Dear devs UR NEW UPTADE IS...

Dear devs! U really hate killers.Now I played 1 match killer side and not wanna play more time!Fun ur dear public (survivors) if u like this.I leave.Bye
This uptade with boon totems no comments.I stop but they again install.They Change my hexes after 1 min.No.Thanks. My nerves more important than this game.
If u like this circus, u re welcome
Dang alot of people are leaving the game now
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@Hoodied really!did u see this???????my match was 3 min my hexes broken and changed to boon totems i could 2 times stop boon totems but they install this again after hit they heal like crazies and could hook only 2 times.
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as they rightfully should
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people cant be bothered to learn counterplay.
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@Miralis what are u talking about?About what counterplay?that u can change my hex to ur boon?or that i stop u boon and u can again use it?what counterplay maybe u talk more about it?I said my first game after uptade was 3 min only i could make only 2 hooks.All hexes was changed.Very interesting.If u like this.Play tournament who will faster to repair gen. :D
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I'm leaving cus they removed hawkins offerings already.
Not even replaced with something else. Just poof gone from inventories
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I dont know why everyone has like the best round as survivor and the sweatiest team. When i play survivor i have just bad rounds. Either i get camped or i get tunneld. I just make it to 2-4 gens.
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It’s called SWF.
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Is pretty obvious it's because when you play your playing solo quene by yourself all these games are 4 man pre made death squad that only play with their group and you'll never meet these players unless you play killer then you'll see them every game
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Don't use hex perks?
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Somehow I burned all Hawkin offering recently, I have no offering left. But didnt expect they already removed it.
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Because everyone thinks he is Godlike killer and then they complain in aftergame chat or here.
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you know that would of been gone instead of a boon totem right, and your hex wouldnt have any other way out than getting destroyed...
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It's not as common as everyone makes it out to be. People just get fixated on one game they lost and can't get over it.
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Great counterplay lol
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They did WHAT NOW? So we can't even offer it until it's gone?
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So many survivor mains have said that it wouldn't become META as they are all potatoes knowing nothing about how the game works.
It will be massively Meta in duoQ+ squads. Also, survivors can talk in chat before the beginning of the trial, they will ask who takes which boon perks.
Those boon perks are way, way too strong and have such a great synergy with the old META perks.
Shadow will allow you to loose the killer after the first hit, good synergy with Iron Will, DH, DS and of course with circle of healing. The injured survivor that just lost the killer will go to the healing zone and heal in no time.
That's what will happen in 80% of the trials.
Reminder, 24 meters around the totem = 1800 m2.
Well let's say 2000, it's easier for calculation. It means around 1/5 of some maps.
1/5 of the map, 1/5 for ######### sake...
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Gone??? #########, they made be buy 5 of those ######### offerings yesterday trying to level up and get some Kindred. BS, they should give the Blood Points for taking them
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I'm sad to see this. I had saved some on all my characters to keep as souvenirs like the Moonlight Offerings... I dont see why they couldnt have just "kill-switched" them instead... </3
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Same here. I have at least one dc per match almost.
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Anyone know if madness 3 prevent boon totem's blessing cause I know it prevent totem's cleansing.
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Funny, kind of like how baby survivors couldn’t bother to learn counterplay to killers and instead demanded nerfs? This game isn’t worth supporting anymore. The devs don’t care about people who put in time to learn, but only about the easy instant gratification that new players want.
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Wow, you played the game without crashing? You've had some pretty decent experience then, no sarcasm intended.
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I should've said just "wow, you've played the game!", because now the game doesn't even get past the "press space to continue" screen.
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that's bullshit
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Boons have as much counterplay as old DS and dead hard. You can do something, but not enough to counter it
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Ah yes the killer sided patch that saw keys nerfed, Trapper and Ghostface no longer add-on dependent, Plague buffed, Blood Favor become good.
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hex should only be removed if the totem is destroyed
survivor perk simply overwriting killer perk and killer perks like noed can't override survivor perks is just not right
killer perk should always trump survivor perk of the same type such as totems or iron will/stridor
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- Base trap carrying capacity and starting traps increased to 2 (was 1)
- Trap aura color changed from red to white to be consistent with other killer object auras
Base trap carrying capacity and starting traps increased to 2 (was 1)
The number of traps spawned on a given map is now always 6 (was random 4-6)
Add-on – Trapper Gloves: Setting speed bonus increased to 30% (was 20%)
Add-on – Secondary Coil: Increased trap disarm time to 50% (was 43%)
Trapper Sack: Bear Traps are carried at the beginning of the trial instead of spawning on the map.
