I convinced two of my friends to play DBD...

Three days later they quit and won't be coming back.
Every game they faced nothing but meta perk killers with their best add-ons. I went perkless when I played with them to make it more fair to the killers. They had never played before and didn't understand what Ruin meant or where it might be found etc.
To make it worse over two thirds of our/their matches were Pinhead. It got to a point where they would just dc every time we faced Pinhead because my friends had absolutely no chance against him.
Best part was that my friends didn't get to escape once. And believe me I tried everything I could to get them out.
So yeah, they won't be coming back and I have to continue playing in solo Q. This game is damn harsh on new players.
You bastard.
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This is the DBD paradox. This game is just not meant to be played competitively yet many people seem to treat it like high level League of Legends or something. Like, jesus christ man, chill, how is repairing all gens in 5 minutes fun at all?
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It sounds like they weren't interested in the game at all. Unless they thought they were entitled to a win even though they were brand new to the game.
Could your MMR have hurt them by pairing the team with higher level killers? O'm not sure how the new system works with SWF at different MMR levels.
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The game has become too killer sided. Imagine being a new player and finally getting that shiney red key, only to find it is totally useless because killers will slug for the 4K.
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Yeah I was worried about my MMR affecting their games so they started on their own. The games lasted like 5mins so I jumped in to help but it didn't get any better. Just finding gens was hard enough for them and then I had to explain to them how The Box works and why they get chains constantly etc.
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This game has never been friendly for newcomers. people i know only played for a few days and left and today they don't think about playing again, even when they have no idea of the new system.
Huge number of players have left the game.
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I can imagine how hard it must be to learn against The Cenobite. He requires a lot of coordination and basic game knowledge. This game really needs a beginner mode. How cool would it be to have a beginner lobby where they could play live matches with killer and survivor "mentors" that could show them around the game and help them practice the basics.
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That would be great. But I think it would be amazing if the game just wouldn't match new players with killers that have hundreds of hours in the game. Too much to ask, I know.
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No joke you joining them hurt them more than if you just got on a smurf account and walked them through the game. Because when your in a SWF it takes all players average and compared to your new friends you would of been making them play against meta players.
Compared to your friends you are the giant peak and where MMR appears to draw from when matching killers.
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When I first started dbd in 2018 escaping felt so much satisfying because it was not easy for me.
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DBD just has this thing where you need to go through A LOT of pain before you can properly play,I don't blame anyone for not wanting to go through that.
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You shouldn't have played with them the first games cuz your MMR is not the same as theirs, they could ve a better chance vs killers of the same level, you could ve helped other ways, like " do the tutorial" or watching them while playing and telling what they did wrong and what they should do next time.
I don't blame them for quitting, if i was new and all my games were vs meta builds where i don't have a chance i would ve left as well
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Maybe the problem is that you were playing with them, thereby giving them unfair matches due to how the matchmaking works.
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Your friends need to play alone without you, they will face killers of their skill level.
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Your friends seem kinda whiny. Disconnecting for pinhead? God help them vs. nurse and spirit.
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you do realize swf takes into consideration your own mmr right? :c
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they don't exactly have much to draw on for comparisons
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DBD's new player expereince is atrocious, for a 5 year old game that's pitiful. Not to mention that DBD's matchmaking doesn't work and will never work, better for them to find that out early and quit before investing time in the game.
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MMR takes all of your ratings into account for SWF. Your higher rating made the game think you guys could take on those types of Killers. This game is too harsh on new players. It's a wonder the game hasn't crashed and burned yet.
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Every killer, even low mmr is OP against brand new survivors. New survivors don't know what they're doing and that's understandable.
And I guess they're friends and wanted to play together.
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Every killer, even low mmr is OP against brand new survivors. New survivors don't know what they're doing and that's understandable.
New killers don't have "meta perk killers with their best add-ons", as OP put it.
And I guess they're friends and wanted to play together.
Which is fine, but there are consequences for that.
