The new wraith cosmetic looks amazing

This cosmetic might just be the best-looking in the game and you can buy it with shards, I didn't even realize that wraith got a new skin, but that cosmetic just looks amazing one of the best they have ever done. x-x I hope they make one as good for Nurse, that would honestly make my day are there any other dynamic cosmetics like wraiths ingame I think trapper, clown, and hag have some, but I can't remember who else.
If you mean Phantom of Vengeance, it was a skin released for his tome about a year ago. It is, indeed, one of his best skins.
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Eh, I prefer Scarecrow and Wax. But anything is better than his default.
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The problem with cosmetics and shards is that you need like 100 levels worth of xp for one set.
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Yeah, but I don't really have anything else to spend shards on, and it's boring to me to just save them up.
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Ah, I skipped that tome and took a break since they were too grindy for me, so that explains why I never knew it existed.
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Halloween skin is the best
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Yeah I mixed it up with the rift skin wanna see? It actually looks really really good together.
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Sure go ahead :). I personally dont mix often skins, I am someone who likes to keep the full outfit, in that case I play with the full set.
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Sorry for the bad quality, I play on ps so it's going to be low quality.
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dont worry, it looks nice!
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I know right, it is a good cosmetic to mix and match with.
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ye cuz it looks very neutral with the black and white^^