History Will Repeat Itself

Behavior decides do a heavy handed and unnecessary nerf to the Hilly Billy...
Killers mains suddenly stop playing Billy
Six months later they release a survey basically asking "Hey guys, why did you stop playing Hill Billy?"
Now they're going to have the same thing happen with Deathslinger and in six months they'll be asking "Why doesn't anyone play Deathslinger anymore?"
You forgot one part:
They will also completely ignore the survey results anyways!
Thus wasting the time of everyone who participated just because they can.
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Not really considering they gave him engravings buff
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And a stealth nerfed at the same time as well just because.
Yep net neutral because it was both buffed and nerfed at the same time while also completely missing the point of why people stopped playing billy.
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A buff would be removing the time penalty. This was just QOL that changes nothing about how he feels to play
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It's behaviors design philosophy. If a character is too much of a problem, they don't try to fix or rebalance them. They just gut the character to the point they're so bad that no one really plays them and thus, no one really complains about them anymore. If they legally could just delete a killer, they'd do so. Billy and Slinger aren't the only ones to suffer at the "We consider you a failed design, so we're murdering you." design philosophy.
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They do these surveys to give you an idea you get to have some input in the game. I almost never see any changes made because of those surveys so I don't even bother filling them. Waste of time.
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How did they nerf the stealth?
Using both engravings will now make it virtually impossible to ever overheat so there's barely no difference from before. The strongest billys always used double engravings and not overheating anymore makes it almost as equal as b4 the nerf.