Anyone Else Hyped for Freddy Buff?



  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Dragonredking said:
    Pretty sure freddy buff will be like ds nerf, they'll keep reporting it because they don't find anything to do with him

    i know what they can do instead of hooking survivors Freddy will tie them to a couch then pry their eyes open then he will loop Freddys dead the final nightmare until survivors heads explode and Freddy will also gain a new ability one liners where when hitting a survivor and downing them he says something stupid then the survivor goes deaf perfect ideas.
    \even freddy supports it

    Freddy Says Haaaay! GIF - FreddyKrueger Hay Hey GIFs

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    @AntiJelly said:
    I just spent the last 2-3 weeks maxing him out with every perk and tons of add-ons/offerings. I love his playstyle but as of now he's kind of underwhelming. I'm very excited for his buff!

    Yeah, it could be that he's getting a power similar to Myers. Building up his power with time. The more Survivors are asleep, the stronger he gets. Don't know how stronger, more movement speed, more speed in general, more vaulting speed or lesser chances to get out of the dreamworld. Hope they'll get rid of "skill check's getting you out of the dream world."

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    Actually the devs said they won't just buff freddy but rather rework him with a change of the dream world mechanics and experience for both sides. Ofc there will be some little buffs included.