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Boon Totem Complaints -

Meg_Survivor Member Posts: 199
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Im seeing so many killer mains complaining about boons, "boons are too op", "what perks counter boons" , "boons should be nerfed more"....Like everytime survivor mains get perks that benefit us killers always complain? Yal have BBQ, Ruin, Corrupt Internvention ect...NOED....literally way better perks then us survivors. We should be able to escape as well....idc about the hatch/key nerf because i never bring keys anyways, but the amnt of complaints is crazy if you think boons are still too op maybe play something else?

Post edited by Mandy on


  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    The game is "Do gens or die"

  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    In all the perk the game as too offer the top 5 perk are all on the survivor side. So saying killer perk are op is far fetch i think.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    all survivor mains complain about is NOED, that's how i know this is half satire and biased. Let's have a real argument here, boons can be applied over and over by multiple people and they are strong benefits. All those killer perks can have no helping effect as they run out for the rest of the trial. That's not the case the other way around

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,697

    I think they need a cooldown after the killer snuffs it. But killers got tired of playing against the same old meta. we'll see what the future holds with these boon perks.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    True, boons are so bad that I stopped playing killer and I'm just playing survivor bullying any killer I have a chance to.

  • Iliketoplaykiller
    Iliketoplaykiller Member Posts: 352

    If you guys don't think most of us "killer mains" don't play solo q your delusional. A lot of us do play solo q because hey we usually don't play with friends so we do have to play solo when we play survivor. Weird... I wouldn't say the healing boon is op but the shadowstep on indoor maps / haddonfield are insanely broken.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,169

    I play 50/50, and even as survivor the Boon has made playing feel like easy mode. I can see the safe area anywhere on the map and just go to it and pretty much be safe. It's just very unrewarding. And as killer, it's not the strength for me but just how many times and on how many totems they can be placed on, effectively creating a large area that can be relit whenever.

    Basically, they just make survivor much easier and actually makes the game dull. And I don't feel they have thought it through that well at all.

  • drakolyr
    drakolyr Member Posts: 322

    Boon Totem perks do need to be looked at more... Cause the fact that they can be placed repeatedly is a problem and on top of Hexes

    Already got nerfed if you put it on a hex. The boon totems aren't map wide and dont have that powerfull effect as hex does. SImple as that.

    The complaints about NOED are getting to be too much at this point... either do Totems or leave if/when you get the gate(s) open

    He says, after complaining about boons. Just do bones, stop complaining about boons. Duh.

    Right now the Killer has to worry about:

    4 Survivors

    Up to 16 perks

    7 Gens



    Our own Power

    Hex Totems

    And now Dull Totems

    Map Geometry

    Most of this also applies to survivors.

    Survivors need also to look at:

    Killer special abilities.

    Killer Addons

    4 Powerfull Perks

    Unhook/heal other survivors

    etc etc...

    Both sides have their stuff to do or "wasting" time.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    This false equivalency is absurd. The sides are asymmetrical and must be judged by a separate sets of criteria.

    It goes both ways. Folks saying hexes should be relit cuz boons can be is ridiculous. They're different sorts of things, the only commonality is that they use totems for their effects.

    So yes, killers have more to worry about than survivors because they have to think about similar sets of things.....multiplied by four. The role is stressful at times, this is undeniable. Adding more stress and time pressure onto it is a hostile way to treat that part of your playerbase.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    NOED, Corrupt, BBQ? Those perks don't hold a candle to what survivors have got.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    NOED - the #1 complained-about perk by survivor mains. I personally never use because it rewards bad play and is a crutch perk. Would rather learn to win without it

    Corrupt - lasts for two minutes and then you play rest of match with three perks

    BBQ - several different ways to counter and also discourages camping

    Not super convinced that these are way better than the survivor meta perks

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    The problem is that strong perks that survivors get often time require a paultry amount of effort for an absurdly useful effect. It makes killers feel like they're going, not against the survivors' skills, but against the game safeguarding them constantly.

