New player test results

Guys, did you ever wonder what it's like to be new player today? So did I. Bought a copy for a friend and we played a little in kill your friends so I can teach him. Then, I thought, why not test what matchmaking for brand new players is like, so I switched to his account to try 3 killer games. First one was super easy, but I'm not sure if it was against real people. I think it was bots. I got strange messages after game that normal people don't write, like "good game" and "I enjoyed the match". You know what I mean, no one spells it out like that. Second game was the first Nurse game and I was matched with people with meta perks. Okay, I thought, maybe just a fluke. Third game... (Second Nurse game) OMG! No way those people are new. I only have one crappy perk. Sabo, body blocking, you name it. One grade 1 survivor... How the hell can this be okay for new players that just installed the game for first time 3 hours ago? If you are super new or know someone who is super new, please tell me about your experiences.
People throw at bottom mmr. Half my games are killers just afk. And as killer who just let people go myself, I see a lot of deranked survivors. Usually in a SWF. Maybe once every 10 games or so?
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Well, you destroyed those teams really fast I guess, so game system decided you are smurf and boosted your MMR maybe?
That's how it works in some other games at least.
I think killer experience is bad just because of that grind. Way worse than survivors imo, at least in terms of grind.
You can get meta build with just free survivors for less BP overall. With killer you need to buy multiple DLCs to have best build, spend millions to get those perks, then millions on killer you actually want to play.
This game is really not noob friendly imo. But it's nice to see someone smart that starts with KYF, that helps a lot to new players, if you are good teacher tho. I hate players that just bring noobs and play with their old account and then they are suprised when they friends get destroyed by better killer...
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So, you are saying that those are people who purposely deranked themselves?
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Yeah, that might be option too, but I have seen lot of killers doing same thing...
Well, I am doing it on some killers, not really to that extent, but just to get survivors with 500 instead of over 2k hours, so I can chill sometimes.
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could be, all that influences mmr is if you escape or not and you can get like 27000 points and let killer gank you in the end to lower mmr
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That's the thing, I didn't destroy them fast at all. I had to down them probably at least 30 times until they finally bled out and they did 4 gens in that time. I made matches last as long as average dbd match. Also, from what we know, MMR doesn't do that in just 2 matches.
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So they were seal clubbers and lowering their MMR, so they can stomp new killers and boost their ego.
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"so game system decided you are smurf and boosted your MMR maybe"
You re expecting too much.
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You are probably right. First and last person have identical sabo build obviously for new killer bullying. Is this a common problem in low MMR or just a fluke?
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I am pretty sure, I am not there, so IDK for sure.
But it is common problem in other games with MMR, so I doubt DBD would be different...
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Wait a did you kill those survivors. That icon is a mori icon and you have no Mori and you are not playing Pyramide Head. Did I miss some new mechanic for the event?
New players should have a seperate realm where players with less than X playtime for their role get placed befor they enter the same matchmaking as other players.
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It sounds nice, but I am not sure there is enough new players for that to work without super long queues, but there should be at least priority for it, then include others when noone is found for some time.
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That is the icon you get when you bleed them out.
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Thanks. I haven't seen anybody bleed out for some time now in my matches and completly missed that this was an option. But holy moly, 3 bleedout deaths...somebody was not having any mercy over there.
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Bleed out is actually fun on high mobility killers. You should try it on Nurse. Gives you opportunity for lots of chases instead of wasting time with hooks. It's also fun for survivors (I think? Yes? No?) because they are not limited to just 12 hook stages. They can potentially pickup themselves many more times.