I have unlocked every killer's adept achievement. AMA

ShakeyGames Member Posts: 140
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

It was a very painful experience.


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Which was the easiest to get?

    Which was the most fun to get?

    Was there any adepts that were easier/harder than you expected?

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Was it worth it? Do you genuinely feel like the effort was worth the reward?

  • ShakeyGames
    ShakeyGames Member Posts: 140

    Easiest: Clown. Many people think he's terrible but he has a chase power that is easy and effective to use, Bamboozle which helps out in chase even more, and decent map pressure with his 115% movement speed and Pop Goes The Weasel.

    Most Fun: Demogorgon. I actually bought the Stranger Things chapter recently, and the first thing I did was play a Demo match with his three teachables. I got the adept on that first game. Demo is such a fun killer to play as, very balanced and with a cool power.

    Surprisingly easy: Nurse was the last adept I got, I was dreading to play her as she is the "hardest" killer in the game. I had played her no more than ten matches by this point, and failed miserably in each one. However, as I reluctantly hopped in to play her, I actually played somewhat decent with her and got the adept 3rd try. She can be loads of fun if you know how to play her right. I'm thinking of switching to become a Nurse main now lmao.

    Surprisingly hard: Leatherface/Bubba. I played 13 matches of him in a row before I got his adept. Not because I lost a lot, nope. Actually, I got a 4k in every. single. match. I didn't get the achievement until 13 tries because the emblem system decided to screw me over and give me 1 point less than what I needed to get a merciless victory. Frustrating stuff.

    Not at all. Hours of effort for virtually no reward, but I am a perfectionist/completionism type of guy so the more achievements I have, the better I feel. I have 152 achievements unlocked out of 182 right now, just a little more to go.

  • BrotherLove
    BrotherLove Member Posts: 160

    Will you do Survivor next? One day you will be in the 100% club with me and I feel like it wont take long ggz my friend.

  • Foxy_Teltac
    Foxy_Teltac Member Posts: 277

    How hard was Legion in your opinion?

  • ShakeyGames
    ShakeyGames Member Posts: 140
    edited October 2021

    I've already done survivor. Well, except for Ace... I haven't bought him yet lol. I'm going to buy Mikaela Reid when she comes out, then Ace after I save up 9k shards again.

    A good team of survivors will always destroy a Legion but occasionally you do get that match where the survivors are terrible and you stomp them, even as a weak killer. I got Legion after 5 tries, losing the first four games horribly then winning on the 5th one.

  • BrotherLove
    BrotherLove Member Posts: 160

    As a person who was a Legion main let me say almost no team can win if you use BBQ, Pop and almost any other two perks. But if you want specific advice for Legion Adept, use his power only until its maxed, it counts against you slightly. Make sure you milk every single hook you can out of the survivors that means play nice, then on death hook take out the best survivor first.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Why do Marvel shows/movies continue to have long opening sequences, like we don't already know what we're watching? And on that note, why does everyone keep trying to set up "cinematic universes" instead of just making good films, which still have stupid high profit margins?

  • SammehStormborn
    SammehStormborn Member Posts: 147

    Pop, thana, discordance and a flex spot - I usually put PWYF but it’s whatever. Bbq is an interesting choice. Never really bothered with it since there’s always that one survivor who wants to be at the opposite end of the map to everyone else.

  • SammehStormborn
    SammehStormborn Member Posts: 147

    that’s interesting to me. I don’t know why but 90% of killers when I was doing adepts I got first try, the one who gave me most trouble was Plague even though I was 4king every match. I even managed to get evil incarnate first try. Blew my mind that was easier than getting adept on plague, lol.

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 566

    Well done on xbox I have them all except plague, nurse (lots of 4k no merciless ranking) pinhead / Nemesis (never played as them) blight & twins (played each once wasn't a fan haven't got around to trying for adept yet)

    Trickster was my bubba moment dozens of 4k always just short of merciless victory because of how the whole ranking system works though plague & nurse are facing similar issues for me now.

  • ShakeyGames
    ShakeyGames Member Posts: 140

    I got evil incarnate first try too. I think the reason why Plague's adept is difficult is because her power allows you to down people with only one hit (making them sick until they're broken). Basically, when trying out for adept with a killer that has a power that one-hit-downs survivors, such as Hillbilly, Bubba, Plague or Myers, try to actually not use their power, lol.

    Try to do your adept trophies when a rank reset happens on the 13th of every month. At the Ash Grade the requirement to get a merciless victory is much lower.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294


    Legion, Wraith and just any M1 killer.


    Definetly Oni and Plague. Exposed killers overall are hard to get chaser. Pig took a long time too, because of Gatekeeper.

    Most fun:

    Obviously my main killers, so Deathslinger and Legion.

    Easier than expected:

    Trapper and Clown were quite easy.

    Harder than expected:

    Spirit, Twins, Nurse. Lot of players just DC

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Also in 100% club.

    Did you get Left For Dead after or before end-game collapse? If after then how? That was most pain for me.

    It's kinda sad that killer adepts are not really prestige achievement anymore, because of full resets.

    Only hard achievement for killers is Evil Incarnate now.

    I hope they will create some new hard achievement. I would like to have challenge from first tome as achievement.

    Kill all survivors in basement during one Trial. That was quite hard to do.

  • BrotherLove
    BrotherLove Member Posts: 160

    I did get it after they created end game collapse. But I only ever did it once it was a nice killer. But dont fret now that hatch counts as a draw I am hoping this achievement will get easier. When I play survivor I make a conscious effort to not run the killer too much, not hide too much. I play Red Vest Ash so I get given more hatches than usual. I would just try to be as kind to the killer as possible wish I had a magic answer.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Well, I main Jeff and I am killer main, so I know what not to do, then just donate item for easy hatch :D

    I have tried several times to get Left for Dead, but gave up after a while.

    I finished it that we kinda forced killer for farming with 4 cakes, then when last gen was 99% all my friends DC, so I finished gen and left.

    When there is 1 / 2 gens left I sometimes let last survivor finish all gens for that achievement, because it was just so much pain to me :D

    I once let survivor finished all 5, because all 3 other survivors DC, so I felt bad for him. I just let him get free double pip and hardest achievement, while watching movie on second monitor :D