Doc's Discipline addons

Do they really reduce the charge time of m2? I have them stacked to 50% and i swear i can't still reach survivors on a normal pallet loop in less than 10 spins around it. Doc has allways been my least favourite killer, I always think that the time I invested denying pallets i would have just gotten the pallet way or mindgamed it with another killer. I don't know if it's just me that can't tell the difference or they actually don't reduce to 50% (purple+green discipline).
You read it wrong.
It has nothing to do with your static shock but with the static blast.
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Oh ffs. Ty.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it detonation delay, and not charge time? IE, it's not how fast you charge the move, it's how quickly it hits survivors after you let go of M2?
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No, they don't. Discipline buffs the time it takes for Survivors to get shocked after getting hit by Shock Therapy. There's typically a delay of 1 second from when you send out a shock to when they get hit. With both Discipline, it's 0.5 seconds. You've read it wrong.
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They don't change the charge time. They change the time it takes for a survivor to be shocked after you send out your electricity. When you send it out, it takes 1 second for it to actually hit the survivor. Discipline, when stacked, decreases that to 0.5 seconds.
The other commenter was wrong. It has nothing to do with his static blast. It buffs shock therapy.
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It does have to do with the shock. They also affect the delay for the shock, not the charge time.
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It changes detonation delay not the action speed it self and all these people saying its affects static blast THATS ORDER NOT DISCIPLINE. Take this from the Guy who suffers at High MMR on Doctor.
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It reduces the detonation delay of Shock Therapy, not charge time. Honestly Doc's best add ons. It shouldn't take you 10 loops. You shock before the survivor gets to a pallet or window, and they are prevented from doing actions for 2.5 seconds. Plenty of time to get a hit in.