Happy Halloween

DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

Of course I pick the best time to uninstall this game... ugh. I decided to reinstall for this event alone and... weirdly enough... I kinda enjoy it. Even though the bugs make me want to cry in frustration because they are crazy. But, it's kinda fun.

I'm still upset about the whole NFT situation and I refuse to spend any money of what's going on. So if you're in my similar position, try to enjoy the event if possible. Because after this event is over, I'm uninstalling again, I just wanted to play it because it's my dbd anniversary with my friend and I so I wanted to at least play it.

I'm not saying boycott dbd, Jesus no. If you dislike the situation like I do. Then just do it, but I just wanted to give the event a quick shot and to wish everyone a happy Halloween.

Now, the real reason for this post. Where do I go to try and get my things back? I'm still suffering through the wipe haha