Spirit is essentially unchanged.

Yeah you can hear where she is now but that doesn't stop her from being incredibly faster than you. People think Blight is top tier and he can only move in straight lines. Spirit has full control, is physically invisible, and is extremely fast. She has barely been changed at all.
Yeah she’s still strong and in control in the chase, but survivors now have a choice to do something. She’s in a great spot right now.
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You're right in the only thing that was really changed was the standing still mind game which was extremely unfair anyway and honestly wasn't even super common in my experience.
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So what do you want? Do you want to see her?
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the phase coin flip doesn't exist anymore, the phase mindgame is still there.
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No it’s not. The survivor knows where she is at all times and is now in control of the chase.
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No the survivor is not in control of the chase. With Mother-Daughter Ring she moves at 220% speed. Even if you know exactly where she is you literally can't do anything about it. You will go down no matter what if they are decent at Spirit.
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That’s one add on that she won’t always have, and it still won’t matter at longer loops.
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There are other add-ons and she is still super fast at base level. Even at longer loops she can beat you to the pallet/window every time.
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She's still destroyed by Iron Will and 90% of my lobbies have all four survivors with Iron Will equipped. I don't know why anybody would play her at high MMR
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Scott was playing her a ton yesterday and I think his conclusion was pretty accurate. He said she basically went from #2 behind Nurse to #3 behind Blight, still top 3 by far and he's happier that she's more thoughtful to play know with meaningful interactions during chases.
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Otz idea to have her flash into view every few seconds was a pretty darn good idea
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I watched a match with Tru3ta1ent last night where he was Spirit against high skill survivors with Iron Will. It wasn't pretty. Basically they could tell pretty much where he was all the time in the chases, but he couldn't see or hear them because of Iron Will. (They may even have had a Shadow Step boon up to hide their scratch marks in places too, I'm not positive on that though.) Basically if he phased it was really hard for him to track them while they could pretty easily hear where he was.
Now to be fair, that was against a team that most or all of them had Iron Will, so it was kind of a worst case scenario. But yeah, in that situation at least, she's pretty boned.
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Shes still top tier but knowing when she's using her power makes it feel a thousand times better playing against her. And some her dumb addons got reworked. Only change she really needs is to her duration addons accidentally being recovery addons as well hopefully that gets address at some point
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I've actually been thinking of that idea for a while, it's really good in my opinion! I think it would up the scare factor quite a bit for sure, and she would still be fast and strong.
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She’s still op and always will. As long as she can close long gaps and then miss a hit without getting stunned LIKE EVERY OTHER KILLER she will be overpowered.
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No, she is not top tier. She's A-tier, and that's being generous. A survivor can tell exactly where she is, meaning her invisibility only slightly delays a reaction, her speed being her weapon. This, and a lot of her accessible strong add-ons were removed. In a sense, she's been double nerfed. Sure, she'll perform well in small loops, but that goes out the window with large loops where simply delaying a survivor's reaction doesn't matter since those loops give a lot of wiggle room if you stand right on a pallet. Aside from this, she'll have nice mobility, but that's about it.
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She cannot see you when she is phased. So, if she gets you, every time, then you are not playing well. There is plenty you can do about it. If you aren't, then that's on you.
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You can't tell exactly where she is it's a light and vauge directional sound you can't tell distance with it and even then she's a race car. Plus her add-ons are still hella strong and she got some cool stuff like full power after pallet breaks she still up there with blight hag and nurse for too tier kills she just lost her BS stand still mind games really
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12:56 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjGr7DB3y8U
The info Adertha reacted to is all the information required to be safe in a large loop. She lost a hell of a lot more than the stand still mind games.
She has good purples and ultra-rares, but her greens took a massive nose dive.
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Everyone reacted to her changed look at her yellow and grey's for consistent strength there hella good and easy to find. Plus why would anyone chase a survivor at a large loop? Survivors are suppose to be safe there, even then spirit go brrrrrrr shes still a race car brute forcing pallets with the power refill addon is ammmmmmazing
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Grey's? You mean the browns? Yes, they're good, the point is, the greens, which were upgrades from the yellows, are gone. To get the same speed as green speed Spirit, you have to use a yellow and brown add-on.
Large loops are a consistent problem with the game. It's the entire reason why Cowshed and Gideon have terrible design. Survivors aren't "supposed" to be safe there. If they are, it's a massive oversight, and no, breaking enough pallets and not playing around them will cost you the game.
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yeah she's still ridiculously powerful, audio cue doesn't mean anything if she moves at the speed of light. guess you just gotta camp pallets against her and hope your earphones arent put on backwards
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That's one addon. Should that addon be changed? yes. That doesn't mean spirit's basekit needs a nerf.
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Or you can hear which side she is on and stay safe. There is no mindgame.
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There wasn’t any mind games at all with old Spirit. She gave no information in the terror radius.
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Actually there was. You could trick spirit into swinging on the wrong side of the pallet or window. You could also pretend to stay near a pallet while she was phasing and then run in a different direction. There were multiple things you could do that were based on reading the other player. Now the survivor is in total control. Killers that have to constantly eat pallets have 0 chance of being successful in a match, unless the survivors are bad.
