RIP BBQ, RIP injured survivor

So ye, soon BBQ will be totally useless. Injuring a survivor and chasing another one to apply pressure too as they will be able to heal super fast.
Self care ? No need, find a dull totem and apply circle healing, heal yourself super fast and ######### the killer.
You do a gen ? Find a totem and use shadow step, killer won't see you with BBQ and won't be able to track you after the first hit as you won't leave any scratch marks.
I'm done, bb DbD.
See you tomorrow!
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I don't think so, on the forum maybe, on DbD no way, i have already stopped to play killer, no way i continue to participate and favor this bullshit game design.
Developers are forcing more and more, i hope the community won't accept this time. Enough is enough.
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What did they do to bbq?
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You forget blessing a totem takes like half a decade and the killer can snuff them in the blink of an eye? Stop taking this so seriously man.
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One of the upcoming boons hides auras in a radius - the same one which is gonna make scratch marks even less helpful in a chase.
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Killers only use BBQ for blood-points anyway, at least that's what all the Killers say when someone suggests nerfing it.
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People do use it for BP help but the aura reading is huge on the perk. If player would not need that much BP we would see thrilling tremors a lot more.
I think it was last year or 2 years ago they decide to change the aura and during that time you could barely see the bbq aura so a lot of killer stop using the perk
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I don't understand all you have to do before is hop in a locker to deny BBQ what's the difference now?
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Stop being so dramatic. Boons will be popular for a week or two. Then back to the meta we go.
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ye okay, the killer has to deal with gen rush, chases and map control but now it will have to deal with totems. Okay
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Difference now is that you can continue to heal or to do a gen without loosing time going in a locker.
Also, in the range, nurse's calling = useless.
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That's what they all say...
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Im not too worried. It sounds annoying but unless its stronger than the meta survivors wont run it. Theyve had lockers and distortions for years to hide from bbq and they never use them.
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Unless the killer has mobility, the aura reading from BBQ isn't really all that useful.
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This. Once survivors get Adept they'll go back to their meta until a challenge to use boons comes up.
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Yea, heal yourself "super fast". 24 seconds to bless the totem and then 8 seconds to heal = 32 seconds. Same as self care, without factoring in the time it takes to find the totem and if we do, it's slower than self care.
"super fast"
Boons will be OP just like Power Struggle, Deliverance, Inner Strength, For the People, Any Means Necessarily, Desperate Measures, Smash Hit, Counterforce, Flashbang, Head On, Soul Guard, the buffed WGLF and others were OP. Oh, wait...
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It will never work like this. Players will set a heal area on the map as well as a chase area at the start of the trial.
Survivors that need to heal will go to this area and be full life in 8 seconds. Survivor in chase will go to the chase area and have no scratch marks etc...
If you play killer at a good MMR you know that boon totems will kill the balance even more.
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why the hell would anyone suggest nerfing it in the first place? kinda lost on that one lol
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Do bones
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I will still be killing the majority of survivors I come across before, during, and after boon totems. Work on getting better at the game before shedding tears....This goes for survivors as well.
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If it's like the ptb 90% of your matches will be survivors wasting all their time setting up boons that you constantly can snuff only to suddenly realise all the pallets are gone and they still have 3 gens to do.
If you're really worried run all hexes with thrill. Will they really spend 48ish seconds to bless a totem that's snuffed out in 2?
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Same I'm always running doc with restraint add ons so this isn't gonna change anything for me.
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It'll be fine you're just overreacting you need something to eat or nap maybe both.
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I said that same ######### back in June. I was gone from the forums and the game for only a week and came back for the anniversary event lol.
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It will be strong in swf and average in SoloQ. So it all depends who are u against. And swf is already strong so it won't make huge difference.
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Oh yea, don't forget how OP Lucky Break was that they had to buff it for it still not to be used.
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This post implies that you hate medkits and distortion
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IF you are using BBQ for anything other than bloodpoints, you're doing it wrong!
Post edited by Clevite on1 -
bb, i see you next week
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Idk what you're smoking but sometimes you can't snuff those totems out
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and then they just bless the totem again lmfao
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I use bbq for bp. If they reduce the grind maybe I could use something else.
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My opinion is that the developers have started to notice that Killers have a lot of aura perks and survivors don't have any counters to aura perks except for Distortion. Since there is a vacuum in anti-aura perks, the Developers are using that opportunity to make anti-aura reading perks. Basically it gives the Developers the ability to add something new to the game and not rehash old ideas. I mean, how many different healing perks can you have before players stop buying survivors with healing perks.
You either have to make new perk abilities or make more powerful versions of old ideas to get players to purchase survivors. Killer perks don't matter as much because players want new killers.
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Then you do it again until you stop complaining about something that won't be meta.
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I don't but many killers, even at high MMR are using BBQ to track targets...
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or until they let us relight our hexes 🤗
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It will be meta in 3Q and SWF.
1 survivor will have the healing boon and another one will get the shadow one. Half the map will be a heal fest and the other half a chase impossible place :).
Rest of the perks will be unbreakable, DS, DH etc...
I don't understand how you cannot see it will be OP in SWF...
Honestly, those developers should stop to think and actually fix the features that are already in the game, global balance in the first place.
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I was just being funny!
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i want to live in the world where people will drop DH DS UB IW BT for literally anything fun at all. how are you posting from there?
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I thought BBQ was only used for bloodpoints. 🙄
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I'm not overly worried that it will replace meta, I'm worried that it will do what a lot of releases do: reinforce the meta. I dislike meta builds, playing as or against either side - it's the most brain-dead way to play, not the most challenging, exciting, or intangibly rewarding imo.
I think boons will just make killers double down, as they're seen as a shadow-nerf to hexes and a lot of non-meta but fun perks, which makes survivors double down, and so on ad nauseum.
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It won't be meta considering the meta will always be the same since the old time of mettle of man.
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No that's just what some people that want to ruin the Killer experience to have you believe. BBQ is a required perk for information so you're not wasting to much time between chases. Find, and hook survivor - then you can go find and hook another survivor across the map. The BP was always just a bonus.
It was dumb when they nerfed the perk letting survivors hide behind generators.
It's dumb that they added a boon totem that is an AOE Distortion. The reason Distortion only has 3 tokens is because of how ridiculously op it would be if it was constant.
The boon totems are absolute garbage, and the person who came up with them should be fired. That's all my saying.
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If you needed BBQ to hunt survivors, you werent a good killer and should quit. there are dozens of good builds and op perks our lumbering,teleporting,stalking killers can out run and out fox survivors with. if you honestl yneed that big of a handicap, maybe dbd isnt for you.
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Not only that, but effectively taking the Boon Totems means that the other three survivors get a free permanent Lucky Break, Distortion + a never-ending medkit. That's one hell of a boost to them for zero cost and zero time investment.
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######### is that statement lmao
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you know, these kind of ironic comments wont last long....
can't wait to say "get gud" when the roles will be switched and survivors will start making "queue time is 4123582375 mins long, plz help! devs do something" posts non stop.
people are already leaving this game, and even more will when the new update will drop, making jokes and mock will isn't helpful.
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You forgot to add the time taken to find it and the time taken to get back to generators or find a survivor.
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The unfortunate thing is that sure, people are leaving the game, but people are introduced to it every day. Social media sites still have plenty of free and paid advertising for the game that's just as effective as when we entered, because there's still no major success in this framework for any competition.
BHVR's monopoly means their stale, uninspired, backwater ideas never truly get challenged.