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General Discussions

BHVR never listens to the playerbase; and it's the downfall of this game.

Member Posts: 84
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

(Warning this post may be semi-long. This is more so me ranting about unfixed problems and how the game is dying from it.)

With the up-and-coming news of NFTs and BHVR's part in it, I continue to be disappointed every day—what could have been a helpful fix to a game in need goes overlooked. There are still several unfix things that are being neglected and sweep under the rug, but apparently, it's okay when we get 100k BP. 

Let's start with one problem: 

Skill-Based Match Making.

At first, I was thrilled about having SBMM—mainly because I was ready to learn new killers after being told the MMR for killers is different. Being told that the newer SBMM would not be the same as their test(not being Kill/Escape based;) only for the devs to say that's precisely what it is. To me, this type of match-making is far worse than what we had before with the grading system MM. 

The journey with this match-making has been essentially negative after the first week. I stayed around High/Mid MMR during the first week—my teammates were great and knew what they were doing. Weeks after the SBMM launch, I found myself stuck in low MMR. It's been a struggling climb to even come out of Low MMR. The majority of my survivor matches now are 2-5 minute chases, with no gens done. Dying on the first hook constantly either because I got camped or my teammates stayed hiding around. Or they didn't want to get off a generator that couldn't have been more than 40% done.

My killer matches have always been whatever survivors I get on my main killer. Even if I only had one perk that couldn't have been more than tier two. It wasn't unknown that a majority was not in favor of this SBMM. However, the devs still added it. Why add something the majority of the player base did not want?  

The Hackers.

The hackers are much more of a problem for higher MMR(because hackers don't lose), but that does not mean it's not a problem at all. Hackers go without any time of punishment, and I don't think BHVR will pay them any mind any time soon. They won't even bother to fix their terrible anti-cheat that does about nothing to stop hackers.

Don't want to stay in a game with a stalling hacker? Well, you can't play for 5 minutes. If you already dc'ed before? 15. So on so on until your penalty stacks up to hours. I do not want to be in a game with a hacker that makes it impossible for the game to progress, though, I don't want the penalty either for trying to have fun on a game I paid for.

Balancing Problems/Console Lag.

I already said my personal opinions before on another thread about the balancing problems in this game. However, I'll repeat it. 

It's impossible to balance an asymmetrical game like this. There are too many factors in trying to balance it. You have to take into account all types of players (Low MMR, mid-MMR, high MMR players). Trying to balance around High MMR would make it impossibly hard for low MMR solo players and somewhat for mid-MMR, but balancing around how low MMR would be a mess for the others.

That would mean having to change around killer base kits and powers to try and fix multiple types of gameplay(Which isn't possible, if I think about it. A lot of killers would stay as lower tier.)

Both sides have Meta perks that could be a point for both sides. BBQ, Ruin, Undying, and Tinker could be noted as the Meta for killers that need to be fixed. One could argue about DS, Unbreakable, BT, and DH. (I'm not saying I have a problem with any of these perks because I don't. I don't care.)

Perks are there to help. While some are a lot better than others in usefulness, it's a given if the most useful perks are going to be used the most. Balancing around those perks is the problem though, which again I think is just not possible. Too many factors and I didn't even list them all. Only the ones I think are most important/most talked about within the community.

(on the side note of why I think balancing isn't possible. BHVR focuses too much on 1v1 rather than 1v4. All the recent killers have been 1v1. They can end chases fast however have no map pressure. They lazily write these killers and their abilities.)

The amount of poorly thought killer designs, the poorly thought out perks. All of them are a problem when it comes to balancing this game. However, this laziness also shows in console performance. I am not a console player. I bought the game on steam, however, it's sad to see the majority of the player base(which is console) cries are being ignored. Ruining their fun of the game.

Bloodpoint system/The survivor emblems.

The blood point system is an entire mess as well. It doesn't even take 1 million BP to fully level up someone to level 50. Getting everyone to P3 50 is a dream that is only possible if you are willing to throw away many hours. I'll take the 100k BP every now and then, but just know it will never even be enough. Yes, I may get past one page on the blood web, but that is it. Why is the grind for this game unnecessary long? Without seeing a seen of it getting slightly easier anytime soon unless it's on anniversary month.

My next problem however though, is the survivor emblems. Unlike killer emblems that make slight sense, survivor emblems do not. Let's say, I have one match where the killer just can't catch up to anyone in the team. They didn't get a single hook or down. It's safe to say we did very well right? Well to the emblems we did decent or terrible. There is an emblem that you get points for depending on how altruistic you are in terms of unhooking, healing and etc. Yet, there is also an emblem for NOT getting hooked. You could get Iri on one but bronze or silver on the other at best.

The nft problem.

With their already terrible reputation, they somehow managed to tarnish it even more. I was excited to play today, knowing that the buff comes tomorrow. I get home, sit at my PC desk, only to hear about NFT partnering with some unknown company to make NFTs.

Now if you don't know what NFTs are or why they are bad, these video could help you.

Knowing that steam does not accept NFTs in the slightest and will ban any game that has them made me worry. Sure, they are not selling them in-game, however, they are still associated with the NFTs. I'm sure BHVR knows no shame as they started hitting up Epic store on Twitter. Perhaps they knew they have a chance of getting banned from steam stores, making a backup plan. If BHVR can get any worse I do not know what to expect. I am extremely upset with the news of this whole situation. A game that I was trying to hold on to so dearly, falling right down in front of my eyes.

This game is dying, and I think it's time for me and many others who may be denying it; Dead By Daylight. The game is backed by devs that want nothing more than cash. They do not care about the state of the game, nor do they care what we want. The devs only care for the players that are willing to drop money no matter what happens.

I'm sad to see this game goes and I hope for at least one more chance of behavior fixing the game, finally listening to us. However, I doubt it will come. However, happy to know the new game we'll all pick up. Hopefully, VHS won't be too bad.

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