Killer Question

I play both killer and survivor switching back and forth at a whim or if one side gets overly frustrating.

Killers I usually play are Demogorgon, Twins, Nemesis and Wraith in that order of preference with demo & twins played the most recently.

I play killer just to have fun chasing survivors, seeing if can outplay at loops, hooking if can and trying NOT to kill survivors..I once had tons of fun being looped at killer shack following the survivor all around the doors/window mixing up which way I went to see if could score a hit and when I DID that one hit was far more gratifying than if had downed and hooked them.

I just play killer to have fun and two of the paid DLCs, Stranger Things & Resident Evil were bought as am fans of those respectively.

Ok..SOOO I told you ALL of that (and if you read this far thanks for bearing with me) to say I have 9K some shards and am debating should I save to buy killer/survivor perks (bought some) or if I should buy another killer...if I DO buy another which would you recommend based on the info I gave above, where not looking to kill just have fun.

I DO have pig/cannibal (one bought for nephew, the other just to get BBQ which ended up being wasted as then got BBQ in shrine lol.

At one point thought about spirit to see what all the fuss was about with this killer but the not seeing while phased would probably bug me.

Anyhow thanks in advance for any and all recommendations!


  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Are you on Console or PC? That changes things a lot.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I play entire roster on console. Any of them can be played effectively. Judging by how you play i recommend Ghostface. He offers lots of ways to chase/scare/have fun.

  • gerbilsrcute
    gerbilsrcute Member Posts: 25
    edited October 2021

    I lay on pc using an cbox controller.

    Sometimes wish coild 'preview' a character to see if like it or not.

    how does console matter?

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Console has less control and less optimization. Framerate is typically lower and controller doesn't have as good as control as a mouse.

    That being said, Doctor might be a good pick.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Plague is a good choice. She's gonna be strong after mid patch and her perks are good

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Besides all meta perks like ruin udying tinkerer corrupt pop

    Plague relies on detection perks a lot. Discordance is a great antigen/detection perk which allows you to quickly find and infect multiple survivors

    Infectious fright can be great with corrupt purge and helps with downing multiple survivors quickly

    Some people prefer thana but i think it doesn't work well on her because people are usually cleansing a lot

    You can try Otzdarva's build with ruin undying retribution and tinkerer but it's too fancy for me and i prefer perks that work all game

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    If you have fun trying different things in chases then Blight is the killer for you. He's kind of hard to control at the beginning, but very fun to play even when you're missing hits because his power is that fun. His power has a lot of techniques to master and it's hard to get bored of it.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Seems to me that your play style is “chase”. Hits are nice. Downs and hooks are a bonus. But really, you’re in it for the chase. The most important thing a power or perk could do for you is guide you to a survivor so you can chase them!

    To me, all of this screams Legion!

    Don’t expect a lot wins, but that’s okay because that’s not your goal. His power leads you to survivors with Killer Instinct - that’s a new chase! He can run really fast for a while, that’s definitely chase. He comes with the perk Discordance, which tells you where you can find 2 or more survivors - by golly that’s chase-with-a-choice!

    All that being said, I think Legion is the one for you.

    As a side note, I’ve always found it to be far more cost effective to spend shards on killers rather than perks. 6,000 shards can get you 3 perks, but 9,000 gets you 3 perks AND a killer with an entirely unique power and play style that can add a new level of depth to your enjoyment of the game - I’d say the 3k premium is worth it!

    Killers only though. Survivors are just re-skins of the same general play model and add nothing unique to the play style, so feel free to buy survivor perks individually if looks aren’t important to you.

    Please post again later to let us all know who you went with!

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    Since you enjoy having fun outplaying around loops and stuff I would probably suggest killers like billy/oni/blight since they have a lot of nuances with their power curving around loops that could be enjoyable. A trait similarly shared with Demogorgon and his shred ability.

    You could also try playing more general antiloop killers to see if you like how they feel, as Nemesis is in this category with his tentacle whip. That would be killers like huntress, deathslinger, trickster, and (if you felt like dropping money) Pyramid Head.

    Spirit is arguably the strongest killer on console, but honestly all you need to really play her at a decent level is some moderate-high quality head phones. (Seriously, picked up some 30$~ turtle beaches with peripheral surround sound and its like night and day playing her.)

    Something to note is that its pretty common for stuff to go on sale for the halloween season, so might want to hold off and see what happens in the next couple weeks.

  • gerbilsrcute
    gerbilsrcute Member Posts: 25

    You guys gave me a LOT to think about & in some ways made it harder lol...LOTS of good advice!!

    I'm going to have to really look over all this again as I check out all the ons mentioned.

    Is oni the ine that has a minotaur skin? If so I went up against it once as survivor.It scared the crap outta me lol.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    Plague is probably my favorite killer. Wouldn't be too difficult to use on a controller either

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Clown or Legion

  • gerbilsrcute
    gerbilsrcute Member Posts: 25

    Thanks again for all tips.

    so tar seems people are saying Doctor or Legion for chases.

    or Plague, Oni or Blight for fun abilities.

    I was reading a little about seems that the power relies on scoring hits? Is that true? So if you don't get many hits you can't do much with him?