The Wraith
Uncloaking speed boost duration reduced to 1 seconds (was 1.25 seconds)
Hill Billy
Add-on – Death Engravings: Added effect: Decreases heat generated while charging by 14%
Add-on – Doom Engravings: Added effect: Decreases heat generated while charging by 14%
Add-on – Mother’s Helpers: Charge speed bonus after being stunned increased to 18% (was 12%)
Add-on – Tuned Carburetor: Charge speed bonus increased to 25% (was 20%)
The Nurse
Add-on – Torn Bookmark: Removed line of sight restriction. Added effect: Increases Blink recharge time by 50%
The Shape
Add-on – Vanity Mirror: Removed speed penalty
The Hag
Add-on – Waterlogged Shoe: Increased speed bonus to 4.5% (was 2%)
The Pig
- Add-on – Bag of Gears: Increased Reverse Bear Trap setting speed bonus to 50% (was 20%)
- Add-on – Crate of Gears: Decreased Jigsaw Box search penalty to 33% (was 43%)
- Add-on – Tampered Timer: Decreased Reverse Bear Trap death timer modification to 20 seconds (was 30 seconds)
- Add-on – Amanda’s Letter: Jigsaw Box reduction removed. Aura reveal range increased to 16 meters (was 12 meters)
- Reworked Add-on – John’s Medical File: Increases crouched move speed by 6%
- Reworked Add-on – Razor Wires: Failing a Jigsaw Box skill check while uninjured will injure the survivor
The Spirit
While phase walking Survivors within 24 meters of The Spirit (not the husk) hear a directional audio cue that gains volume with proximity
The Plague
- If the power button is released early, Vile Purge will continue charging to the minimum threshold instead of cancelling and entering cooldown
- Vile Purge cooldown move speed increased from 2.3m/s to 3.6m/s
- Base object infection time increased to 40 seconds (was 35 seconds)
- Time to cleanse at a fountain increased to 8 seconds (was 6 seconds)
- Add-on – Limestone Seal: Object infection bonus increased to 20 seconds (was 5 seconds)
- Add-on – Emetic Potion: Increased Vile Purge effectiveness bonus to 30% (was 25%)
- Add-on – Hematite Seal: Object infection bonus increased to 30 seconds (was 10 seconds)
Add-on – Ashen Apple: Removed object infection duration modifier. Added effect: Increases the number of Pools of Devotion in the trial by 1
- Add-on – Exorcism Amulet: Increased Corrupt Purge duration bonus to 10 seconds (was 6 seconds)
- Add-on – Devotees Amulet: Increased Corrupt Purge duration bonus to 20 seconds (was 8 seconds)
Reworked Add-on – Vile Emetic: Increases velocity of vomit projectiles by 10%
The Deathslinger
- Increased movement speed when aiming down sights to 85% (was 75%)
- The cooldown when a survivor breaks free is now the same duration as a successful hit cooldown
- Add-on – Gold Creek Whiskey: Removed movement speed penalty
- Add-on – Marshal’s Badge: Removed movement speed penalty
- Add-on – Iridescent Coin: Decreased range requirement to 12 meters (was 15 meters)
- Add-on – Wanted Poster: Decreased movement speed while aiming to 2.5% (was 10%)
- Add-on – Jaw Smasher: Decreased movement speed while aiming to 1% (was 5%)
The Ghost Face
- Night Shroud recovery time decreased to 24 seconds (was 30 seconds)
- Add-on – Walleye’s Matchbook: Decreased Night Shroud recovery modifier to 2 seconds (was 4 seconds)
- Add-on – Olson’s Address Book: Decreased Night Shroud recovery modifier to 3 seconds (was 6 seconds)
- Add-on – Chewed Pen: Decreased Night Shroud recovery modifier to 4 seconds (was 8 seconds)
The Blight
- Add-on – Adrenaline Vial: Increased rush token recharge bonus to 1 second (was 0.75 seconds). Added effect: Increases Rushing speed by 10%
- Add-on – Summoning Stone: Increased pallet blocking range to 16 meters (was 12 meters). Increased pallet blocking duration to 15 seconds (was 6 seconds)
The Oni
Add-on – Scalped Topknot: Reduced Demon Dash activation reduction to 0.5 seconds (was 1 second)
The Trickster
Add-on – Ji-Woon’s Autograph: Decreased the reduction of blades required to 1 (was 2)
These are the newest reworks and added things to the game I looked through them and removed ones that were reworks or a change of rarity. And found 7 things they changed that were not in favor of the killers.
Also it should be mentioned that not a single survivor got buffed! Some of the names of the items perks ect have been changed but not a single buff! I don't play as survivor alot but as a killer main I can nearly always get a 4k without camping tunneling or needing of underhanded tactics. It's sad af to see all those buffs given to killers and they are still so bad at the game they have to come here and complain or camp and tunnel... I mean the survivors don't see you as a killer they just hope they have an item they can use and rarely have the upper hand but yea it's totally the game developers fault that you are bad at the game..
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It just gives them even more reason to find totems early, making perks beside ruin even less viable then they already were. Plus, the survivor actually saves time blessing a hex cause they get to activate their perk and get rid of yours at once, saving 4 seconds. The only counter is scaring survivors off totems, but killers cannot camp a hex totem since there is only one of them and 4 survivors.
Honestly, I like boon totems, but I have no idea why they can be reset and the totem is not destroyed when the killer crushes it. These facts remove most of the counterplay the perks have and changes them from the high risk high reward perks they should be, like hexes, to brain-dead timed repetition perks, like exhaustion perks (which are already the strongest perks survivors have access to). Boons are obviously weaker because they do not passively reset like exhaustion, but killers still need to drop chase to destroy them thus highlighting their need for some counterplay.
Personally I would like it if the killer snuffs the totem then it is destroyed. The boon can be replaced, but you have to find a new totem location for it that might not be in that part of a map. Thus, punishing survivors for placing them to early or getting totems destroyed in areas with potential 3 gens.