Today I begin my 1250 No Hook, No kill Challenge

I am going to play 50 games on every killer with the goal of becoming the lowest rated account in DBD (with 5k hours). Today I will be playing ... Nurse. Hope to see you in the fog! How long do you think this challenge will take?
I don't know, but it's certainly interesting. Hope I run into you. :)
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So the majority of boosted players?
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Ive done 1k games this way before, so I got the itch to do 50 with each killer which is at least 1250 lol. I hope I run into you as well. Ironically I am already IRI.
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What if survivors have entity kill them?
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Then I still didnt kill them <3
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But doesn't the game count that as a kill? So it'll hurt you becoming the lowest.
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Yup. Kills by the entity count towards MMR.
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I just happened to vs a Nurse in Autoheaven, was Solo with a 2-3 men swf from Thais. Were you that Nurse?
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The real point is me showing love by not killing, the low mmr is the reward. If people dont want the 5k or want to lower their own mmr, then thats acceptable. Squid Pro Roe.
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You will run into survivors that want out of the match once they realize.
I've found they jumping into lockers or over pallets over and over until you kill them. What's your plan for these types of survivors?
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I run 1 perk, Lightborne, I role play on every map, sometimes I am a Bartender, sometimes I am at a Nurses Station. I also Play with sound off while I watch the Dota International and LOL Worlds. So its all good.
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I usually 2 hooks each and let survivors escape. Which is if Im able to 2 hooks each of them too fast, I have to hold back and act like a noob to make it not obvious that I want to farm / mercy. Many times it didnt work and survivors extend their Gen too long.
Slug play doesnt make it obvious that you dont play to kill. Make them think you play for 4 men slug and force them to work hard. Though needs a high tier Killer or slug build to not make the game too easy.
I actually like slug play alot, the game is always super tense (unless God Nurse / Blight with infectious fright or let all 4 bleed on the ground)
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Yes I enjoy both of those playstyles as well. Sometimes I pick a area of the map and defend it all game. Sometimes I play "Item Collector". Sometimes I Reverse Face Camp (Where you follow them all game and kill at the end). There are lots of fun games you can make out of DBD.
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I've gotten to the point with some killers where I go to the opposite side of the map from a hook and they still go 2nd stage. They are at times too scared to do gens or just hide.
Sure, starting out the games are interesting. Trying to 8 hook while keeping 4 alive willing to hold M1 on gens is fun. It's just when you start getting new players is when it start to feel like babysitting.
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Low mmr players are savage, they will let someone be slugged an entire game and not help. So you usually have to pick them up yourself, lol. Even survivor mains are better at killing than the killer. Think about it, can you pull them off a hook yourself? Their fate isn't even in my hands when I am playing nice.
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Absolutely accurate. 1 in 5 survivors died my last 1k no kill challenge ... they died because of first hook or bleed out exactly as you described. The low mmr survivors dont care/understand someone is on hook or on the ground lol.
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If they die, they die. I dont mind, but I will turn to kill the rest as a punishment.
I dont play for hooks or kill. I play as how I feel its fun if I was a survivor. As no Gen slow down, its really boring to extend M1 time. Here are my play styles.
- I used to do double hook and let them escape, but rarely do nowaday. Unless some survivors are completely potatos.
- Use End game build. I never last hook someone before the last Gen done. Put a true last test on survivors.
- Use Slug build. But unlike OP, if all down. I will hook them all and end the game (dont worry I use Deer stalker).
- Use Expose build. Make your choice, Haunted ground, Noed, Dragon grip, Devour hope, Startruck...I play normally with this build.
- Use all Hex. Only there is an event. I also do double hook and let them escape.
2 - 3 - 4 options, which one is your most favorite killer to face?
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If I had a choice it would be #2
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Option 1. But if not then Option 2 lol.
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This doesn't seem like a challenge so much as something you're just doing.
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How competitive are you? I am EXTREMELY competitive. (Hence becoming the #1 demo in 41 days). It is insanely hard for me to watch survivors do things and me not try to prevent them lol. I want to win so bad. But hey I mean, fair view, it could seem that way.
