Event Offerings

Why? Whats the point? Just make every hook/gen an event one. Why do I have to spend 50k in a bloodweb for the CHANCE of an offering.
And am I right that you dont get the bonus points unless YOU finish the gen? SO I could just waste an offering?
They havent fixed the issues caused by event items taking up spots on survivor webs either.
I bring an offering and its 2X1 person gens that people are already working on (who have no offerings).
Or I loop the killer for 5 gens and cant finish any.
Why dont we get all gens and hooks as event ones? Wouldnt that have solved the initial sabo issues?
I have no idea why they made it so you only get the bp if you finish the gen. I’m getting almost no extra bp from the offerings.
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To be honest i use the offering because i know when the event is over all those offering go in the garbage anyway at least survivor keep their event item and addon killer dont so for them its worse in their wallet
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Im the same that why i only use bp on survivor during those event unless i really need to level up a killer for perk i need
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yeah making it so its only you and with how low the droprate already is for survivor and doubtful you will do 5 gens on your own to even match the price of 1 isnt worth it in the slightest.
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@not_Queen Sorry to ping you but is the offering only rewarding BP if youre on the gen when it pops a bug or a feature...? Just trying to clarify if the offerings are at all worth it...
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Wish the Seeds showed up more in the blood webs for killers....but I keep getting webs filled with the ######### Blight Serum that is useless.
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It’s far from useless, it lets you run at 107% speed which means after 10 seconds of running the killer only gains 3 meters on you. Pairing it with Hope means you run at 114% which is only 1% slower than the killer. It’s also a funny way to troll killers, make them think they got you then run in a straight line and they will never catch up. It only lasts 20 seconds though so be careful
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The Lunar New Year event was SO much better because all hooks/gens were event and you didn't have to be on the gen to get BP so didn't get screwed over if you got stuck in multi-gen chase with the killer. I don't get why, for Halloween, they don't do the same and have the offering be extra BP for gens/hooks/pumpkins. I feel like the devs hate Halloween but love Lunar New Year. 😕
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Exactly, this was perfect in the Lunar New Year Event. All Gens/Hooks were Event-specific and all gave BPs, but you got more when you burn an Offering.
Now, I dont even know what the reason is that you have to be on a Gen to get the points. The Offerings are barely noticeable BP-wise, now it is even worse.
Also, another point - PLEASE make those Offerings less rare. Especially as Survivor you almost never get one, because there are 5 things in total in that Slot. Just really frustrating to do multiple Bloodwebs just to not get nay Offerings.
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Every survivor blood web should have atleast 1 event offering, 1 event item, and 1 event add-on. It's a 2 week event, no reason to be so stingy.
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It's fine as it is, this way I can camp the event generators and get at least some revenge on survivors for all those "hit validations techs" where survivors ignore my hits even though they scream. The killer should not be the only role that suffers.
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@Laurie268 Blight Serum is a killer only item. https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Blight_Serum
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The "event" is simply put BAD. The special tome is nice but the BP offerings are just plain bad. You get 1k extra bps for doing event gen. Meanwhile the offering is rare af and costs 3k to buy in the first place. They should have just done a double bp event or at least make it so every gen done nets you 3k like during the lunar event.
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Cry more
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Refined Serum is the survivor version.
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They said killer bloodweb. The blight serum for killer that boosts them forward and they can't attack and if they hit any object they get a cooldown. It also replaces your power until you use the serum.
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Oops my bad sorry, I used it on the twins today and I think it’s kinda ok but memey. It helped me catch up when survivors were holding W after getting hit and made walking to gens on the other side of the map less painful. So it could be useful for killers with low mobility
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^ This. This this this.
Get a gen to 99% (not even exaggerating, it's a hair off), the killer chases me off, then someone else runs up and gets the last millisecond. That's such an awful feeling: burn the offering, do an event gen to 99.999%, get nothing.
When an event gen is completed, all survivors remaining in the trial should get points for it. I swear there were events previously where everyone got points for anyone completing an event objective.
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Lunar New Year. Everyone got points for gens completed, all gens were event gens, and the offerings increased event BP.
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So another massive failure of an event. Joy.
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Exactly. I did 6 Bloodwebs on my Dwight to get one Event-Offering. Jake was better, I got 5 in 6 Bloodwebs, but even this is not really much. IMO players should be showered in Event Offerings, I would not mind having 5 Offerings per Bloodweb so that you see nothing else than Event Offerings burned. There are games where nobody burns an Offering, since nobody has them.
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I get barely any items/offerings but I get ridiculous amounts of the add-ons. I was looking at my Zarina's inventory and between this year and last year I have 2 medkits (one I found in match yesterday), 3 flashlights (don't remember if any of those were from matches last year), 2 seeds, 0 pustula petals (I got none on her last year), 14 light bulbs, 10 serums. I went through 10 bloodwebs with her only to get 2 seeds.
So not only does the 1000 BP you get from the gen IF you're on it to finish it not even cover half of the cost of the offering but it's also a rare offering to get as survivor. Some of the event gens also spawn as single person gens (Hawkins default one is always the single person gen upstairs) so if 2 people play the seeds maybe 1 will earn back their offering if they can be on all 3 before they finish. Atleast during Lunar New Year with every gen being an event gen and you didn't have to be on the gen you would earn back the event offering plus some because the offering increased your BP.
Until I played killer I didn't realize the killer gets the event gens highlighted a different color. So they can also prevent survivors from earning the extra BP by choosing event gens to camp. Survivors have to run around looking for their event gens but killers get aura of their event hooks so they don't miss out and know where to go to prevent survivors from working on their event gens.
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Yeah lunar was way better, sometimes I got 5 level 50 bloodwebs without a seed. Old events every game would have like 4 or 5 event offerings. Now your lucky to get a couple and the killer just camps them. I don't know why these events seem to get worse every year