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Eh I don't think it would have mattered everyone knows killers are dominant in the lower ranks. They would have gotten stomped regardless. Beginner survivors have trouble finding a generator equivalent to a killer trying to find a blendette. Maybe it just wasn't the game for them.
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We don't know if this is true, though. There's been no word regarding SWF interaction with matchmaking, and the devs have implemented three different matchmaking models in the past - two where your assertion would apply, and one where it wouldn't.
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The game is a mess. Im only going into custom matches atm cuz its so bad for killer and survivor
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You must really hate them if you want to make them suffer like that.
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Honestly this a trend I been noticing in the past couple of 4 years. Every single online multiplayer game is becoming a sweat show. Everyone in every multiplayer game is playing like if they are going to win a million dollars, it's crazy. I used to remember a time when most multiplayer games were chill. I think it's an increase of players wanting to play like them famous cats.
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"I convinced two of my friends to play DBD"
Good Lord. What kind of friend are you?
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When you are completely new to the game you shouldn't be expecting to win often. Of course not escaping once does suggest that matchmaking was at it again screwing over their gameplay, but still.
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Fact: If it is a game, there will inevitably be people who try to be the best at it. To deny this is to deny reality.
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Not as survivor, anyways. The game is actually ludicrously killer favored at the lowest levels. Basically opposite of how the game plays once survivors figure out what a gen is.
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Depends who you face. When I first played this game I tried killer and I had such a horrible experience.
So I played survivor until I got enough confidence to play killer again and I was doing better because I had some basic knowledge at least.
Games as survivors weren't easy too don't get me wrong but playing a "killer" for the first time and being humiliated by a group of people while you are all alone felt like crap to me for some reason.
And I had anxiety before killer games for a while until I got used to it. Now I don't, altough stress is still there.
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They got condemned by the entity.
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Ain't that the truth. I feel like there has been a lot of oversight with the hatch changes.
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Indeed. Survivor QOL is totally ignored in favor of killer.
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Is it really that bad? I know I played with people that were completely new and didn't always go down immediately, when the killer was also seemingly new.
I do understand that the game is killer sided at low ranks though. Which I find interesting honestly, and wonder what could be done to improve that. It certainly just makes balancing this game more complicated, and that alone already makes balancing this game only around high mmr impossible.
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Its not about balance, its about this game isnt newbie friendly.
You start a game as survivor with a single Tier1 perk. You need at least 200k BP to reach to level 15 for 4 random perks that barely help in any way. For survivors earning BP, they barely make 15k BP without escape. Which is requires 10 matches at least to get there.
I only need 6 months of playing this game to realize this. And I never recommend my friends to play.
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god imagine if they started playing a month ago
"oh this game is fun, but a little unbalanced at times, maybe this new MMR thing will help out us new players?"
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Well the game really isn't newcomer friendly so that doesn't help
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But SBMM is the best thing since sliced bread remember, it was supposed to match them with equal skilled players even after a rank reset.....oooooh right....all of that was BS....
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This game is so dumb that based on your skill level it is either killer sided or survivor sided. Low mmr? Killer sided. High mmr? Survivor sided.SWF? Extra survivor sided lol.
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Why do you hate your friends so much? (just kidding. That joke was obligatory)
Starting out is very hard. I still remember my first games. I quit after two games of survivor, and two games of killer. It wasn't that I wasn't winning. It was that it felt like I couldn't win. As survivor, I'd get camped, nobody would save me, or we wouldn't get the generators done. As killer, I couldn't figure out how the killers powers worked. I tried Spirit and Nurse. Got 0 hooks both times. At the time, I didn't know there were streamers out there playing the game, showing how it was done. I wouldn't learn about that for several months. All I knew was what my cousins told me about the game, which wasn't much. Oh, and I played the tutorial which was about as useful as a screendoor on a submarine.
Eventually my cousin started joining me in my games (on a new account, on a new system because this was before crossplay was announced). She'd ALWAYS play Bill, and would ALWAYS come to save me. And... I actually sort of started having fun. If not for that, I don't think I'd have ever gotten into the game and bought every DLC. Later, I watched streamers who I learned a lot more from. DBD is just one of those games that is absolutely crushing to try as a newbie.
