A new Boon Totem Idea

I've been thinking about this for some time now since Boon Totems were introduced back in ptb, how about a Boon Totem that allows you to recover from exhaustion while running. This Boon effect won't let you recover exhaustion faster, it only allows you to recover while you run at the same time.
Would this perk be op or meh? Is this something that can be abused in a SWF group? And what would the name for the Boon perk be?
Boon: can't win a chase until you find and snuff this thing
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A bit too abuse-able, I think. An SWF could set up a really nasty boon, pair with Vigil, and yikes.
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I think it's good idea. It's only in 24 meters from totem so I don't think it's that abuseable.
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Boons dont even work properly and they are already dissabled...we dont need more, specially the kind that will make chases even more anoying for killers, survivors can already loop killers for ages thanks to ridiculous amount of pallets per map, continious safe areas betwen said pallets and so on
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For the first sentence, by that logic, Killers shouldn't have as many Hex perks as they do. And I'm confused, they don't work properly, what do you mean by that? Are you talking about the Circle of Healing Boon? It got disabled because it would cause the game to crash. Other than that, the perk does what it's supposed to do. And yeah, I can see your point about the whole chase interaction, that can be annoying.
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Except hexes can be snuffed out as early as the first 2/3 minutes of the game if the killer its unlucky and its left without a perk for the entire game, the boons on the other hand can be reaplied over and over and over, and quite honestly the "a survivor not being in gens its a good thing for killers" its a dumb answer, you cant equate the time a single survivor isnt doing gens to the killer having to go out of their way to snuff out a boon, theres still 3 survivors that can get free reing to do their objectives where the killer its completly derailed of their own objectives.
I worded it wrong, i meent it as yea, they are being dissabled for crashing games.
The boons in paper arent a bad idea, but i feel the devs arent weighting them properly. One yea, its a strong perk that has a global presence in the game, but the moment its gone thats it, no re applying or way to do something about it.
The other its a thing that can be applied over and over and over, and as i mentioned before, 1 of 4 survivors not doing something isnt as detrimental to the game as a single killer not aplying preasure wich for the killer its a horrible thing to happen
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I want boon that lets a survivor:
- break the breakable walls
- Teleport to the gen with the highest progress
- resets dropped pallets automatically
- add more invisible walls for the killer
- block vaults for the killer
- automatically drop pallet on the killer when they are in the hit range
- automatically progress the gen in the area
With all those ideas implemented, I would play Cookie Clicker during the match
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LOL. Do any of you think before proposing these ideas? Imagine killer shack with this totem active inside it rofl
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Yeah, that would be very unhealthy.
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I actually talked about this with my friend yesterday. It's a good idea and it would not be OP because it's only in a specific area, unless your whole team brings that perk.
And I would also like to see a boon perk that's basically an infinite unbreakable.
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Nah that would be a pain in the buttocks.
Any exhaustion perk...runs in to the blue aura...bang...exhaustion gone and perk can be used again.
Would be a nightmare.
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Any idea? Simply Boon Totems are no worth existing.
Just an annoying game crusher.
The game goes down.
Killers are not happy.
As a survivor player, I don't need them.
Must get rid of them. It's best for both survivors and killers to be happy.
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They should've just made Vigil do that with the latest buff.