Tunneling and NOED

drpynz Member Posts: 247

are going to be META for killer. I main killer but today I was checking out the 1 boon totem that is available and found that if 3 or more people have the perk, a survivor can pretty much get to any part of the map without leaving any tracks, especially some of the smaller maps.

What this means IMO is killers will tunnel a kill or two and bring in NOED because there are going to be totems left at the end of the match. No way out, Bitter Murmer, Devour and NOED. maybe throw in Remember for ... who knows what but maybe. I really suck at survivor and was able to get out almost every game and had a few killers DC which I don't normally see when I play survivor.

The game seems to be strangely survivor biased. Not sure if I am killer biased but it's definitely starting to feel that way. When the healing totem comes in..... lol....going to be really interesting. I have to admit, it's fun playing survivor when you don't have to worry about scratch marks.



  • drpynz
    drpynz Member Posts: 247

    I don't think the majority do. I think it will become way more prevalent now.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Why tunnell when you can just camp though? It's more effective with less skill required so there isn't a chance the survivors can react

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Wait, can NOED take a totem that is "blessed"?

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,600

    I'm apart of the 5% that don't... at least I can say that

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    If you camp against a SWF, they will save the camped teammate no matter what, not even playing as Bubba can protect you from the ultimate power of comms. Not to mention SWF will also manage to complete 5 gens before the camped survivor even hits the second stage. Tunneling is on the other hand the most efficient strategy in the game.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    How exactly do you safe someone from a hook infront of Bubba with or without comms? Every other killer has to time a grab but Bubba swings that saw and hits everyone nearby?

    This post is in no way a criticism of the dbd devs and should not be taken as such. It is also not intended to point out any forum rules being violated both of which are understood to be against forum rules.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    That user is super melodramatic about the state of Survivors vs Killers. Every survivor is a SWF Seal Team 6 kinda melodrama.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    The chainsaw can be baited, or otherwise they can fill the tantrum meter and then go for the safe after the swing is over. Don't forget that survivors are immune to damage while in animations and BT exists. If you wanna see how it's done - try camping against a 4-man SWF yourself, you'll see how.

  • xBlitzAce1989x
    xBlitzAce1989x Member Posts: 336

    I'm confident that 95% of the killers I faced in the past two days were hacking. In atleast one case I messaged one of them and not only did he admit to hacking/ cheating but he said that he knows Behavior won't do anything about it and that we all need to get used to it.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005
  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740
    edited October 2021

    Yah your not immune to the chainsaw while unhooking a survivor. Or even a regular hit.

    Try facecamping with Bubba you can't really fail unless you've never played before. I'm not particularly good at killer but it's really really easy and there is nothing they can do.

    Granted without Bubba it's still pretty easy to get the grab but he makes it trivial

    This post is in no way a criticism of the dbd devs and should not be taken as such. It is also not intended to point out any forum rules being violated both of which are understood to be against forum rules.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Havent met a Noed killer in a long while, maybe your MMR is too low?

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    I also have not seen that much NoeD even thou it is a pretty good perk. Nobody can deny that NoeD is effective and gives you a huge boon in the endgame. Still I only face one Killer yesterday who was using it and it was a Wraith.

    Tunneling is something that is boring. I want different chases and not the same person over and over again. As such switching targets is nice. This is way I enjoy playing Cenobite and going for everybody who solves my box...you challenge me for a chase and I accept.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,971

    lol exactly. Idk why people are acting like tunneling and NOED are suddenly the new meta. Many or most killer players have a propensity for tunneling, even when they are winning. On the point of Boons, I always make sure to cleanse during the 4-5 gen window.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    Its always so funny how when someone is being tunneled there's usually another teammate that hasn't been hooked once and wont take any of the heat off the targeted survivor.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Yeah, it's just not tunnel, when there is no other option nearby.

    It doesn't work like, multiple hooks in a row = tunnel.

    When I just happen to find same survivor after some time, why the hell should I just leave him? If they don't want me to kill him, come for protective hits, I will be more than happy to switch target.

    I actually often "tunnel" by accident, because I sometimes just don't know he is dead on hook :D same survivors, or just lot of switching between them...

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986
    edited October 2021

    Maybe it's because a lot of killers actually do tunnel? I'm talking about going straight for the survivor that was unhooked instead of going after the unhooker.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    When i played killer i never tunneled or used noed, neither did i camped.

    I always wanted to go for 12 hooks or as close as possible, so not all killers are the same just like not every survivor is the same.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Then take a hit?

    It depends how survivors split, when unhooking person goes to shack and unhooked into deadzone, I will choose deadzone, because it's an easy down.