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I’m around 5k or more hours and I’m sure I’ll find a way to die to you somehow lmao🤣✌️
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I've been trying to play friendly killer and 2 hook everyone. If I encounter someone on death hook I just slug them so they arent out.
Unfortunately, this has resulted me me getting consistent 3k's as people are being left to die and bleed out while I break pallets/walls across the map. Its insane!
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lol Let's hope not. I might play extra games to make up for End Game Collapse suicides.
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As a friendly killer I feel this example so much.
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I have fun getting chase Survivors for 120 seconds... I tend to chase one Survivor the whole match... It's fun
And I have one for nurse
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What do you do when you catch up? 🧐
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I’ll make it interesting in endgame by continuity to loop but you have to promise to close hatch so if I manage to loot a key I’ll make the great escape but if you catch me you can easily drop me out of the exit hahaha
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I typically walk in front of them and try to body block them >.<
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I do that too. Survivors will start to go into a circling patern around me. After a short time they just stop and look at me like lost puppies.
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My heart breaks when they run into the wall at the edge of the map and you can see them freak out and panic!
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Miss intentionally
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Would be fun if you face four survivors doing the "no movement" challange.
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You know whats fun? lol. When you can tell its a 4man swf, with Brand new parts and they send you to haddonfiled ... they use their parts and then you get a nice fast game =). Its what I call, a perfect game and it just happened lul.
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First I'm hearing of this. Do you think it will take off?
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It has potential but as of now this movement is on a stand still.
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Lucky, I use End game build the most.
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You're not the first. Shard farmers already did that.
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Bit of a wet blanket arent we. lol is anyone the first at anything? Nothing is new under the sun. Why even comment? Anyways believe it or not I hope you have a good day =)
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Nurse is Done at 52 Games, played 2 extra because 6 people died to End Game Collapse. Made 125,532 BPS or 2,414 Per Game. Next Im playing Spirit, I am playing the killers I dislike the most first.
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Will this work though? Your killers by default are tied MMR-wise to your strongest killer, so if your Spirit is at 1700, your Nurse might start at 1500. There might be a limit on how far you can stretch Nurse's MMR from your highest rated killer.
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Can you explain again please in case i miss something why u do it?
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It certainly seems to be working. I will tell you my interesting results at the end. Its too early to form a conclusion yet. As far as I know this will work. Since I did it on my Demo two weeks ago then worked my way back up to 1900. It should in theory only take 40 games, I am taking extra precautions.
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Its just something fun to do, I am being nice to 5,000 survivors this month and maybe brighten their day. I get to talk to you guys about my results. I trend towards no kill killer anyways so I hated having high mmr on all my killers. I want to do some dailies in peace ESPECIALLY on killers I dislike or am not good at. Currently I am punished for 1 killers performance (Darn you Gunslinger!!).
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I believe that I am the worst Huntress EU. There was a rift challenge (I think it was hit 4 long range shots in one game - and I'm on controller without a crosshair on my TV) and survivors were literally sat working on gens ignoring me and I still couldn't hit them at range - I didn't bother going for short range hits. Needless to say I got quite a few zero kills in a row before a lovely AFK Bill helped me out. Now all my Huntress games are quite easy.
What I would really like to know is, can your weakest killer drag your highest killer's MMR down? I'd love to know what happens after the experiment and you switch to your main.
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No, because if that was the case all of my killers would be lower MMR, When they flipped the switch I think it was intended to be permanent. Honestly how many people can spend the time playing with the system. When my Demo was lowest MMR possible all my other killers were still getting op 4 man swfs.
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Where do u check your MMR?
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I use maths lol it was postulated within 40 games you could either cap your mmr or tank it. From 1100 to 1900. Thats 20 points max per game, so for killer that is 5 points per survivor, for survivor if they escape (Not through hatch) they get the full 20. From Datamined info. Yes its not completely correct (With supposed soft caps) but its close enough to land a grenade.
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Simpsons did it.
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I love the simpsons but like Futureama and King of the Hill more. Man I am tired I played 78 games yesterday. (Yes I know thats from SP)