DC penalties disabled shows

that many survivors feel forced to play some games when it is enabled.
Everytime a survivor is early camped or tunneled, it's 1 and sometimes even 2 survivors DCing.
It shows that some behaviors, especially camping/tunneling 1st hook are considered toxic and totally unfun by the survivors.
Haven't seen one killer DCing for the last days while i have seen at least 20 survivors DC. It means a lot.
There are also a lot of crashes at the moment. Not every single DC is on purpose.
There is a reason they were disabled.
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Well everytime i see a DC it's a guy on the hook or downed for the second time in a row.
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And also it is a lot easier for a killer to ruin a survivours match then for a survivour the killers fun.
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Killer is not the power role, i also play killer and if you play fair you get destroyed but still i never camp unless at the end of the trial depending of the situation.
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This 100%, It's very discouraging
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😱 forced to play!
Not that they are salty shits that couldn't take being down or care what happens to their team.
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I've seen a lot more people DC'ing cause they got downed early or they were the first hook. Not even camped or tunneled.
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I mean I get that, I understand that the killer is the power role and has the ability to end it all, but if the killer is just slugging you for the whole match and or tunneling you after you get picked up, after he slugged you and he is just looking at you nodding his head, I understnad why you'd leave.
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I've had a few Killers d/c since the penalties were disabled. Usually if they lose me during a long chase. After Decisive Strike, and often if their totems are cleansed early in the game.
I do agree though that survivors d/c for being camped/tunneled. They do that even when the d/c penalties are up. I've done it before (not condoning it). But when you're on your fourth match in a row and Ghostface just stealths by the hooked survivor waiting for the unhook, it grows really tedious.
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Killer is absolutely not the power role. Killers are only considered the power role in what would now be called low-MMR games - survivors have 16 perks to the killer's 4, with training wheels and safety nets galore. There's a reason the "all killers are viable" schtick isn't taken seriously by anyone with enough experience in the game; even the top tiers of killers aren't reliable at the top matchmaking.
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I mean I know what you're talking about. The thing is that often it is only one person that wants to annoy the killer and all survs will be punished for that.
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I totally have to disagree with that.
I don't know if you've ever played this game for a longer period as a surv, but in my experience especially if you play against a killer and you're better then him he will camp and or tunnel you. Often they argue with "They got gen-Rushed" while they were chasing you, even though they could have left the chaise any time. And the ones that just kill you "fast" are the nicer ones. I also have been left on the ground blocked in the basement and many more. And in some of those situations you just don't want to waste any more time with this killer.
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I stopped reading when I Saw "Killer is the Power role", can't take serious an user Who says this xD
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Killers have the power to end a trial for everyone - but the survivors will win, by comparison. Not a power move, much less a power role.
In terms of strength, no. Claiming it only matters how good you are simply isn't a realistic take on the game - no matter how good you are, high tier play favours survivors. Claims to the contrary merely mean you haven't experienced that tier of play. Further, it's dishonest to think of MMR in terms of skill - escapes and kills are the least of metrics when it comes to skill in DBD.
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i "lost conection to host" when a freddy was going to down me for a second time, he flew right trough me, it was kinda funny, i noticed when i was running away he wasen't behind me and then i got kicked and it says the freedy dc'd and im the only one who escaped while the remaining survivors where still in the game, when in reality it should say i dc'd.
TLDR: there's no way to tell if someone got kicked or dc'd on purpose
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If killers DC they lose their points and end up having wasted their time, but the survivors still get rewarded. The survivors potentially win either way.
High MMR flatly favours survivors. You don't seem to understand that grades aren't ranks, but in high MMR, only a few killers are viable; unreliably so, as well. Many killers thus will have a soft cap, because their counterplay will just be too common at higher MMRs. Any individual killer can theoretically make it to the top, they're just not likely to, and not recognizing that is a failure to recognize reality.
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By having your MMR adjusted downward to be playing against people "of the same skill level" - which is still a dishonest take on MMR - you're no longer playing in top tiers of DBD.
Think about it like this: which one is more costly, a killer making a mistake or a survivor? One mistake can cause a killer to lose out on 1, 2, even up to 4 kills. One mistake can cause a survivor to get hooked - which even with the nastiest tactics by killers, can still result in no kills being awarded if the survivors are coordinated.
Even the best killer only dominates a skilled survivor team that lets them.
