Survivor Perk Ideas:
There is a UI change to show which 2 survivors are linked. Maybe a bracelet or a half locket each.
Forever Friends: You have a bond that links you and another survivor. You see your friend is in trouble and will do anything in your power to save them. When your "friend" is on the hook you get an 25/33/50% increase to hook rescue attempts.
Never Give Up: You have a bond that links you and another survivor. Your friend is a fighter and will hang on for longer because they believe you will save them. When your "friend" is on the hook they last 5/10/15% longer on struggle stage.
We Work Together: You have a bond that links you and another survivor. You always worked together and knew things were easier when working as a team. When you and your "friend" are working on a generator together the great skill check sizes are increased by 15/20/25% with an increased 1/2/3% progression when great skill checks are hit.
Other Survivor Perk Ideas that have nothing to do with this new status.
Catch Me If You Can: With every minute that goes by during a chase, you grow in confidence. When in a chase, for every minute that goes by without being hit get a stackable 25% bonus to all bloodpoints up to 2/3/4 stacks. The bonus bloodpoints are only awarded post-trial.
Craftsman: A survivor has wasted an important pallet that could be invaluable to the team. Once per match you can rebuild a pallet already broken by the killer. This pallet will take 20/15/10 seconds to rebuild.
Sixth Sense: You can sense the evil off of hex totems when you get close to them. When within 24/20/16m of a hex totem you get a notification sound however the totem will take 75/50/25% longer to cleanse. As the killers obsession they get a notification sound once you are within the totem range. Increases your chances to be the Killer's obsession. Only one obsession per match.
Auto-Repair: During your time in the fog you've had plenty of time to learn how to work generators. Once per game when your working on a generator you can press a secondary action button that will continue working on the generator for 15/20/25 seconds after you leave. This generator will automatically stop at 95% and must be finished by a survivor. This action will stop if the killer damages the generator or another survivor starts working on the generator.
Why Stop Now: You have vaulted a window 3 times and don't see any reason in stopping. You can vault a window 4 times before it is blocked by the Entity with an increase to vaulting speed of 5/10/15%.
here is a survivor perk:
Escape without me:When exit gates are powered you are exposed for 60/55/50 seconds but your teammates have endurance for 50/60/70 seconds and the "afterhit" for endurance lasts 15/30/45 seconds
I didnt think of this well but I was thinking of an outlast chapter for this game
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Like the idea but I don't know if it would work when multiple people might run this perk and how it would affect noed. What do you think about my potential perk ideas?0
Not sure about the friend mechanic in general, but the perks by themselves do seem interesting enough. I'm assuming the "Friend" mechanic would work similar to "Obsession," but I'm not exactly sure. Either way, not too bad of an idea.
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Yea it would work similar to obsession but instead of having a link between a survivor and killer, there is a link between 2 survivors. I couldn't think of a better name than friend so any suggestion would be good. I think it adds something different to the game and would be nice to see something new. Thanks for the feedback.0
I feel like a new character should come out, or new perks that can protect the user or someone else at a cost, like they come with perk like...( sorrowful savior ) the teachable perk would allow a character to tackle the killer when trying to transport someone to a hook, but they get injured one state and exposed to the killer for an amount of time.