My advice: Get them into a KYF lobby, and let them practice playing both sides. It really is better if you learn both sides. And you should be killer sometimes, and teach them the ropes. Get on comms or whatever, and explain things to them, and why you do the things you do, and what they can do to counter it. Also recommend some streamers (Otzdarva is probably the most informative) for them to check out. The early stages of playing DBD for either side can be very frustrating. Good luck.
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I would honestly never recommend anyone go into DbD blind. At least have them watch streamers for a while. I'd suggest somewhat smaller streamers where they can ask basic questions and get answers. Big streamers might miss their questions.
The very best opton is doing KYF though, with all players on comms so you can talk them through the different killer's powers and how to counter it. Let them practice chases without actually killing them and so on. And then, when they feel they have a grasp of the basics you can send them out in the wild :P
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DBD is extremely harsh on newbies. On the Killer side, you'll sometimes get toxic SWFs who as soon as they realize you're new will do their best to humiliate you as often as possible. On the Survivor side, you sometimes get "efficient" Killers who want to "win" and will just tunnel you out of the game immediately - not allowing you any real time to actually learn anything or experience much of the game.
Remember the Devs said everyone starts at 1100 (I think), with 800 being the soft cap on the low end. So it is possible experienced killers who don't necessarily play well could match up with new players. This is no different than in the rank system where people would smurf purposely to accomplish the same goal.
Sorry the game didn't take with your friends OP. At least you tried to bring in and help some new blood.
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This game is not very friendly to new players. I was dragged into this game by friends and almost quit forever too, the first 10 hours of play were torture, I genuinely didn't enjoy dying in 2 minutes and then sitting there watching everyone else play every game. The only reason I stuck with it was because my friends were obsessed and didn't wanna play anything else lol. Then eventually I tried out killer and discovered the fun I was looking for and never looked back.
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Yeah, out of like 6 different people I've got to try it only 1 has stuck around. Even then he doesnt play much.
The rest quit, hated it, loved it but quickly grew to hate it, etc.
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This game doesn't do a whole lot of hand-holding for new players.
The on-boarding experience for DBD would be a thousand times easier if players received a notification when they encounter a perk for the first (second or third) time, explaining a bit more about what it does.
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Imagine being a new killer, and finally getting that shiny red mori, just for 3 survivors to jump out the hatch.
(I know hatch is getting nerfed)
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My friends didn't really have issue with that.
Well, I forced all of them do tutorials and played several custom games to give them tips what to do and what not to do. Tried 1 on 1 chases to learn basics.
Main issue was just insane grind. I think it is worse for killers, because you can get meta build on survivors from free survivors, but on killers, you have to buy several DLCs and spend millions of BP, just so you can spend more millions to play killer you actually want to play.
So you need insane amount of BP on both sides, but you also need money, when you want to play killers.
If you wanna actually play (4 good perks as survivor), something friendly -> Kindred, We Are gonna live forever, We'll make it and Dead Hard is really good path imo.
You need to actually level only David for it and that build is solid. So you need around 1,6 million BP to get on level 50, at that point you should have all those perks on tier III. You should try to use cakes etc. to help them reach this fast.
It's way worse for killers tho.
Some generic build you can use on any killer -> BBQ, Pop, Enduring, Bamboozle seems quite friendly to new killers that don't know how to chase.
So you need to buy:
Bubba DLC and Clown DLC.
Spend 900K on billy, 1M on Bubba, 1,2M on Clown and then 1,6 on killer you want, where you might need to spend more, because you will not get all perks to tier III when you are unlucky.
Noob killer experience is really not any better than survivor and as killer, you are alone, so you don't have anyone to carry you and that experience can be really bad when you face toxic survivors.
It will get little better when Surge becomes Free for all. Then I would suggest: BBQ, Whispers, Surge and maybe Sloppy? It really depends on killer tho, when you can use their teachables.