Deathslinger is garbage.



  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited October 2021

    It is the same ######### for every non mobility Killer, but it just got significantly worse for Deathslinger, when it actually used to be not terrible for him. Also while I do agree that catching up at 0.6 m/s is still bad, 0.4 m/s is 50% worse. Seriously that extra 8m would take 13.33 seconds as a 115% killer, it takes 20 seconds as a 110% one. That's why this nerf is so bad for Deathslinger specifically. His main saving grace was the ability to stealth close enough or almost close enough to take his shot. Now he can't do that without perks.

    Huntress actually doesn't have the same problem as him. Her hatchets do not have a hard capped max range. Sure landing them from outside her lullaby is very difficult and probably impossible on indoor maps, but she can do it. Meaning Huntress has a skill based way to mitigate her low speed and huge "Terror Radius". Deathslinger doesn't. He still has his 110% move speed, he still has his hard capped range, he still has his reeling minigame that eats time, and he still has to reload a lot. But he's lost the 2 things he had to make up for those weaknesses.

    I'm aware that 110% killers have to outposition better. Hell I used to main 8 knife to injure Trickster. Even after his lullaby got "fixed" that version of Trickster had better options for dealing with Shift + M1 than Current Deathslinger does.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    You are absolutely wrong about quickscoping.

    Quickscoping requires aim and saying otherwise is laughable. To be good at quickscoping you have to keep a mental note of where you gun will fire and factor any leading you may have to do, because once you commit to the quickscope you can't readjust.

    There's also nothing unfair about it. Being hit by the spear does not do damage and you can't go down if the Slinger can't follow up with an M1.

    Not to mention he has 1 shoot meaning any miss is very punishing. While zoning by spamming ADS needed adjustments so Deathslingers need to commit to their shot, a survivor still has the ability to bait slinger into taking bad shots.

    Not every killer power needs to be reactable. Otherwise we would nerf Trapper and his traps since you can't react to traps that he places that are hidden.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Quick-scoping wasn't that easy to do, unless you used crosshair tho.

    It was only thing that make him different from other ranged killers, now he is just worse, harder and less fun to play. There is not a single reason to play him over Huntress, or even Trickster.

    He is not worst killer in the game, but he is least fun killer to play in the game.

    His ADS FOV and sensitivity sucks and is terrible to use.

    If you enjoyed zoning with him, then you are fine, you still can do it. Problem is that I hate it and it's cheap, I always tried to go for fancy quick-scopes and he is just super boring to me without it.

    It was possible to predict his quick-scope and that hitbox is super tiny, so easy to miss. Right now, he can't just shoot, because even potato can react to it, so he is forced to zone.

    "There is no practice in earth that makes you realistically able to react to a 0.3s move."

    Pro-players can get up to 120 ms...

  • Floppy
    Floppy Member Posts: 50

    No if you read the patch notes it gave nothing to the survivors! In fact it only changed the names of certain perks and gave accurate percentages rather than saying moderate or slight it gives accurate information! I not only looked up the patch notes but I copy and pasted them to many people. Not a single survivor got a perk during this patch.

  • Nobody_TM
    Nobody_TM Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2021

    I feel like that is a really glib take on the fact that a survivors base kit is the standard across all characters & that their only distinguishing changes that have ever been expected have been through the changing of perks (its only been this year people have seriously been asking for perks to be made basekit for survivors). Likewise if you're someone who is going to split hairs to such a degree as ignoring a new survivor with new perks, or the buffing of other older survivor perks (Built for last has now created the 52 Gen scenario as seen here), then you seem like someone who would take the time in end game chat not to read my grievances but correct "your" to "you're" smugly.

    You're flippant disregard for the significance of Deathslingers changes is quite stunning; when you proudly announce buffs like an increase of 75% movement speed to 85% while ADSing with some of the worst YAW that has ever existed & 125% zoom on an iron-less sighted gun. Likewise the cuteness of add-on reworks & Iri buffs is small potatos when the gimmick itself is now horrific to use. Underestimating a few seconds delay when you have one shot & have to be lightning quick has got to be some of the most stunning ignorance if I've ever seen it.

    Many, many spots to which you could develop game sense, timing & haste like on the holes of Meat Plant, Most Killers Shacks wall opening, Some Places through tires at Autohaven, Stairwells cracks, are realistically out the window because the delay is going to kill those shots. Lets not even talk about pallets at jungle gym chases where you used to be able to mindgame and land a shot in chase around the corner just before they cleared out of sight, thus ending a chase without needing a pallet break of a normally safe tile. You seem to have conflated the idea of something being harder to execute (realistically these aformentioned notes of trickshots are a 1 in a million now) with a larger skill cieling, but truthfully, that is not how the New-Deathslinger, if anyone will play him at all, is going to work. It's also like saying if I snap your ankles it takes more skill to walk; I've increased the ceiling! (On the prior note, I highly doubt we will ever have Player Statistics again on Kills & Killer Pick Rates after last years killer destruction). You've cut out an entire style of play, raised the bar for the most basic of shots, and deleted the real end-game goal / skill cap of risque & interesting longshots for instead, holding M2 threateningly.