    Also, question about the Doctor....someone said he has abilities for finding survivors...or was that Legion that has abilities for finding & chasing? Anyhow was wondering if that was as an innate ability or a perk as that might help me decide...seeing as many times I can't find survivors or lose them due to issues with FPP.

  • Blue_Archer33
    Blue_Archer33 Member Posts: 318

    I know that I'm biased, but Pyramid Head is a hands-down pick. His chases are fun (with his punishment range-attack... that goes through walls..), the hazard trails are fun, and he has a freakin built-in mori.

    I highly recommend.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    Oni's power, requires blood. For injuring a survivor at max health states you get 40%~ of his power charged, and while survivors are injured they will drop blood orbs which Oni can absorb to activate his power. Unfortunately Oni's perks are not that good on their own.

    Legion has the ability to see killer instinct (heart beat) of other survivors in their terror radius after hitting an initial survivor with their power. I would say discordance is probably one of the most powerful generic tracking perks in the game.

    Doctor can find survivors with his static blast ability, which has a base 60~ second cool down. Doctor also has a few addons that make it easier to find players, such as his 'Restraint' class of addons which causes the illusory madness doctor to stay for longer, or the 'Discipline' class of addons that put a big red stain target on survivors backs. Both of which the doctor can see, and can be invaluable against players that prefer to hide.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Legion and Doctor, they can both help with detection of survivor locations.


    You’re on your own at first, but once you find a survivor, you can use your ability called a Feral Frenzy. It makes you run extremely fast, and if you hit the survivor, then you’ll hear a heartbeat sound and see a red flashing icon on all other nearby survivors (it’s a pretty sizable detection range too!)

    At this point, you have a choice. End your power and keep chasing the one you just hit (hitting him again ends your power anyway) or track down one of the newly detected survivors and injure them too. You can ping-pong between different victims for quite a while!

    Each time you hit someone, you injure them AND give them a Deep Wound. This forces them to mend before they can even heal. As long as you keep hitting people who have finished mending, you keep recharging your power. It ends if you ever miss though. Even if your power times out while tracking a new lead, you still have a good idea of where they are.

    All of this is Legion’s innate ability. As for perks, Discordance is best for detection. It tells you any time 2 or more survivors touch the same generator. It highlights the gen in yellow and gives you a noise bubble as though they missed a skill check.

    Iron Maiden is somewhat useful for detection. When someone gets out of a locker they scream.


    Very good at detection. He has 2 powers. Static Blast zaps a wide area around you. Any survivor in the area will scream unless they’re in a locker. Each scream shows you as our d bubble for a couple seconds. Pick one and chase! Long recharge though

    Shock Therapy is more useful in one-on-one chases. It gives the survivors or the madness status so that they can’t do much until they hit a series of difficult skill checks. When they miss, they scream which helps you find them. Also, when you zap them, they’re stunned for a moment which prevents them from vaulting or dropping a pallet

    As for perks, Overcharge is best for tracking. You kick a gen and the put a very hard skill check on it. When they miss it, it blows and you know they’re there. Once you start going against better survivors, they’ll rarely miss it.

    Hope this helps you decide!

  • gerbilsrcute
    gerbilsrcute Member Posts: 25

    Thanks again for comments. Legion does sound right up my alley so far as chasing. I do, however, worry that the deep wound would cause me to accidentally kill people.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Deep wound works like this:

    As survivor you are injured, but you also have a limited time to “mend”. If you don’t, then you fall on the ground and the killer can pick you up. Teammates can still heal you up though. Also the timer is paused if you’re being chased.

    If you’re Legion, you can just leave them on the ground if you don’t want kills. I should point out though, that normal gameplay is hooking and killing. People aren’t gonna be upset at you for doing what’s expected, as long as you don’t do it in a scummy way.

    If you don’t want kills, you can still try to get 2 hooks per survivor. This gives them a chance to earn lots of bloodpoints for rescues and heals.

  • gerbilsrcute
    gerbilsrcute Member Posts: 25

    I don't mind hooking (if able) though I try not to hook for 3...sometimes though I mix up survivors if more than one playing same or maybe they weren't immediately rescued...I don't know as don't stand at hook but there's been times I swear I was inly 2nd hook on someone and they got sacrificed. 😞

    And once I accidentally killed someone by pouncing someone with I HAVE killed but generally try not to.

    I just have fun chasing them and some downs/hooked are needed so survivors also have fun.

    I play both sides and as survivor having NO contact with killer is as equally bad as getting hooked straight out of the game.

    But as killer if it looks like survivors are having a hard time I try to help too. On Demogorgon I have surge, ruin, and the other 2 perks forget the names but is one that dhows survivors when gen completed and the one that lights up the crows. Last game had one hook & guess either they sacrificed themselves or the others didn't know how to rescue. I injured a few times but gens didn't get done. One person dc'ed so I got one survivor to follow me and I showed them where hex was and then led them to a few gennies...then I just played with my portals until they escaped.

  • gerbilsrcute
    gerbilsrcute Member Posts: 25

    wanted to let you guys know I picked up Doctor in addition to the new survivor.

    So far finding him fun but can't always hit with the shock therapy.

    Though when I did was running around just hitting with the shock therapy as didn't seem to actually injure/down people...hopefully am right in that...I accidentally killed someone once by pouncing as Victor with twins.