What's the official reason to hide MMR?

Why hide the MMR? Now there's no excuse that people would abuse it to manipulate it that we already know how MMR works (kills and escapes). Why don't just make a public leaderboard and show mmr numbers after matches?
Because that changes the game from a casual game to a competitive game.
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Because they are scare people will start to say i have a higher mmr then you so your opinion is invalide.
Anyway that what they said during the Q&A
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Toxicity and Elitism
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The more we know about a system the more evidence we have to prove they dont have a clue what theyre doing.
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What? How is showing a number change anything gameplaywise? The moment they introduced sbmm it already became a competitive game, just without the reward of knowing if you are doing better or worse
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The opinion of people with lower skill SHOULD have less weight anyway so I don't see what's the problem in that, that's the same with any competitive game and that's not a bad thing.
Just mute the chat, i don't see the problem if you get triggered by people being toxic. It's not like this doesn't happen in every competitive videogame, and it already happens in DBD.
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To hide how bad the matchmaking is so you donβt know if your match is fair or not.
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Toxicity and Elitism is what the devs said in the q&a stream. They don't want people going around flexing their mmr.
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I hate that. I get punished for getting better and i don't get the reward of proving that i'm better. It's like they want old players to quit the game.
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I donβt believe in this elitism explanation. Players already shame each other a lot for using certain perks, characters or playstyles. Standard advice is to hide chat, hide profile and not communicate. Same could be easily advised for those afraid about low MMR shaming. Probably matchmaking is not designed fairly, that must be a real reason for hiding it.
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Quite simple. Toxic City
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LOL, the irony.
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There's no benefit in knowing.
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We already live there.
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they give reasons but I counter with they dont want to add a tile with a counter to the menu or lobby screen. Everyone that is going to piss and moan is going to piss and moan anyway.
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I'll go one further than some here, so tinfoil hat time: it's so the devs won't get called out on their own low MMRs, equating to the community being right that they don't know what's going on in their own game :P
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To be fair, it absolutely does. People will talk down on you even if they are 1 sr above you in Overwatch. For reference, it takes 500 of these to rank up and you gain or lose 20 on average per game.
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If that's your takeaway then you're exactly the reason they're hiding MMR. π
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Imagine playing a competitive videogame and not wanting to be better than others
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I don't recall ever calling DBD competitive.
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It doesn't matter what you call it, it is what it is.
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...But I don't think it's competitive. Over half of the game's outcome is controlled entirely by RNG. That's competitive to you?
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Isn't poker a competitive game? I think you should read the definition...
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Poker doesn't get cards added and removed in between hands.
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Dota 2, you could be losing by much and get a double damage rune just by luck and destroy the enemy team, has happened yesterday in TI. Is it not a competitive game either because things get added and removed by rng out of their control?
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because the devs hate us