Whos better? Huntress or trickster?
Im a huntress main rn but not sure who's better or if i should invest in trickster
Trickster imo because he can basically guarantee to down you. Slowly but surely he will down you at any loop whereas it can become impossible for Huntress at certain high wall loops.
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Huntress is better but trickster is way easier to play
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But there are also alot of loops that huntress can kill at where trickster can't get to, with huntress she can throw curved hatchets going over objects or Crossman shots
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Trickster is highly oppressive in chase and will down someone eventually, it's just a matter of if you're wasting blades and time, fast chases can mean good snowballing, something that will benifit him massively due to his low pressure
Huntress has more pressure due to her being able to snipe, but Huntress feels really bad to play at first due to how her wind up is and requires heavy heavy time investment to perform with, but she is objectively better than Trickster thanks to her map pressure
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Still Huntress, but even a well played huntress sucks balls against decent/ comp teams + bad RNG.
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Watch coconutRTS he runs huntress with 0 slowdown and runs against 4 man all the time
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Huntress, if only for the fact that there's far, far more room for improvement and better plays.
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Huntress is better because she doesn't get cucked by high wall loops unlike Trickster
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On open field Huntress on indoor maps Trickster. Depends on map.
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Huntress its better at killing but trickster have more "swag".
Its a tie to me.
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Trickster needs to learn how to stop time and be able to drop road rollers and it'd be perfect.
He's still better than Huntress take him.
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The Huntress has a more measured gameplay. The Trickster has a more "drive") In certain situations, the Huntress can put almost half of the team and sometimes the whole) For the Trickster, I often have situations when several knives are literally missing before the health phase. But he does a good job of protecting the hook.
I would say the Huntress is more universal. At the same lerys memorial institute, Trickster does not feel very well.
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Do you like bolt action rifles or full auto machine guns?
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For people to even say trickster is laughable to me.
100% huntress, she's my main so it's a little bias but it's common sense it's huntress.
She has her weaknesses but when you're good with her she's a machine sometimes,
I think trickster is pretty horrible for the most part not to mention extremely irritating to me personally.
He's not the worst though I'll say that