    Circle of healing for example is basically like: spend a few seconds for infinite heals. Heals being: Hold m1 on a non resisting entity to undo what the killer could have taken up to 30 seconds to do by actually outplaying a survivor. And this effect is for the whole team.

    Thing is, survivors have such powerful safeguard and mistake undoing perks that the only perks that can compete are other powerful safeguard/mistake undoing perks, which creates frustration with killers that see how they are still being stalled by the game's mechanics more than survivor skill.

    Now, I will 100% agree with you that killers have some perks that do the same, and I hate them too, for the same reason. I want a game where players outplay each other and perks help or are useful when the investment from the player is proportional (BBQ helps but ONLY if you hook a survivor, a fair trade for it's effect. But, Corrupt? f that perk, gives you 2 minutes for nothing).

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited October 2021

    BBQ, Ruin = tier D perk, totally useless, especially if you are playing at high MMR.

    Corrupt last 2 minutes only... 1 hook, maybe 2 and it's done.

    Noed pop at the end, if you play at high MMR, you will get one kill out of it if you are lucky.

    You are a baby cutie survivor 😍

  • coolmacc
    coolmacc Member Posts: 70

    Boons are not powerful enough to warrant being completely destroyed why can’t killers understand that.

    Map wide hexes like ruin and devour if not dealt with will stop any chance of survivors escaping. And there is no setup just slap on the perk and let it ride

    Boons increased healing and no scratch marks in a section of the map with setup time aren’t comparable.

    If boons worked like hexes as a perk where you don’t have to set them up and it’s map wide 100% healing speed then it would warrant being destroyed.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    They just need to “ do bones” like they have been telling us for years…. They are going on like they can’t hear them from miles away and kick them in 2 seconds minewhile it takes me like 20 seconds to do a totem.. 20 seconds not on gens which btw killers complain that we do so “ quickly” it’s laughable really is

  • LiquidPhat
    LiquidPhat Member Posts: 40
    edited October 2021

    I don't understand. One minute killers are upset playing against the same thing, then when survivors get something new, that's potentially worth using - they want it nerfed. Then when we go back to using the same things, they complain again.

    Then they complain about how survivors are just holding W - literally was playing with my friend and a killer got upset because she just held W, not because she's trying to make a great play or anything, but because she honestly sucks at looping and the killer got mad for making it too easy. So do killers want to be able to get easy kills or get looped for 5 gens? So I am sincerely confused.

    I already know posting this, every killer main and their grandmother are going to start ganging up, so have a good day.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657
  • Sabraiz
    Sabraiz Member Posts: 566

    Same thing happened when original Undying was released, all of a sudden killers started using new perks, which survivors had been complaining about only facing the same perks and yet they complained and wanted it nerfed.

    Wanting to face new things does not mean you want to face something stupidly strong.

    To go in depth, the strength of Circle of Healing varies from good to stupidly strong depending on map and the location of the totem. Imagine Temple of Purgation and blessing either a totem in the back area of the mainbuilding basement or on top of the walkway there. An area that a killer has no reason other than wasting a lot of time, especially the basement area. The time it takes for the killer to walk down and there and snuff the totem and then back up takes a lot longer than 14 seconds.

    Especially if you consider the fact that a killers time is worth four times as much as a survivor. I.E. 10 seconds for killer is 40 seconds for the survivors, there is four of them after all and all their actions are being done in parallel.

    Now the same situation exists for Ironworks of Misery, Dead Dawg Saloon, Disturbed Ward, to an lesser extent Fathers Campbell Chapel and all indoor maps with multiple floors, considering that the boon totems have no restriction in the z-axis direction.

    And we can even look at the area of effect of a boon totem, roughly 1810 square meters post nerf, roughly 2460 square meters pre nerf. Comparing to the largest map Mothers Dwelling which is 12032 square meters, one boon totem covers roughly 15% of the map as long as the entire boons area of effect is inside the map.

