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How can ppl have fun like this? Like for real

Member Posts: 4,125

Thats what I call a sweaty swf team. They even used a cake + my party streamer and they still rushed the gens and tried to escape as fast as possible, ofc with classic teabags, flash light clicks only at the exit gate. I couldve try to go for kills by camping and tunneling but as I saw the cake so I wanted to go just for points and try to hook everyone for my bbq stacks. Ofc they took advantage of that and played the most efficiant way as possible by pushing the gens and finished the game therefore in 6min.

I am not saying survivors are not allowed to play sweaty or should try to win. What I am saying is if there are 2 BPS boosters in the game and the killer is clearly not going for tryhard and is even not playing a meta killer and you still try to genrush with the best set up of items in your entire team stacked and still teabagg at the gate and then insult the killer in the endgame chat (I took the screenshot without the insults cuz I dont want to make these ppl look too bad in the forums) that I am bad and should uninstall the game then this is very sad imo.

Tbf this is nothing really new, we know that sweaty swf squads exist. My point of this threat is why ppl play like that? How can ppl feel "superior" by absolutely rushing the game even though you used a BP offering against a mid tier killer. Also I am suprised that grps like that even play against these kind of Killers, I know that I have max MMR with Nemesis but idk how BHVR thinks that this is "fair" in any way.

Like seriously, we had 2 chases and the game was done xD

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  • Member Posts: 1,839

    To some people, winning is fun. Not saying they are right or wrong, just saying that they might find going completely overboard to an instant victory as entertaining.

  • Member Posts: 854

    4 DS, 4 BT, 4 good items with full add-ons, don't see what's wrong here, everything is balanced 😂.

    I have posted some screenshot aswell like 2 weeks ago, i have had a ######### ton of bad comments from survivor mains that don't know anything about the game and see it only through their own selfish perspective.

  • Member Posts: 854

    High MMR... before talking you should play at high MMR to see how is the experience... Ruin and Undying at that level last 1 minute top.

    Zombies don't prevent any gen rush lol... i don't see why your bring this here... And Nemesis is not strong... he is tier B at best.

  • Applicant Posts: 1,285

    This isn't even as sweaty as it can get. There's not even a key or map offering, and there's only one medkit and BNP.

    Still broken though, just show how much survivors can win if they really try.

  • Member Posts: 854
    edited October 2021

    BBQ and coup de grace are meta perks ? Ah okay... rofl this forum is a joke sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 4,321
    edited October 2021

    Coup de grace is a meta perk on Nemesis.

    The increased lunge makes his fist build up anime-like momentum making survivors go boom on contact. True story.

    3:10 = Nemesis + Coupe De Grace

  • Member Posts: 1,850

    Every time the killer has played a BPS or another stackable offering they have been using a meta build and have really good addons. No exception.

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    Why do Killers get upset when Survivors try their hardest to win, when they themselves frequently try their hardest to win as well? And it happens from Survivor side too, but I typically see Killer players complaining about "tryhard" Survivors the most on this forum, so this is what I'm addressing.

    And just because you might not tunnel, camp or slug, doesn't mean you should expect the opposite side to just goof off and farm BP. Survivors typically try every game to escape and expect Killers to play the same, BP offerings or not. No reason to mouth off at players in endgame chat because they played the video game a certain way.

    Also, is the SWF accusation just an assumption or the actual truth? Because I play solo with other solos and we've gotten results screens just like this against mediocre Killers.

    I like how people rarely take into consideration the Killer's skill in games like this. Killer players can be bad at the video game, you know... and if you're bad, you're not going to get hooks or kills. Can't just expect easy wins with mediocre gameplay against half-decent Survivors.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    it was sanctum of wrath, my totems got destroyed in the first min, I could protect the first gen and made it regress around half of it but they endend up just aboneding it anyway. And tbf I agree that I am using a pretty strong anti gen set up, but I am also using coupe de grace to try that perk out. This setup I am playing is not as strong as a full swf team with full items. There is no way you can say this is a "even" match up.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    I agree, I do not really take that game serious anymore since a few weeks but this game just got me on my nerves cuz I simply cannot understand ppl like that. Ofc at some point everyone will run into a team like that and you just have to accept it but it still just sucks, beeing at the position where you just have to watch it and accept it. Dbd is already 5 years out, its hard to believe that the devs still dont do anything about that.

