Bringing New Ideas to Killer

I have been recently thinking about new ideas for killer to bring some freshness and fear back into DBD so I have been kicking around some ideas for new killers for the next year. One of my more complete ideas presents itself in the way of the Shadowstalker.

Killer Power: Shadow Stride-The ability itself is both very simple and very deadly. He can travel along the ground as a shadow and then spring out of the shadows to attack. Can move faster while using his power, similar to Wraith, but does have a weakness for flashlights while moving in the shadows. Another unique facet of this ability would be to be able to move along walls and ceilings as well.

LIke all killers it has three unique perks. These perks as well as the power itself will come a long way to introducing a killer that is unique and strong at the same time.

Hex: Deception-I believe that it is time that true deception to the game in the form of this hex. Gives the power to transform into a survivor. Simple to use with a devastating effect.

Killer Perk: Encroaching Darkness-As generators become completed darkness will further consume survivors. For every generator completed will further darken the map and reduce the killer's terror radius. When all generators are completer the killer's terror radius becomes 0 and survivor auras are revealed for 2 minutes.

Killer Perk: Shady Tactics: Killer has the power to recreate a hex totem once per trial.

I tried to imagine a killer that is strong and fun to go against as it would inspire fear. Please let me know what you think and any buffs or nerfs that are needed. Thanks :)


  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    Shady tactics already exists. It's Undying. We won't get another better version than that since it's very strong. I would like killers to be more intimidating too. But that's a bad way to go

  • Entinaty
    Entinaty Member Posts: 165

    Good point, will think about something else for it.