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No way I put brutal and spirit fury on spirit with the full power after breaking a pallet addon and was great you chew threw pallets like oni and bubba and the chase never really drags because of how fast you catch up
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So nerfing her most broken add-ons and removing her stand still mindgame + adding a small information from which direction she is coming from is for you almost nothing?
Damn, then to be it "something" you want her to be like 50% slower and see her at the same time or something? Lol
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She's basically the same except it feels a lot more fair playing against her.
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then you haven't played spirit because she is weaker now. her addons which gave her good map control are destroyed now all you have to do is do gens which are located far away from each other. she needs more speed and duration than insta recharhing her power if you want to stop genrushing.
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she isn't super fast at base level because if she uses her power without speed addons she has the same speed as pig when she dashes.
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Finally, someone who doesn't overreact over the Spirit changes, thank god. And I agree, she's still one of the top 3 strongest killers. They literally only got rid of her "stand still mindgame", or what I used to call it, "stand still bs" lmao
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Spirit is strong but now she is fair. A killer does not have to be gutted down when it becomes a problem and they made all the right moves here. No more "standing still mindgame" and a small bit of information for the survivors to allow meaningful decisions. People can lose a game when they had an impact on it but just losing to a coinflip was bad.
Now Spirit players can finaly enjoy her without feeling guilty about playing their own game with no interaction. Also her new add-ons are meaningful and interesting and not just flat stat buffs. Overall Spirit is in a pretty good spot right now. Lets wait for about a month or so and then we can re-evaluate her perfomance.
Or you could say it like this. And this was the most important part. It is about which feeling a Killer offers.
That combination will be the bane of existence for many Killers. Perks like Whispers and abilities that allow Killer Instinct to show survivors will thrive to midigate the damage a bit. But essentialy this denies the Killer of his two most important things in a chase leaving only line of sight as a tracking tool....meh...
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If you thought the only thing that was unfair about her was the stand still mind game then you'd be right. But that alone was such a minor thing it didn't even happen very often except for dumb funny survivor montages. Without that she's still the same and can still move 200%+ in phase while being physically invisible.
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No, standing still was just the empitom of bad design. Her not giving any informations to the survivor that she was using her powers and where she was phasing was a problem. Take Wraith as an example: He is shimmering and croaking and thus provides information. Now Spirit also has more audio to her putting her on a more equal footing to the survivor.
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You could already tell she was phasing before once you got out of a small radius. The difference between her and wraith is that wraith can actually see the survivors and scratch marks and spirit can't. That's why she's completely invisible.
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I just cant understand how she, as an undisputed S tier killer, got nerfed less than Deathslinger, who was B tier at best.
Also, Mother Daughter ring is still disgusting.
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tru3 is using Druied Cherry Blossom add-on. It gives you killer instinct when your in 4 meters next to the survivor. This what stridor did for Iron will. Shadowstep does not do anything when your using good spirit add-ons. Its ironic that spirit's changes were meant to increase her skill-cap yet spirit has never been easier to play than now with that add-on.
Her skill-cap massively decreased. Mother daughter ring masks her nerfs because she has immese speed. She is still weaker. Just add-on mask her negative changes unlike deathslinger who had no good add-ons and completely relied on raw aiming skill and base-kit gameplay.
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until you remember that her phase is only 5 seconds.... So there's no point...
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Spirit is fine the way she is now.
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Daww... How is it going down there at MMR 300?
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Have they removed her ability to see scratch marks during phase? Or did I read it incorrectly because I thought they removed that ?
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Only with the new boon totem shadowstep.
But why should they completely remove seeing scratchmarks during phase fromher? That would leave her with blood or sound with the latter being nearly completely negated by iw?
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Oh okay thank you for clearing that up
i thought that’s what they were doing so I misread it, I’m not saying they should even though I don’t think that’s a bad idea
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I would disagree that Spirit is in control of the chase, especially if survivors are running Iron Will.
The only time I would say she’s in control is if you’re out in the open without a perk that eliminates grunts of pain. But at loops (pallets/windows) you can tell exactly which side she’s on and therefore dictate how the chase will go.
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Spirit's change was awesome. Her potential is basically still the same while also giving survivors a better chance. Compared to DEADslinger she's fine.
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If they know where she is because of the sound, there is no mindgame. I don’t know why this is so hard to understand. Before, neither person knew where the other one was. Good survivors used the scratchmarks to mess with her and misdirect.
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If you tell a lie frequently enough then people start to believe it is true.
Back in the day people said infinites were fine and required skill. The devs fell for it and even said it themselves on stream. A week later Tru3ta1ent got held hostage for 3 hours at the infinite on ironworks. After this they changed it and put holes in the walls.
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when the nerf was announced there was a huge cry about it, but legit, nothing has changed hahaha
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I still don't understand, your a spirit killer main right?
Why do you want spirit nerfed so much?