    If we look at Midwich which is 7264 square meters it would cover 25% of the map, until you realize that Midwich is two floors with identical sizes on both floors, one boon totem potentially covers up to 50% of the map.

    Survivors having access to 16 second heal where they don't need anyone else to heal them makes the late game really rough for killers since the survivors can just put up an area away from the gens where they run to and heal. If the killer commits and chases he loses the gens, but if the killer chooses to defend the gens all the pressure generated by injuring a survivor is lost for no cost from the survivors.

    I have been mostly focusing on Circle of Healing here, but you should be able to imagine yourself how stupidly broken Shadow Step can be with a coverage of up to 50% of a map.

    I already know posting this, every killer main and their grandmother are going to start ganging up, so have a good day.

    Amazing example of victim complex here, taking an initiave to make yourself out to be a victim to the big scary killer mains.

    Having been a reader of these forums for a while I can state with good confidence that the amount of complaints are pretty much equal between both sides. For every nerf survivor post I see an equal amount complaints about NoED, tunneling and camping.

    And as someone that plays both sides in game, I do see how the game is heavily survivor sided. Biggest issue being map balance, but this isn't part of the discussion.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    They'll always be complaints until survivors are perkless.

    As overpowered as killers are, you'd think they would be some compromise.

    You can't even use boon totems because killers have no cost to disable them. They can hear them from afar, and takes no time to snuff it.

    NOEDENJOYER Member Posts: 237

    I'm sorry but infinite med-kits for the entire team isn't powerful enough for you?

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Boon perks (especially if you take both) are effectively giving Distortion and Lucky Break and a medkit to every survivor in the totem's range. If the other three survivors pass through that area they effectively have 6 perks (their 4 plus Distortion plus Lucky Break) and a free medkit in addition to their chosen item for ZERO investment on their behalf.

    How unbalanced is that? It sets up a zone where the killer is extremely disadvantaged and makes things like end-game reset trivial when all can heal at massive rate of speed and you're invisible to perks like Nurses.

    In particular it's rough for low-mobility killers and especially territorial ones like Nurse & Trapper - pity the poor Trapper who has to trudge all across the map away from his trapped area if he wants to get rid of that power zone.

    The fact that they can be renewed an infinite number of times is just insane. Yes, it has a cost to that one survivor of 14 seconds time but the other three have zero cost to gain a massive advantage.

    Balanced? Hardly.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,955

    so many "us vs them" posters in here

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I play more Survivor, but I also play killer (in about 25% of my maches). I know the soloq pain very well and I know that Shadowstep can be a real pain on maps like RPD, Lery's etc where there are a lot of corridors where you can vanish. And a killer doesn't have the extra time to "go and do bones". I can snuff it, when it is right next to the hook for example, but I won't bother serching for it on multiple floor maps, where you can hear the sound through the floor/ceiling.

    And what about some Survivor Mains? You cried until Freddy was gutted again (because "snares are braindead"), you cried until Billy got nerfed to the ground, you cried until they nerfed Undying (because "cleansing Ruin 5 times is too much"), you cried about old Ruin, you cried about old Moris. So don't come with "they just want every perk F tier".

    Just remember: Survivor bring 4 times the number of perks a killer does.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Survivors have literally the best 5 perks in the game. Killers OP? Where did you get that one? Are you trolling? Or have you never seen a match of a mid-tier killer (the character, not the player) vs a good team?

    Maybe just don't place your boon at the best to find totem.... A pain everyone knows who has played killer with Hexes.

    And a killer doesn't have the extra time to "go and do bones". I can snuff it, when it is right next to the hook for example, but I won't bother searching for it on multiple floor maps, where you can hear the sound through the floor/ceiling. And Survivors can see their ######### safe heaven from the other side of the map.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I want a perk that can reset a repaired Gen to the unrepaired version (from 100% to 0%) for 60s after it has been repaired. Just because Survivors have x 2nd chance perks and killers only have NOED (Bloodwarden is too much hit or miss.).