  • Member Posts: 2,600
    edited October 2021

    All I see somebody who doesn't have the ability to beat what was put in front of them.

    People are going to play to win, FULL STOP. You have 3 choices in front of you.

    1) Get better and learn to beat them

    2) Understand these things happen and find your own fun despite losses

    3) accept this game isn't for you and move on.

    Complaining about people playing to win and letting it bother you is a one-way ticket to disappointment. If you can't do any of the above, you have no business in multiplayer games as you just don't have the right mentality for games that pit players against each other.

    If you feel something is OP or fundamentally flawed with the game, point your finger at the people who can fix it. Expecting players not to leverage advantages is a waste of time.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Ye I am trying that out on Nemesis since he is simiular like Oni, a Killer that rarely M1 hits, this perk is actually quiete decent on him and alot of fun :D It catches often survivors off guard which is funny as #########.

    And some survivors DC because they think you made had a laggy hit.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    tbf Nemesis is slighty over average in terms of Tier lists but by far not Meta or that can handle that type of SWF squads.

  • Member Posts: 1,282
    edited October 2021

    Hey they're proud that they won in a 4 vs. 1 handicapped, asymmetrical and RGN based game. Anyway this is why I don't bring any cakes at the high MMR since matches go by quickly. At high level MMR the game is mostly a gen simulator 2000. This is why a survive mode is probably for the best at this point, the goal would be to survive for 15 minutes so no gens only pure chases.

    Post edited by Trickstaaaaa on
  • Member Posts: 4,125
    edited October 2021

    So you say dbd is balanced enough to beat at any time regardless of your load out and their loadout?

    May god have mercy on your soul.

  • Member Posts: 2,600
    edited October 2021

    I never said it was balanced. I said direct your ire at people who can do something about it.

    Look at the title of your thread. You're directing your ire to the wrong people. You can't expect random players to NOT play to win.

  • Member Posts: 376

    Looks the guy above is right and you don't have the right mentality to competitive games. Stop trying to prove yourself right and accept the very constructive feedback you received from the people here.

  • Member Posts: 4,125
    edited October 2021

    Well I personally and my friends dont like to play to win. The reason why I got frustrated by this match is that I got denied by my bloodpoints by their play style.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    And yet you still ask "how can people play like this" when you yourself play to win?


  • Applicant Posts: 1,285
    edited October 2021

    Loadouts like this nullify skill. Against a team with meta perks that can do all gens in 6 minutes there's very little a killer like Nemesis can do. No matter how good you are, the survivors have to be way, way, WAY worse than the killer to lose a match like this. Everything was stacked against OP, especially because he tried to play in a more fun way for everyone, so he's in his right to be upset about it.

    People complain about survivors who "tryhard" because their basekit is already stronger than like, 20 out of 25 killers. So when you equip all the meta #########, especially if you're on a SWF, you're saying "hey I want to win without effort". Sure you can play like this if you want, but don't expect people to respect you. Just like people who play Nurse or Blight with 4 gen regression perks shouldn't.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    This comes close to god's words, very well worded my friend!

  • Member Posts: 450

    Any killer is viable if you're good enough, a really good nemesis could have easily won a match like this because of his tentacle and zombies. Survivors really aren't as strong as you say they are haha play solo q and you will see

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    Oh my mistake I wrote it wrong, I was brain afk my bad. I edited the post but here again: *me and my friend dont play to win*

  • Applicant Posts: 1,285

    I do play solo and escape most of my games. Especially now with MMR where my teammates are not potato brains anymore.

    There's not really anything a low or mid tier killer can do against 4 survivors with good loadouts unless they are way worse than the killer. You can literally down survivors in 15 seconds (an extremely fast chase for a Nemesis) and still lose all gens, especially if you want to play fair without camping/tunneling.

    If you really believe what you say I want to see you streaming 10 Nemesis games in a row against good survivors, although I bet you don't even play killer if you say things like that.

  • Member Posts: 92

    Genrush?? Bro, not a single one of the brought prove thyself and there was only 1 toolbox.

    The new part is strong but you have ruin and undying, like what do you want? Are survivors not allowed to bring anything at all? Do you want them to run with no items and perk less but you the killer can have all the strong perks and add-ons no problem?

