off at once and we were told they all generally fall into the "coming soon" or "looking into it" category, we would have moved past it and folks wouldn't have complained about it.

Again, I have no issue with the content (well maybe a couple of the jokes landed flat but that's life) and answers given. This is just a suggestion to stream line the process and make it more digestible.

By the way, April Ludgate as a killer in DBD? I think she'd approve.