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    A good killer can always wreck a team even with a low or mid-tier killer.

    I literally have put a boon in the middle of some grass in an inconspicuous location on Yamaoka Estate and the killer heard it walked right to it. After wasting a half minute setting it.

  • venusxbunny
    venusxbunny Member Posts: 34

    I mostly play survivor and still think boons are too much. They should only be placeable once, if the entire team can have the perk it's too much to be infinitely reset. Yes hex totems don't need to be setup at all but it's only 1 perk, the tradeoff of having to take time to setup a boon is that each boon is 2 perks in 1. A hex is permanently destroyable and there's only 1 totem for each hex, yet the same boon can be placed infinitely by multiple people AND on top of a hex totem w/o having to take the extra time to cleanse it first. I think they should be one time use by each survivor, and you have to take double the time to place on a hex totem. That seems fair to me.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,366

    The "Do Bones" argument doesn't work here.

    NOED can be removed from the game permanently by cleansing all dull totems before the end of the game.

    Boon Totems cannot be removed from the game permanently. They get disabled until a survivor blesses a totem again. And since survivors can infinitely bless totems there's very little advantage to a killer snuffing out boons. Assuming all 4 survivors are still up, a killer spending at least 4 seconds to find and snuff out a boon totem is spending more time than it took for a survivor to bless it (if it was a dull). Now if BHVR made it so snuffing out a boon on a totem made it so that totem couldn't be blessed again, then there would be merit to "do bones" since snuffing a totem would actually matter.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    If your argument is that killers have perks like BBQ, Ruin, then my argument is that survivors have perks like BT, DS, Unbreakable, Dead hard, Sprint burst, Iron Will, Adrenalin etc., so it should be nerfed... Remember Undying?

    Do you know easy way how to tell circle of healing is broken?

    I think everyone can aggree that Inner Strength is good perk, try to compare circle of healing to it.

    5 max vs infinite uses

    only you vs everyone in your team

    everyone in your team knows about it and see where it is -> less likely to cleanse totems for you.

    I don't wanna nerf effect, but I think it is just too easy to use and I am pretty sure that is valid argument for dbd balance -> Wraith situation.

    Noone here is able to change my mind that killer should not be able to completely destroy that totem, so survivors have to find new totem for it and have to make some effort in using it like with every other totem based perk.

    I also think that Plaything and Noed should be able to over-write boon totem, it's kinda dumb that boon totem can, but hex can't do it.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    A good killer can always wreck a team even with a low or mid-tier killer.

    Yes, CAN, but at the cost of a lot of sweat, curses, frustration and anger. While Survivors easily press E, Space or M1 in their sleep.

    I literally have put a boon in the middle of some grass in an inconspicuous location on Yamaoka Estate and the killer heard it walked right to it. After wasting a half minute setting it.

    Maybe it wasn't such a good spot after all.... Don't forget that many killers know totem spots out of their pocket because they watch their Ruin/Devour etc being destroyed all times :) How does it feel, when the Killer disables your perks? Not good, I guess. Welcome to the party! But at least you can reapply it somwhere else. If you cleanse a Hex, it's GONE.

    An advice: Just try to place the boon where nothing is, so the killer as no reason to go there.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    You see it the wrong way round. Killers complain about facing the same 5 survivor perks over and over, because they are by far the best perks in the game. And Boons were/are (depending on your view) up in that category. The real problem is not that survivors get other viable perks, but more the power of said perks. Nerf all the 2nd chance perks, then you will automatically face a wider variance of perks.

    It's somewhat like this:

    Flip-Flop etc (Garbage Tier) -> MoM etc. (Meh Tier) -> Distortion etc. (Average Tier) -> Alert etc. (Decent Tier) -> Kindred etc. (Good Tier) -> -> -> -> -> -> -> BT, UB, DH, DS, IW (God Tier)

    If we nerf these (and maybe others too) to the level of Kindred or Alert it would be fine. Then something like Boons would just need to be tweaked a bit and everything would be fine.