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They d/c'd because they were losing and they couldn't handle it. They wouldn't complain about feeling "forced" to stay in a match they were clearly winning. No. It's only when they get downed early, make a mistake, were the first hook, or get caught twice in a row by the killer because they overestimated their own skill.
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"Reliable" for killer mains means any killer should win every single game. Killer is not supposed to win every game.
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I have seen like 5 Survivors DC and 2 Killers.
"I dont like the Map and no DC-penalty"... yeah, thanks Blight on Hawkins.
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Nah, sometimes they DC even if the first chase lasted 4 gens and they get tunneled. Without the DC it's a cleat win but they still DC cause they are frustrated.
Camping and tunneling must be fixed. Same for the overall game balance that favors survivors at high level.
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Or you could be honest in your caricature persona, but that might rock the boat.
Reliable means "can get up to 4 kills, without relying solely on a survivor screwing up, preferably in a way that means both survivor and killer actually got to participate" - a balanced killer fulfilling that ideal would typically not get those 4 kills, trending toward 6-10 hook games.
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Is it fair for survivor to go down/lose if they don't screw up?
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Eventually, yes. Without that risk in a chase, there's not much fun in the chase from either perspective.
Game mechanics are best when they have a risk of chance and a risk of failure, and since this is a game with one player versus another (versus another, versus another, versus another) both sides need a chance to succeed - and if the ideal chase was neither screwing up and the survivor never getting downed, other survivors would never get chased for their evader points and the killer would never be rewarded for their participation by losing out on both chaser and lightbringer points. There'd be no point to anything but meta play from the survivor side, and no real drive from the killer side.
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Not really
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Yes, because it's 4v1..not 1v1, the killers actions should hold more sway and hence make survivors work together to achieve success
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The game already favors killers for the majority of all players. Even with 5 good average players, killer still has a huge advantage to win. Why would you want the killer to also have a huge advantage (almost guaranteed) chance of winning even if all four are good?
What would be the point in playing survivor role if your skill is meaningless?
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Turn dc penalty back on
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Nah, if they didn't want to stay, they could attempt to escape the 3 times and miss the two skill checks and be out of the game, with bloodpoints and no penalty, in the matter of seconds.
They are only abusing DC because the penalty is disabled. Not to avoid matches, but just because they can.
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I hate when people make that statement.
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With 5 good/average players, the killer doesn't have a marked advantage, full stop. It remains dishonest to waste people's time with that drek. Your 'logic' only works if there's only one player on the survivor side - as such, you logic isn't relevant to DBD.
16 perks versus a killer's 4, items which trend toward impacting the game more than a killer's addons, and the potential for comms which overshadow, boost, or overtly replace an additional 12+ perks? The game is only killer-sided when regarding the inexperienced.
Further, a chase will on average last 40 seconds. 80 seconds to a generator means even if the impossible happened and a downed player were immediately hooked every time, with chases starting in sequence, 4 generators would be done at minimum before anyone were at risk of dying - and all of this under the assumption that survivors haven't been on multiple generators at the same time.
The goal of a survivor's chase is to waste the killer's time for a while. The goal of a killer's chase is to not let that happen. But even if the killer gets a down every time in these impossible scenarios with actual advantage to the killer, unlike with merely eventually being assumed to gain a down per chase, they'll still fail to kill everyone.
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I see the killer winning in about 9 out of 10 matches. Stats also show killers are overpowered, with some getting as much as 3K on average with the hatch available (before it was even nerfed into uselessness). It's going to be bad now.
There is no evidence at all showing a killer doesn't have a marked advantage. All the real evidence points to survivors having a marked disadvantage with almost no chances of escaping unless the killer screws up.
Survivors might have 16 perks, but they are all extremely weak and they are not always active. The killer's 4 perks are negatively impacting all 4 survivors simultaneously. So in reality, the killer's 4 perks are equal in strength to all 16.
Allow me to correct myself, the killer's 4 perks are stronger than the survivors 16 perks and influence the outcome way more. Look at NOED for example or Devour Hope, Tinkerer/Ruin.
Some survivor perks don't even activate unless the killer plays scummy (ie. Borrowed Time). And Decisive Strike punishes the survivor for playing the game. What killer perk does such?
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The disabled dc penalty shows theres a large chunk of the player basis that is selfish and only cares about their own fun.