    A player isn't going to risk the equivalent of 25-30% more slowdown (Aim, Shoot, Re-reel, Reload, Continue) & a 27% relative speed increase on survivors for a "chancy" shot. The punishment is far to high to merit the squeeze anymore. You now have the most boring, and skilless playstyle of all, free zoning. Threatening survivors but never using their power. Just like Nemi, just like Pyramid head. With the changes to DS's terror radius as well, making sneaking up to get an edge with your limited range, his power really is just a one trick pony albiet a dead one: a bad zoning tool. Worse, now its a power you are legitamately discouraged from using in the way its advertised, why shoot when its just a waste of time?

    Comparatively to all other ranged & semi ranged characters, Deathslinger has no real upside or even a good Philosophy of use now since his ability to unpredictably end chases is gutted. His power went from tangible to theoretical. Why would I take a 93% move speed penalty ( a buff in your book) when trickster as the closest comparison, moves at 95% while throwing, has enough knives for 3 downs & an injure and can do so at any range, even over pallets, and will only take 2 seconds with Iron Maiden to reload versus 4.63 on DS while I am slowed to sub 80 in the process? But hey I guess the Hellshire Iron makes me undettectable for 10 seconds after a spear, I'm really living the high life.

    You can trot along minor reworks to Addons or a movement speed increase while ADSing, it still doesn't change the fact that the character has had its gimmick gutted. If you can honestly play Deathslinger now and not ask yourself why you aren't just playing Trickster or Huntress who have far more going for them for far less squeeze, I don't know what can be done for you. I just have to imagine your some sort unpaid shill.

    Post edited by Nobody_TM on
  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941

    I really enjoyed playing him, the day after the nerf i played him again and i just DC'd. They made him garbage and i won't play him anymore if they don't undo this horrible nerf. They gave the Nurse (the most broken en OP killer) 3 blinks, but the deathslinger (wich wasn't OP) got the most unfair nerf ever. Conclusion: The Devs are just terrible at making the game balanced.

  • Floppy
    Floppy Member Posts: 50

    Lmao you correct my grammar? Sorry to offend your grammar issue but due to that this entire message has been not taken seriously. You are like a child who is mad that I don't care as much as you. I'm sorry if my opinion hurts your fragile constitution but I lost interest in that atrocity of a statement as soon as you went 4th grade teacher on me. Please no need to reply back I will be ignoring your comments from here forward. No need to correct my grammar like it actually means something here. Lol you enjoy being you and I will get back to having a life outside of this game.

  • DorkianBae
    DorkianBae Member Posts: 227
    edited October 2021

    Does it even need to be said? The killer is ######### awful now and the only people who don't agree don't actually play him

    I dropped him completely, he's low tier useless garbage now... Go play a killer that isn't just a downgrade of multiple other killers.

    Currently I am maining Pyramid head, Nemesis, Wraith, Leatherface, Doctor.... Also learning Blight/Nurse. I'd rather play any of those killers over Deathslinger now which is sad to say since he use to be my favorite/main killer.

    They triple nerfed Deathslinger in one single patch so of course he's going to be awful... They don't want you playing the killer, that's why they destroyed him.

    in my opinion he's not even mid tier anymore, guy is like bottom 5 or something now. If you want to play a ranged killer, just go play Huntress or Hell, even Trickster is better now lmao. I can't think of many killers worse than Deadslinger....Legion, Ghostface maybe? Pig maybe? Possibly Clown? I'd still rather play those even if they are weaker because he feels that clunky and terrible.

  • Nobody_TM
    Nobody_TM Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2021

    You didn't read anything I wrote, did you. Not enough to understand that what you just posted makes no sense whatsoever in the context of that post.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Btw overwhelmingly negative recent reviews on steam. I'm still absolutely livid so many content creators are insisting hes still good. Now that the dust has settled its seems clear that slinger might be heading the same direction as billy.

    A killer who was umfairly nerfed and has suffered irrepable damage that will mot be undone till a full scale rework is done likely in two years time.

  • AtraXis
    AtraXis Member Posts: 78

    Yeah, everyone is saying that. Except shooting was the actual skilled part of the killer. Now with the nerf, it's so risky that zoning is a better option. A better option that is way easier to do and still rewards you. Much more skill required, indeed