    I have seen very few killers actually tunnel, where they ignore anyone trying to take protective hits and just go after one guy. Well, it happened more to key holders and with old OoO...

    I mean when anyone use flashlight macro, he is just asking for it etc.

    but if you are not toxic, then killer will usually not be either.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Exactly this.

    Something i rarely see is that when someone gets unhooked, the unhooker forces the hit on him.

    Most of the time is see the person that unhooks immediately run away and usually even in front of the unhooked person as well.

    Whenever i unhook someone, even if i don't know the killer will tunnel or not, i will force him on me as much as i can.

    Even when he tunnels i will try to block him as much as i can, standing in doorways or small gaps, etc, just so he has to either hit me or go around which in both cases he loses time doing it.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    You are not immune while unhooking, but the survivor that is being unhooked is. We are talking about saving a camped survivor, and it's more than possible. No one said anything about saving the unhooker.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    I'm not sure what else to tell you. Killers tunnel a lot and I'm not the only one that experiences this.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Listen, im prepared for getting tunneled and camped every game as i love tbagging killers so nothings changed, as for NOED...... you should always expect NOED, nothing new.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    There are 3 options:

    1) you just don't know how it looks, because you don't try to prevent it

    2) someone in your squad is annoying killers

    3) you are really unlucky

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    Pretty much every single killer I get matched with only does those things. They will always, always, always tunnel and even camp, if you wasted enough of their time. And NoeD? Even those who play Nurse and Leatherface/instadown killers use it. Pathetic players always go for the easiest way around, and there are lost of them in this game, whatever the platform. And before anyone says anything, the same applies to 4 men SWF only survs.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    Killers continue to complete their objective despite survivor complaints, that's what tunneling is. If i say to you that survivors tunnel gens you'll think im being silly since its their objective...well killing is the killers objective.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986
    1. I try my best to prevent it, but I can't make the killer go after me. That is his decision to make.
    2. I rarely see anyone annoying the killer during the game. Only sometimes at the exit.
    3. A lot of people have this same experience.
  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    Yeah, I'll just get good when I'm tunneled as soon as I'm unhooked. Why didn't I think of this? You're a genius!

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    I use BT myself, but not everyone does. DS is an option and I do use it sometimes. DS will only work once, though... You're screwed if the killer wants you dead and keeps going after you every single time you're unhooked. It is also a perk that has to be bought with real money and not everyone will have access to it (unless it appears on shrine).

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    are you one of those people that gives me [sheesh] for having noed on bubba even though my perks on him are awful (i just farm wee)

    +4% speed isn't bad for a chainsaw dash (have you seen what penalty you have to take to get that from addons?) + you would probably not expect how many extra hook states/outright kills you get out of someone getting instadowned by an instadown killer in a scenario they didn't expect (i.e. going for the vault in front of the exit gate where it's physically impossible to catch them with chainsaw and thus hook them except WHOOPS)

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986
    edited October 2021

    Not so simple in solo Q and what about the person that got tunneled to death?😂

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Majority of my games are tunneling and Noed anyway.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    If you don't have DS or your teammates don't have BT, then I guess you are screwed. You shouldn't have to bring in DS just to be able to play the game. Again, it's also a perk that costs money... not everyone has it. We'll just have to agree to disagree because this is going nowhere and I'm not going to waste my time.

  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    To be honest I rarely get tunneled or camped and people are often saying that on iri ranks killers constantly camp and tunnel... and to be honest after rank reset I had much more miserable experience on low ranks, than on high. On low killers were actually tunneling, not accidentally stumping upon same survivor, but actually they were consciously picking one survivor and had tunnel vision on this one person. Best situation was when I body blocked a Bubba and he was so focused on getting to that survivor, he refused to use chainsaw on me and tried to move around the whole tile just to TRY to catch up to that survivor he was focused on xD

    That's tunneling, when killer just happens to find you again... well, next time you're unhooked find a better spot to go and heal. Recently I really had rather nice matches, even if I was dying, I was feeling it was fair.

    As for NOED... I have kind of mixed feelings, I don't really mind it, because in most games me and my friend we break all the totems anyway, so it usually doesn't affect us. What I don't really like about it (don't flame me ;) ) is that most of the time it just gives free kills to really, REALLY bad killers. And yeah, I know you can say that it at least gives bad players chance, okay, but it still feels kind of cheap and frustrating when killer can't do more than one hit on you for the whole match and then he gets you... I feel like that's equivalent of old hatch, when survivors could just end the game on the spot. But you can get rid of NOED before it even activates, so I'm like 90% okay with it, even if it sometimes frustrates me :)

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    You do know that the rank/grades don't matter anymore right?

