Chapter concept: Lighted Ashes
Bio: Jack Ruffel was a rich man, and he was born into a rich family, who gained fame from betting. Every opportunity they'd taking, leaving both happy days and days were there minds could blow up. However, Jack hated this. Every day, every loss, every deduction, every single cent put into it. He was tempted to do something every day. One morning, the house wasn't there, with only 2 remains. A dark, square patch on the ground, and some ashes leading into a forest, which ended right beside a broken guitar.
Power: Last Flame
You want to hurt each and every survivor, assuming that they did what your family looked upon. For each different survivor you hurt, gain these stats.
(Note: MS=Movement speed, ST= Pallet and decisive stun time, L=Lunge , T= Terror Radius
0: 102.5% MS, +5% ST, -5% L, 10 meters T
1: 107.5% MS, 0% ST, 0% L, 15 meters T
2: 112.5% MS, -2.5% ST, +5% L, 20 meters T
3: 117.5% MS, -5% ST, +10% L, 25 meters T
4: 120% MS, -7.5% ST, +15% L, 30 meters T
(Note: Stun time and Lunge are based on normal. 0% L= 100%.)
Add ons:
Silver cent (common)
A silver cent, with a face on it.
Your Lunge starts 1% higher.
Name Tag (common)
An old tag from a meeting and greet event.
Makes your Stun time starts at +4%.
Burnt running shoes (common)
Shoes, or at least, the remains of them.
Start of at 103% movement speed.
Family photo (common)
One of his only cherishable memories.
Decreases terror radius by 1.5 meters.
Shining dime (uncommon)
A bright dime, shining like the moon.
Your lunge starts 2% higher.
Ripped dollar (uncommon)
A dollar wielding Jacks finger prints, torn into shreds.
Makes your Stun time start at 3%
Rusty medal (uncommon)
A medal that he won as a kid.
Start off at 104% movement speed.
Smashed glass (uncommon)
A smashed piece of glass, with a stain of blood on it.
Decreases terror radius by 2 meters.
Scratched quater (rare)
A quater, with a thin scratch on it.
Your Lunge starts 3% higher.
Coal (rare)
A lump of coal, used to keep the fire burning.
Makes your Stun time start at 1%.
Broken statue piece (rare)
A golden piece of a statue, most likely of his father.
Start off at 105% movement speed.
Dollar amulet (rare)
An amulet that you got off your parents in the shape of a 1 dollar bill, containing a picture of your parents.
Decrease your terror radius by 2.5 meters.
Pile of ashes (very rare)
A pile of ashes, found in a forest.
When you've hit all 4 survivors, 2 random survivors will become exposed until the next time they've been hooked.
A 100 dollar bill (very rare)
A 100 dollar bill, covered in blood.
Survivors that you put into injured state 3 or more times can now instantly be put into dying state.
The last bet (Ultra rare)
You remember the name of the last horse they bet on, sky line.
You become obsessed with one survivor (if there is an Ace it will be him) Injuring this survivor will instantly give you the stats you'd get after hitting each survivor. You now have the ability to kill the obsession (and any other Ace) by hand.
Bright, blue piece of hair (Ultra rare)
A piece of hair of a famous jockey.
You want everything done quickly. After injuring 2 different survivors, for the rest of the game give all the survivors the exposed and blindness effect.
Weapon: A large shard of glass.
Clothes: Idk
(Hex) Relentless
You don't know when to give up.
For every time you're stunned, gain a token.
1: -5%/-10%/-15% stun time from pallets.
2: Destroy palleys 3%/6%/10% quicker.
(Tier 2/3) 3: Ability to instantly put survivors into dying state for the next 0/15/30 after being stunned by a pallet.
(Tier 3) 4: Gives the ability to kill a survivor by hand, resets tokens back to 0.
Money makes the world stop:
You can sense survivors taking it easy that last 1/2/3 injured/injured/Any state survivors that you hurt leave scratch marks from walking/walking/moving.
They'd be proud:
Sometimes even you have to bet. When this perk is activated, it effects 2/3/all survivors at random, which will have a 50%/75%/90% chance of injuring a survivor. Injured survivors from the perk will perform repairing, healing, sabotaging and opening exit gates 30%/40%/50% slower for the next 15/30/50 seconds. Survivors that weren't injured gain a 15%/30%/45% boost too repairing, sabotaging and opening exit gates for the next 15/30/50 seconds. DOES NOT effect injured survivors.
Can be used every 300 seconds.
Bio: Andrew Fitzgerald was an Irish jockey, who dyed his hair blue for the love of his favourite horse, sky line. One day his mind told him that it would be a good idea to go into the woods for some fresh air. He was never heard of again after that trip.
Andrew Fitzgerald: A strong duo
"I met a new survivor in the fog, he heloped me out alot, he seemed both confident and fragile, however didn't really perform the best with a huge crowd, and claimed that 2 was enough. I wouldn't be able to know, but he seems like the guy who would be fine to play 2 player." Benedcit Baker
The last hurdle:
Whenever all generators are powered, gain a 2%/4%/6% speed boost to vaulting, and a 1%/2%/3% speed boost for the next 5 seconds. The closest survivor to you also gains this, however the furthest suffers from exhaustion "Use every breath you need, but don't make it your last."
Photo finish: Whenever a survivor and the killer are with 3/6/9 meters apart, and your 15/25/35 meters away, see both of their auras. The furthest survivor away from you suffers from blindness. "It's a close call, but we can make it, most of us."
Being 2 for so long can make you suffer if there's more. Whenever on a generator with another survivor, you and the other survivor gain a 4%/7%/10%/ repair boost. Anyone else who joins suffers from a 2%/4%/7% repair loss. You can not join a generator with multiple people already on it. "Leave it to us, you find your own job."
