40% or even 60% speed brutal strength wouldn't even be OP and here's why

You can test this out yourself if you want with billy, brutal strength (20%) fire up (20% with 5 tokens) and his new glove add-on when overheating you get 20% as well.
I've used this build as a meme build with enduring and ######### you not, with 0.25 second stun (I assume that's what it is) and a 1.04 second pallet break (once again assuming), survivors still managed to get to another loop most of the time if it was close enough, I could eat every pallet and they still gain close to 2 seconds (3 without billy's gloves) distance and by the time I catch them they often reached a window or else, it definitely made me catch survivors WAY faster, that's a fact and managed to get a hit where I wouldn't have without that 60%, but even with THIS much speed, it can SOMETIMES, not always, SOMETIMES make a real difference, 20% brutal strength does NOTHING for you, 40% will do something for you, and 60% definitely will, but even with all that faster breaking speed, they could still reach something and DH could still save them and bla bla bla, it makes pallets definitely less safe and gives them less time, but it's not even close to be OP at all, brutal strength at 40% wouldn't be OP in any way, it would just make it "decent".
20% is laughable for how useless it is.
try out the build yourself if you want, use billy and use those perks with his purple glove add-on and see the difference, it doesn't do as much as you'd expect, on paper it can sound strong but in practice it's truly not
Why stun if they can just have brutal strength and remove an entire mechanic from the game
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why getting stun if you can just bait the pallet and break it giving survivors less time?
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I agree brutal needs a buff to 50% would shake up the pre drop meta and give chase power to killers that need it like pig and clown
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Which is why I don't like the idea of buffing this perk... it shuts down the survivors one and only chance of creating distance or continuing a loop.
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one and only???? lmao do you even play the same game I do? what about safe windows? what about DH? what about body block? pallets are simply too safe, buffing the perk will simply balance it out and make it worth using unstead of giving literally 0.3 second less distance to the survivors.
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20% does nothing for you, it's hilarious on how little it does, 50% would make pallets way less safe than they should be, with the amount of safe pallets, this would affect this quite a bit until they one day in 3 years rebalance the tiles
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I wouldn’t mind a Brutal Strength buff. Or testing one at least.
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DH is a perk that's not a passive mechanic? Safe windows don't always create distance? Body blocking only works once?
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That's not the case. All this would do is make pallet zoning better for killers that don't have it as part of their base kit. Other than that, it just means you can't reach a pallet at the other end of the map.
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you can do that if you wish, try it on billy with the gloves and fire up and see the difference on how much time you save and let me know what you think about a 40% to 60% faster pallet breaking.
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it often does, DH is still something that gives survivors way more distance than they deserved
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I don't mind brutal getting a buff but they're gonna have to add a cap to breaking speed. Cause shadow dance wraith with brutal, fire up would be a bit insane.
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i'd find it hilarious haha, never made me win as a wraith using this combo, it's hilarious, but it doesn't make you win.
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I don’t need convincing. Brutal sure feels nice, but I never really felt like “man, brutal really helped me get this down” whenever I used it
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You know this is an exaggeration... unless you mean in the only scenario where the survivor drops every pallet between you and the other side of the map, which is the purpose of pallets...to create distance. Buffing the killers to make them break pallets, twice, or even thrice as fast will break the pallets for most engagements and make them unusable...
You save way more time than is given to the survivor for dropping the pallet so it will result in a hit or down just for having the perk.
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From 1.0.5 - 1.7.0, brutal strength was 40%.
- Quality of Life: increased the default Pallet-breaking speed by 15 %.
- Nerf: decreased the Pallet-breaking speed bonus to 10/15/20 %
For anyone wondering, Brutal Strength is 95% as strong of a perk as it was in 1.0.5 (And pallets were a LOT stronger in the past). I agree it could use a little tweaking based on the meta changing from then to now, but honestly the best course of action is to completely rework the perk or increase it to 25% as pallets are much weaker than they were previously and changing the percentage would teeter massively towards either being extremely OP or not worth using at all.
0 - Quality of Life: increased the default Pallet-breaking speed by 15 %.
Why shouldn't an effectively nonrenewable resource not be fairly safe?
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it itself would be fine but stacking . . .
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try it on billy with fire up and glove add-ons and let me know
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60% brutal strength on clown would be insanely busted and you know it
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It needs a buff for sure. But I wouldnt go higher than 30%
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How about you break pallets at 35% and breakable walls and gens at 100%
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I'm not really digging killer ATM soooo we'll have to disagree
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Survivors would actually be better off pre-dropping the pallet since they'd still get more distance than if they were to drop it when the killer is very close. Yes, survivors could try and get a stun but it'd still be better to pre-drop, especially if the killer is also using Enduring.
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This doesn't do much vs someone who just loops the pallet. Predrops are very bad for some killers like Doc, Clown or Pig.
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I agree BS could use a buff, but if you make it too quick certain killers can pretty much instantly catch up after breaking a pallet. Breaking a pallet is supposed to give the survivor a bit of distance
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the gen is fine but breakable wall could be 50%, 100 even in my standards would be overkill
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I agree, but it gives too much
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Alright so... couple things.
Firstly, there's an extra upside to Brutal Strength that you don't seem to have noticed. That being that when I'm playing Survivor and the Killer breaks a pallet, I can usually leapfrog loops which ends up not creating a dead zone right away because there's still a pallet between the two that I used. Throw Brutal Strength in there, suddenly that doesn't work and dead zones start getting created.
Secondly, you're the one who decides which side of the pallet to break. It isn't all that difficult to break pallets in such a way that it herds Survivors towards areas you've already cleared out. Brutal Strength makes this activity even stronger.
I think the only reason you didn't notice the 40%/60% break speed helping is because you were expecting it to get you hits between loops and didn't notice/use the two above things to deny Survivors the ability to get to something else that hadn't gotten used yet.
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brutal strength should make you break pallets/walls with m1 like a bunch of killers can do with their m2's
rank influences attack recovery (but also remove perk ranks)
it could be numbered out so that it's hardly any better than current brutal strength, but it'd be much more scary to watch + fun to play with
could also make it insta-regress generators by like 5% but that should just be basekit
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30% seems to be the safe spot, maybe something a bit more specific like 33%. If that's not enough I really can't see it going above 40%, but it undoubtedly needs a buff, 20% is worthless
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Yeah, predropping pallets is just a sad sad thing that survivors can do without getting any punishment as long as their team has that m1 button taped down.
I'd love a buff to brutal strength so that survivors actually have to think a lil more about predropping every pallet they come across. Some people have suggested a cap so it doesn't stack with fire up and shadow dance, I wouldn't be opposed to that, but Brutal Strength does need some love.
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honnestly even 40% isn't THAT big, it's faster for sure but it still gives plenty of time for survivors to reach a safe spot, so if 40% makes them BARELY to reach another one and have ot drop it or try to respect it, that's what i'd be looking for.
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playing turbobreak wraith (+100% break speed with double addons or +120% with brutal too) is quite illuminating as to if it'd actually be a problem if the number was really high (it wouldn't be)
but breaking pallets with m1 would be neater, so..