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If you see that from the survivor side, you're not a good survivor/teammate. Stats about kills are also irrelevant, given what we know of BHVR's collection process - and while I don't think the hatch and key nerfs were needed in tandem, you have a new perk in Clairvoyance to find hatch if that's what you rely on.
Despite your claim, the 'real evidence' of recordings and interviews says even BHVR acknowledges that the game is survivor-sided.
Despite your claim, the pretense that survivor perks are all weak and irrelevant to play is verifiably false. There's some that could use buffs for both sides, of course.
There's no killer perk without counterplay, and no killer perk or combo that eliminates the chance for survivors to succeed. Name one that can't be countered.
While I'm a killer main, I play both sides, started as a survivor main, and frankly - your pretend perspective is one I outgrew a long time ago.
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What good is the Clairvoyance perk if the killer will slug for the 4K?
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What good are you if you can't hide from a killer?
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What will that accomplish? The killer will very easily continue to slug until all 4 is down.
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Oh no. Someone's slugged and being used as bait. Do you A. let them bleed out, or B. not take the bait?
Is it scummy on the killer's part? Yes. Are you wrong to reward it? Also yes.
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I'm curious what your average kill is
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Both as survivor and killer post-MMR I've been rubberbanding between 4k games and 0k games - so technically MMR is 'working' and getting an average of 2k, it's just not all that fun. Several of my killers started at relatively high MMR - high enough that then and now I see consistent speed-hacks et al. - but I'll not blame the hacks for my losses; hackers tend not to be good at the game, so to an unknown degree I will have failed.
I will say a chunk of those 0k games are because I actively refuse to tunnel or camp: the chase and multihook games are more important to me, and I'm a fan of the emblem system. I'm also the loser who'll volunteer to die if someone's being camped, because I know I'm usually the most capable of getting someone taxied out of the gate.
On lower MMR killers I've been keeping them low by getting a Ruthless 1k/2k wherever possible. No need for me to deal with hackers on Myers, y'know?
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I saw a lot of DCs before anyways. Hasn't changed much for me.
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It doesn't work as most trials should end up with 2K.
Having 50 trials with 4k and 50 trials with 0k is not balanced at all.
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Well, duh. And killers are 'forced' to play games where survivors want to play hide-and-seek for 45 minutes without doing gens. I've had to DC in the past where someone does this (pre AFK crows), or where you have someone who glitched themselves onto a roof somewhere.
I play both sides at maybe a 70/30 killer/survivor ratio, and survivors are far, far more entitled to a 'win' than the killer is.
Literally one in 3 games I have someone complaining at me in post-game regardless of what I do.
- Bring addons? Nah, carried. Don't mind that we had 3 toolboxes and a medkit.
- Play a strong killer or run strong perks? 'LOL crutch killer l2p ***'.
- Play a rare killer or run weird perks? 'LOL play normally ***'.
- Lose? 'LOL scrub uninstall games full'.
On the other hand, I can count the killers who have had a grizzle in postgame on my toes. And that was mostly when survivors teabagged at the exit gate and refused to end.
BHVR are taking steps to stop camping (why, I don't know - watching the best killers in the world, this seems to be the only way to deal with a good SWF on many killers). But if you teabag/flash/run a SWF stompcomp then you don't get to complain when killers also play to win.
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Get to high ranks, you see Killer's dcing all the time.
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Yea, same. That’s a little too coincidental, if you ask me.
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Survivors are more often entitled to win? I’m not convinced of that.
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And there is no way I could convince you, since I can't exactly prove it either way.
All I can say is - leave postgame chat on, and play 50 games as killer. Then play 50 games as survivor.
Make a note of how often someone is whinging about x thing in the postgame chat, or taunting the killer (teabagging/flashing vs. deliberate slugging and bleedout).
Survivors are by miles more toxic.
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High...ranks? Ranks haven't been a thing for ages.
High MMR, maybe? Not sure how you'd tell, with the amount of MMR smurfing going on these days.
That said, I do watch quite a bit of DbD streaming, often from survivor perspective and while I do see the occasional AFK killer, the only DCs I see are right when the game starts which could easily be inadvertent.
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Obviously I was talking about MMR when they say Rank, we all know that ranks have been removed. Don't even bother correcting someone when you understood what they meant in the first place, you are just being rude.
Give it a rest dude, you're being annoying.
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yes thats because survivor are child fr the most part but hey its the killer fault!