killswitch the event offerings

they are whats causing the games not to load in, and you cant say the devs cant do something about it quickly anymore for the "quality and stability of the game" and this affects both sides

2 games as a 2 man swf played 1-2 cursed seeds, didnt load, 3 games without cursed seed, same duo, the game loads like its supposed to

so just like they, within a day, killswitched the boon totems because it was "causing crashes" they should killswitch the event offerings and fix them and extend the halloween event since they clearly didnt properly test them


  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    I haven't played a game without event offering today. no crashes

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Nah, the bug existed yesterday and the day before.

  • Hito420
    Hito420 Member Posts: 89
    edited October 2021

    i havent had a game today with the event offerings that loaded, im not talking crashes, im talking about the ability to load into the game after matching with a killer/survivor

    and i played yesterday and the day before, did not have games with endless loading screens

    update, just played a solo game where 3 of the cursed seeds were played and it loaded fine, so i guess the new offering wasnt the issue even if it was easy to put blame on the new thing, maybe something new bugged out something old? its happened before

    so grand total, 2 duo games with offering inf loading till booted, without offering, loaded fine 5-6 games in a row, played solo to test the offerings again (friend didnt want me to play them since they wanted to actually play the game before bed, which is fair) and 3 were played and it loaded fine then too

    someone in the bug reports said something about medkits and bandages causing it, i highly doubt it but willing to prove/disprove it at this point

    Post edited by Hito420 on