NFT is not bad

Taingaran Member Posts: 288
edited October 2021 in Off-topic

I don't understand the hype around the NTF. This is a pretty interesting technology and quite new. It can be a good tool in the current world when copyright and patent laws require changes. It is necessary to wait for its further development.

About claims:

It is used by scammers and so on ... Alas, this is so. But it looks like the way of cryptocurrency. Now time has passed and people began to come up with tools to work with it. I think if NTF develops, it will also happen to it.

It does great harm to nature. This is upward cynicism and hypocrisy. The world is full of other things that are harmful, like NTF, and possibly more. And the war for eco sometimes goes beyond all reasonable limits. And this is an example of that. In my opinion, the big problem here is not the NFT but not the perfection of the current electric power industry.


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,361

    You don't actually own what you buy with an NFT. You are basically buying a receipt that says you own this but at any point the item you "own" can no longer be accessible because the actual owner shut down their server.

    It's basically like buying a star and getting the certificate saying you own the star.

    Wasting a ton of electricity on this is not needed and there's no hypocrisy for people being against NFTs.

  • Taingaran
    Taingaran Member Posts: 288

    This is the price for technological development.

    But the food bank is not helping to cope with hunger around the world. It helps to survive, doesn't it?!

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567
  • Taingaran
    Taingaran Member Posts: 288

    Both nature and technology are important. And, in my opinion, there are two ways:

    Humanity follows the path of technology and causing some harm to nature, they begin to actively develop the electric power industry due to a lack of energy.

    Humanity is more slowly developing technologies to reduce harm to nature, more slowly approaching the ceiling of energy. Thus, it postpones the development of the electric power industry.

    And what do you think?

  • AnObserver
    AnObserver Member Posts: 747
    edited October 2021

    That Humanity follows the path of technology with an understanding of its harm on nature leading to a technological drive to improve energy efficiency to keep nature lookin' good so we've got something pretty to look at while using that energy.

    It's not a binary yes/no we screw over the environment in exchange for technological progress, advancement of renewable tech is tech advancement in and of itself with the environment in mind.

    We just need people that don't think it's a binary equation....

    Develop your energy infrastructure, and make it more efficient and sustainable so we have compounded the gains for long-term benefit.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    So you basically admit NFTs are harmful for the environment yet your argument for it is “it’s not the only thing harmful for our planet.” Why don’t we try protecting our planet more than actually destroying it?

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    I don't understand how you could like NTF's, they were literally made because someone got upset over something being nerfed in WoW and all it does is destroy nature brutally, people don't like nature being destroyed at ALL in the first place! Why would it be okay to have something generate enough power that its the equivalent of powering a country, just so you can have a Hyperlink that eventually will turn into a shock site. I feel like you barely understand what an NFT is, want an NFT without spending over 1k on a picture of a photoshopped monkey with a cigar in its mouth? Right click and press Save Image