Bio: Jack Ruffel was a rich man, and he was born into a rich family, who gained fame from betting. Every opportunity they'd taking, leaving both happy days and days were there minds could blow up. However, Jack hated this. Every day, every loss, every deduction, every single cent put into it. He was tempted to do something every day. One morning, the house wasn't there, with only 2 remains. A dark, square patch on the ground, and some ashes leading into a forest, which ended right beside a broken guitar.
Power: Last Flame
You want to hurt each and every survivor, assuming that they did what your family looked upon. For each different survivor you hurt, gain these stats.
(Note: MS=Movement speed, ST= Pallet and decisive stun time, L=Lunge , T= Terror Radius
0: 102.5% MS, +5% ST, -5% L, 10 meters T
1: 107.5% MS, 0% ST, 0% L, 15 meters T
2: 112.5% MS, -2.5% ST, +5% L, 20 meters T
3: 117.5% MS, -5% ST, +10% L, 25 meters T
4: 120% MS, -7.5% ST, +15% L, 30 meters T
(Note: Stun time and Lunge are based on normal. 0% L= 100%.)
Add ons:
Silver cent (common)
A silver cent, with a face on it.
Your Lunge starts 1% higher.
Name Tag (common)
An old tag from a meeting and greet event.
Makes your Stun time starts at +4%.
Burnt running shoes (common)
Shoes, or at least, the remains of them.
Start of at 103% movement speed.
Family photo (common)
One of his only cherishable memories.
Decreases terror radius by 1.5 meters.
Shining dime (uncommon)
A bright dime, shining like the moon.
Your lunge starts 2% higher.
Ripped dollar (uncommon)
A dollar wielding Jacks finger prints, torn into shreds.
Makes your Stun time start at 3%
Rusty medal (uncommon)
A medal that he won as a kid.
Start off at 104% movement speed.
Smashed glass (uncommon)
A smashed piece of glass, with a stain of blood on it.
Decreases terror radius by 2 meters.
Scratched quater (rare)
A quater, with a thin scratch on it.
Your Lunge starts 3% higher.
Coal (rare)
A lump of coal, used to keep the fire burning.
Makes your Stun time start at 1%.
Broken statue piece (rare)
A golden piece of a statue, most likely of his father.
Start off at 105% movement speed.
Dollar amulet (rare)
An amulet that you got off your parents in the shape of a 1 dollar bill, containing a picture of your parents.
Decrease your terror radius by 2.5 meters.
Pile of ashes (very rare)
A pile of ashes, found in a forest.
When you've hit all 4 survivors, 2 random survivors will become exposed until the next time they've been hooked.
A 100 dollar bill (very rare)
A 100 dollar bill, covered in blood.
Survivors that you put into injured state 3 or more times can now instantly be put into dying state.
The last bet (Ultra rare)
You remember the name of the last horse they bet on, sky line.
You become obsessed with one survivor (if there is an Ace it will be him) Injuring this survivor will instantly give you the stats you'd get after hitting each survivor. You now have the ability to kill the obsession (and any other Ace) by hand.
Bright, blue piece of hair (Ultra rare)
A piece of hair of a famous jockey.
You want everything done quickly. After injuring 2 different survivors, for the rest of the game give all the survivors the exposed and blindness effect.
Weapon: A large shard of glass.
Clothes: Idk
(Hex) Relentless
You don't know when to give up.
For every time you're stunned, gain a token.
1: -5%/-10%/-15% stun time from pallets.
2: Destroy palleys 3%/6%/10% quicker.
(Tier 2/3) 3: Ability to instantly put survivors into dying state for the next 0/15/30 after being stunned by a pallet.
(Tier 3) 4: Gives the ability to kill a survivor by hand, resets tokens back to 0.
Money makes the world stop:
You can sense survivors taking it easy that last 1/2/3 injured/injured/Any state survivors that you hurt leave scratch marks from walking/walking/moving.
They'd be proud:
Sometimes even you have to bet. When this perk is activated, it effects 2/3/all survivors at random, which will have a 50%/75%/90% chance of injuring a survivor. Injured survivors from the perk will perform repairing, healing, sabotaging and opening exit gates 30%/40%/50% slower for the next 15/30/50 seconds. Survivors that weren't injured gain a 15%/30%/45% boost too repairing, sabotaging and opening exit gates for the next 15/30/50 seconds. DOES NOT effect injured survivors.
Can be used every 300 seconds.
Bio: Andrew Fitzgerald was an Irish jockey, who dyed his hair blue for the love of his favourite horse, sky line. One day his mind told him that it would be a good idea to go into the woods for some fresh air. He was never heard of again after that trip.
Andrew Fitzgerald: A strong duo
"I met a new survivor in the fog, he heloped me out alot, he seemed both confident and fragile, however didn't really perform the best with a huge crowd, and claimed that 2 was enough. I wouldn't be able to know, but he seems like the guy who would be fine to play 2 player." Benedcit Baker
The last hurdle:
Whenever all generators are powered, gain a 2%/4%/6% speed boost to vaulting, and a 1%/2%/3% speed boost for the next 5 seconds. The closest survivor to you also gains this, however the furthest suffers from exhaustion "Use every breath you need, but don't make it your last."
Photo finish: Whenever a survivor and the killer are with 3/6/9 meters apart, and your 15/25/35 meters away, see both of their auras. The furthest survivor away from you suffers from blindness. "It's a close call, but we can make it, most of us."
Being 2 for so long can make you suffer if there's more. Whenever on a generator with another survivor, you and the other survivor gain a 4%/7%/10%/ repair boost. Anyone else who joins suffers from a 2%/4%/7% repair loss. You can not join a generator with multiple people already on it. "Leave it to us, you find your own job."