    There's the hidden mmr which do the matchmaking now, still terrible btw.

    As for noed, i don't care about it either cause it's something to get rid of easily.

    The people complain about noed are the one's who don't do bones because they think it's a waste of time, then come here complain about it.

    I wonder how they will do when there will actually be a secondary objective someday 😂

    Is it a terrible perk?


    I've been hit by it a couple of times as well which sucks if that happens.

    And there were always 2 reason for.

    1 i didn't do bones

    2 i was mostly in case and my team didn't do any bones.

    But other than that, it rarely ever gets active

  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    I know ranks don't matter, but I'm just saying that it's been my experience ;) I don't know, maybe new(ish) killers think they need to tunnel to kill at any cost to progress at Ash rank? And they don't know you progress there basically no matter what ;) It may be just a coincidence, I'm not saying there's a correlation.

    Yeah, I always cringe during watching some youtubers, that keep counting each millisecond and say what's 'oPtImAl' and stuff like that. Don't do bones, don't touch chests, don't use Built to Last (like Scott was counting precious little seconds you could've used to do a gen) or Self Care... It's a cringe fiesta to me. And to be honest, I don't like Self Care even, but I will use it just to say f you to tryhards like that xD It's funny, how they complain about MMR and then they count each second of the match. Guess what - tryhards meet tryhards, I stack We're Gonna Live Forever (with Borrowed Time) and that's my win condition, maybe that's why I don't get sweaty tryhards and games are more fun - no gen rushing from me, no NOED from killer. But I digress.

    But as for NOED - I don't play killer at all and I still think NOED is mostly fine. Though I'd say it's like old hatch - it can shorten the match in a not really fun/fair way, if it goes off.

    I once had a rework suggestion - remove 'hex' part of the perk, it still triggers the same way, but it works on survivors that's been hooked twice. Probably though in some cases it would've been much more overpowered, but it would've been really 'one last chance' perk, with stronger effect, but you'd have to 'earn' it. But I still think NOED, as it is, is mostly fine. And to all the tryhards who think destroying totems is a waste of time - don't do totems, but don't complain about NOED later.

  • drpynz
    drpynz Member Posts: 247

    I am not debating if NOED is ok or not. I am saying with the current state of the game and when the healing totems hit and killers cant track anyone down and they go heal without a med kit or another survivor to help. The killer will have no choice but to keep after one person, and use NOED to get kills at the end.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    I am against NOED on everyone, whoever the killer is, cause only truly awful players use it. And especially so on instadown killers.

  • TMNoThumbs
    TMNoThumbs Member Posts: 120

    I think its funny that so many survivor mains get so worked up about noed. Its not that great of a perk on most of the roster. I legit hope it gets nerfed so i never have to hear about it again. Then maybe the devs will finally get to work balancing iron will and dead hard.

  • ShadowNurseZFX
    ShadowNurseZFX Member Posts: 491

    top 10 reasons why there should only be 1 boon at a time

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567


    but you're just wholly and utterly incorrect because at the absolute highest levels of play the killer virtually always has noed and a high-end result for them is to get like 3-4 hooks and a kill off noed - that's what winning looks like for the highest-tier killers in a lot of tournaments

    i don't think comp killers that can deny a 4e to some of the best survivor groups that would trash a pubsquad in two minutes are 'truly awful'

    nor random killers that have lategame oriented builds or a random noed amidst a bunch of low-tier perks, but i'll never understand the cult

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Chainsaw equalls instadown. So your going down even before you get to the hook becuase Bubba is faster than you and also sitting right there. If Bubba feels like letting you get to the hook for the fun of it your downed. And if youbdont have bt so is the guy you saved becuase that immunity ends the second your free and that chainsaw doesnt

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    I play killer as well, but that doesn't make me like NoeD or prevent me from seeing the cheap thing it is. And, thus, I refuse to use it. I'd rather lose than "win" as if I payed to pass a test that I didn't even write on.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    Because it is a crutch, unrelied to skill. Much as Ash is in Rainbow, Master Yi/Yasuo in League of Legends, Spirit in this game, Mei in Overwatch, Rocket Launchers in Fortnite, and so on. You can use it, be godly with it (because let's be honest, none of the things I mentioned are even close to being remotely difficult). It still doesn't make you any good.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Don't think you've played this game much if you think killers aren't already camping and tunneling and have been doing so for far longer than boon jas been around

    This post is in no way a criticism of the dbd devs and should not be taken as such. It is also not intended to point out any forum rules being violated both of which are understood to be against forum rules.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,807

    I've seen plenty of good skilled killers run NOED. people will call them a bad killer cause they run it but when I think about it, NOED punishes bad survivors for not doing totems.