New killer: The Saboteur

PaperPlateFaceMan Member Posts: 6
edited May 2022 in General Discussions

Name: Eugene Wells

Lore: Ever since Eugene could remember, he felt different from others. He never liked playing with the other kids, like his mother suggested. He never liked sports or playing make believe games. While other kids played with dolls or toy cars, he would sneak into his fathers old workshead and examine his tools. His father spent most of his time in his dead-end office job and when he was home he put more time in drinking and smoking than fixing their old house, or Eugene himself for that matter. His mother quicky picked up on his facination, and bought him his beginners toolbox when he was ten.

By the time he was a young adult in nearing graduation, he was trying to make new inventions, but often we would only wind up failing, bringing him only frustration. At school he would often get bullied for reasons not known to him, from felow students and teachers alike, causing him to isolate himself further. One night when he went home, he was supriced to see his father home so early. It was then that he found out from his nearly blacked-out-drunk father. that his beloved mother was hit by a drunk driver on a crosswalk. Eugene was devastated. His mother was the only one who knew him and truly cared about him and he lost her.

When the next day a bully shoved him to the ground and told him that he should go and join "that ######### of his" he had enough. Whle everyone was having lunch, he snuck out into the parking lot, where his tormentor parked his bike. He pulled out his pliers and made a small adjustment to the brakes. When he went to school the next day he was delighted to see that the bullies chair was empty. He felt proud of himself. Not just because he got rid of him, but because he also got away with it. No one suspected a thing. He thought to himself: "Why should I stop here ? There are many more who deserve to be tought a lesson."

Over the next month there have been a series of unexplained accidents among the student and the staff alike. The grumpy janitors ladder fell apart while he was climbing it to fix a lightbulb, cofee machine in the teachers lounge spew ethanol mixed with brown dye, one of the students walkman exploded in his hand, causing him to be sent to the hospital. No one could explain who did it or why this was happening and it made Eugine invigorated. He finaly realised his talets purpuse. He was not meant to use his tools to make or fix, but to break or twist the items inner machinations.

One day, during gym class, the gym teacher would, as always, push Eugine harder than the others. He would make him do more push ups even though he knew that Eugine could not even do as much as the others and would go out of his way to point it out. Eugine would not stand for it any longer. He waited until the teacher went on his smoke break, so he could make some "adjustments" to is cars wheels.

Later that night, when he arrived home to the sight of his father passed out with a bottle in hand in front of the TV, He overheard of an accident, involving a car of a local teacher who apparently lost control and ramming into a group of pedestrians on the sidewalk, one of which was a a pregnant mother. Eugene was shocked. "No, this was not my fault. It was his, he pushed me to do this, he needed to learn, it was not me, IT WAS NOT ME!" he yelled.

There were policemen at the school the next day, asking everyone questions. He was scared, he would get cought, he would be convicted. This could not happen, he was innocent, it was them who made him do it. There had to be a way out. As he was trying to leave the school he ran into a familiar face. It was the bully, gym teachers son. He started yelling at Eugene, blaming him for everything. How does he know ? It didnt matter, he had be silenced. Eugene pulled out an old hacksaw and swung it at the bully, slicing his arm. The bully ran from eugene calling for help." Eugene chased after him, seeing him run into the teachers lounge. "Idiont" Eugine thought. "All the techers are in the principals office getting questioned, he is DONE". He used a crowbar to open the door, but to his suprice the room was empty. He was confused, he definetly saw him run in here. Soon after he heard knocks on the door outside. It was the police, they saw the blood trail. No, not now, he was so close. He panicked, started begging anyone to get him out, to save him. Then he heard something. A whisper, it spoke of solitude, of giving him an oportunity to use his tools on those who bully others for their selfish reasons. He accepted.

Power: Corrupted sabotage

You start the trial with 3 tokens, recharging 1 token takes 30 seconds, you can have up to 6 tokens. The Saboteur can use his power to modifiy certain objects in the map: Generators, chests, hooks, pallets, lockers, totems. Only 2 of every object of the same type can be sabotaged at a time (example: If you already put this on 2 gens and you try to put it on a third, the first one you put it on will no longer be affected). Applying a sabotage takes a 2 second channel on the object. . The sabotage has the following effects on the objects:

Generators : If a survivor interracts with a sabotaged generator, the generator will explode, become blocked and the entity will hold the survivor in place for 10 seconds. If the survivor loses a health state they are imimediately released. Generators stay sabotaged for 45 seconds.

Hooks: If a survivor is put on a sabotaged hook, the entity will put itself around that survivor, making him unable to be freed or freeing himself for 10 seconds. Hooks stay sabotaged until a survivor is put on them.

Pallets: If a survivor throws down a sabotaged pallet, the pallet breaks as soon as it hits the ground. (Note: it could still stun you.) Pallets stay sabotaged for 45 seconds.

Chests and totems: If a survivor interracts with a sabotaged totem or chest they become blocked by the entity for 20 seconds and you receive an notification on the object. Sabotage on chests and totem lasts until they are interacted with. Each chest and totem can be sabotaged only once.

Lockers: If a survivor enters into a sabotaged locker, the locker´s doors become blocked and the survivor cannot exit the locker for the next 10 seconds, while you receive a notification on the locker. Lockers stay sabotaged until a survivor interacts with them.


Machinist - When a generator reaches 50% progress, you gain a notification and the generators aura is then highlighted in yellow. If you damage that generator, all survivors who worked on the generator have their aura revealed for 6/8/10 seconds. Each generator can only be effected by this perk once. "You only have yourself to blame." - Eugene Wells

Tool breaker - While a survivor is useing (depleting) an item, their aura is revealed to you. When an items charges go under 25%, the survivor is afflicted with the incapacitated status effect for 10/15/20 seconds. "You may have the tools, but lack the imagination to use them" - Eugene Wells

Cruel endeavour- When you break a pallet or damage a generator you gain a token. Each token increases the regression you apply to generators when you damage them by 3/4/5%. You lose 2 tokens whenever a generator is completed.

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