So Deathslinger mains, will you keep playing Deathslinger?

Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

I have played 5 games and I can safely say that only reason why I will ever touch him again is some challenge, or daily.

He feels worse to play than Huntress and he is worse as a killer than Huntress.

I don't care about how good he is, change his TR, nerf fake ADS, nerf addons, I couldn't care less, but they had to nerf quick-scope. Only thing he was better compare to other ranges killers and he feels like [BAD WORD] now, because of that.

So he has long ADS, but he has limitations that other ranged killers don't and has tiny hitbox. His POV and sensitivity in ADS is just terrible. It wasn't really known before, because everyone quick-scope, so it didn't matter.

If you try to tell me that 400 ms is not big nerf, then I guess you have never played FPS games. Even 60 ms matters for guns. Deathslinger was played mainly by FPS games players, because he has a [BAD WORD] gun, which can quick-scope. Well, he had....

That's why I started playing him, I have probably over 200 hours just on him and it's just wasted now. Time to learn Trickster I guess. SMG still works...

So yeah, that's a no from me.

So Deathslinger mains, will you keep playing Deathslinger? 25 votes

GuiltiiRemedicistsyainGarlicRiceputtpupper 5 votes
kodiakycreoleprinceAvilgusAhoyWolfSadLegionsadakiyoCrowmanTheEntityNeaBoostedKateMainDhurl421getuy45u4iuJarolDino7281RK67PSPGazgemauchteslaAurelledednarkGruuc 20 votes


  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,428

    I don't feel like playing him anymore, I wasn't a Deathslinger main but I played him a lot, his add-ons suck and now his base-kit aswell.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Not a Deathslinger main, but I don't think I'll ever play him now.

  • syain
    syain Member Posts: 440

    Well I started playing him because he looked cool. Still looks cool. Never cared about winning games anyway.

  • creoleprince
    creoleprince Member Posts: 5

    He was one of my main killers to play as until they nerfed his quick scope 😡. It's so much harder to play as him now so NO I'll no longer be playing as this killer until the DEVS fix him back to the way he was.

  • tesla
    tesla Member Posts: 446

    The ADS needs to be at least half. And since now his TR is 32m, he should be 4.6 when his weapon is not loaded.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    The last game I had with Deathslinger, I won it, but after the patch, it died for me.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    That would be interesting.

    I am not sure half would save him. As long you can't really quick-scope, you have to deal with his ADS FOV and sensitivity, which is just terrible.