    It's just the way of the game, everyone can bring whatever they want. Plus if their is ruin and they can't find it, it's not like they can just leave gens half done, you are basically forcing them to do them as fast as possible/

  • Member Posts: 4,125
  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Gonna have to disagree with that, nemesis is decently strong at his best. It is incredibly easy to make chases hard for him, especially when in a SWF for this guy. A swf could switch off with other people who are not already contaminated to make his tentacle be more of a hinderance.

  • Member Posts: 939

    I'm not going to add to arguing over what perks people bring etc etc.

    Just wanted to say, I'd love to face a Killer who wanted to be casual and maximize BPs when Streamers/Cakes are offered. All I usually get are Killers that stare the first down survivor in the face until death lol.

  • Member Posts: 854
    edited October 2021

    SS tier killer, great killer player vs SWF. 1 hook, all escape. Such a great game... BHVR be ashamed.

    And players on this forum claiming the game is balanced or that killers are OP, be ashamed as well, you are just terrible survivor players. Get gud.

  • Member Posts: 21,126

    BHVR doesn't care about this stuff.

    If you put the time in to learn and get good, they don't give a ######### about how balanced the game is for you.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    Fair enough. I can respect consistency even if I don't necessarily agree with the overall statement.

    But to answer your overall theme - How can people play like this. The answer is simple - not everybody is wired the same way.

    For me, it takes a real conscientious effort to NOT try. I'm hard-wired to always be giving it my all because I was raised with the mentality of "if you aren't playing to win, why keep score?". I've tried caving to the social pressure to "relax" in the past and it's only brought me greater frustration.

    Honestly, it was freeing for me to just let go of the shackles and play how I want to. Personally, I find it baffling that people would want to FAFF about with strangers they have no guarantee will extend the same courtesy. It's one think when you go into a game with mates with the attitude that you're going to meme all over each other. But with strangers? You don't know what you're going to get, so you better have your dukes up and ready to fight.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    I see thank you for your honest answer! I appreciate it!

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    For my part I also stopped taking this game seriously, but it still gets on my nerve if I want just to play a chilled game like you saw on that picture I wanted to try out coupe de grace as Nemi boy and took ruin undying to compensate the weaker perk in that case, also put in a party streamer trying to get my 1million for the new survivor. And bam I got a sweaty squad that bust my ass, ofc I know that would happen since I didnt went all out and played seriously, but it is still frustrating and sad to see that ppl still think they are the ######### if they beat you and rub it to your face. And also knowing that even if you would go all out you would never be able to beat them as they can do it with you.

  • Member Posts: 123

    You have ruin undying on nemesis, a killer that already has those two perks built in. Stop complaining.

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    And this is why the community is entitled, whiny and complaining, because people think other people should be "respectful" or "kind" to the other side. No one should give a care if people respect them or not if they're playing the way they enjoy.

    And besides that, perks like Borrowed Time and Decisive Strike ONLY work if the Killer lets them work. Decisive Strike is SO easy to play around after it's nerf that it's not even funny, and Borrowed Time only works if you hit the person who was just unhooked and it's only really egregious in endgame. And so what if these perks "nullify" skill? Are we really trying to say "You should only use perks that take skill, otherwise you're bad"? The ONLY perks I can think of from Survivors that "don't take skill" are maybe exhaustion perks like Dead Hard--all other perks are simply passive buffs to normal gameplay, or cheese perks. Meanwhile, Killers have many perks that "don't take skill" that are widely accepted and frequently encouraged and recommended to use, like Ruin + Undying, Tinkerer and NOED.

    This BS about "skill perks", "tryhards" and "respect" needs to stop. Let people play however they want and either play meta Killers and perks to fight against it or play to have fun and enjoy the Killers you play without worrying about the outcome of every match.

    I would also like to add that back before there was an Obsession every match, the matches that no one would take DS (so there would be no Obsession), the Killer would relentlessly tunnel Survivors out of the game, BP offerings or not. People were using DS less for a little while because so many Killers were pitching fits about it and that was the result. You "play nice" and not use meta perks, you get tunnelled, slugged and camped out of the game and go back to lobby with 4-8k BP. It's all cyclical--when one side plays a certain way, the other side responds in kind.

  • Member Posts: 229

    I mean, how frequently do you get these kind of games?

  • Member Posts: 1,297

    I understand you, playing against these kind of survivors is very frustrating. Its boring and takes no skill.

    Just move into next game and hope for a more fair game, *fingerscrossed*

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