How do you feel about BHVR?

Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

How do you feel about BHVR? 18 votes

Pretty good. I'm hopeful for the future of DBD
16% 3 votes
I'm not going to stop playing or anything, but I'm probably not going to play as much as I used to.
11% 2 votes
I'm pretty neutral. I'll wait and see how things play out.
33% 6 votes
I'm probably going to stop playing, at least for a while.
11% 2 votes
I've already uninstalled.
16% 3 votes
I wish I'd never played in the first place.
11% 2 votes


  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    I'm not neutral, in fact I'm quite disappointed and pissed at them, but as it says in the answer I'll wait and see how it goes.

    I'm still going to play DBD though, as much as I already have.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I feel little burnout. Not because of NFT scandal. It's more like seasonal burnout.

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911

    This poll isn't about how you feel about BHVR, but about if you're going to continue playing DbD

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    oops, sorry. I meant how BHVR's handling is affecting your enjoyment of the game. sorry. I didn't mean to mislead you.

  • jinxykinz
    jinxykinz Member Posts: 107

    I love them because I love this game, but also I hate them because I hate this game. Lol.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    It's just a broken roller coaster ride that goes up and down at this point. you can definitely see when your going up the roller coaster which could be fun and great but then the hype of going up the roller coaster just goes down and down and down to where you just wanna through up and just stop the ride or you could keep going to hopefully go to the highest point on the ramp, only to go back down the ramp again, but if you decide to stop the ride, you could clearly see how the concept of the ride was truly great but the execution wasn't there clearly.

    It's weird comparing DBD to a roller coaster ride which to admit I've never been on a Roller Coaster ride before, but you see the comparisons that are trying to be made.

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    I'm disappointed in them. I've uninstalled largely because many new chapters that could've been great either felt lazy or just unfinished in my opinion. The same game mode over and over has gotten stale, and new chapters just seem to break the game on release. I wouldn't say I wish I never played, but I question why I played as long as I did.

    I'm disappointed in them because I truly believe that they COULD do better and just choose not to because much of the community will buy new cosmetics and chapters without question anyway. Basically, I feel that we're just not a high priority to them.