Do You Ever Dodge Lobbies? When/Why?
When I see 3-4 flashlights. It's not that I can't play around them, it just signals to me that it's a bully team and they're going to be dicks no matter what happens in the match. Don't wanna engage that.
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on PC if their profile name is white blocks, I tend to leave as killer. Going into their profile i usually see that their profile is private, which raises major red flags.
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I play on Xbox, one of the smallest player pools, so everyone pretty much is a globe to me in a lobby. So I wouldn't know if they're on PC, Switch, PlayStation, or whatever.
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I never do, whether as survivor or killer.
However, it does cast fear in my heart when I load into a lobby as killer and all survivors are named after various British supermarkets. Those guys are a nightmare to face, although I have had them once or twice. Still traumatised though!
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Lol why do so many people dodge when they see a .TTV? 9/10 times they are just as trash as the average survivor player.
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I dodge ttv and yt like most people here. They are generally miserable to play against or with. Otherwise I dodge if I see to many people with the same model/cosmetics. Keys just for fun.
My steam profile is private for the same reason the chat windows are closed. There is absolutely nothing of value to be gained from knowing what the angry perma child has to say.
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While I have good experiences with TTVs and I've only run into a couple bad eggs out of dozens of games, it's not about the quality of the player, it's the attitude. TTVs have a reputation for hurling abuse (and getting their followers to harass people in their stead) and generally being and playing obnoxious to increase views.
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I specifically privated my Steam profile after one particular game with Hag.
Three TTVs in lobby, smurfing (yes, I totally believe you are Green rank).
Way better than me, ran rings around me all game - but Hag is amazing at turning games around late. Especially when you are too busy flicking and teabagging to notice the trap behind you after you drop that pallet...
Next thing, I'm getting tons of friend requests and weird messages on Steam from his followers (by tons, I mean like 12). Turns out one of them sent his viewers over to harass me.
I now dodge all TTVs.
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keys arent really something you should be scared of anymore
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so you dodge 99% of lobbies? i know it's your choice and all but you're just wasting your own time as well as several others by doing that. in all of my killer games, items are always in play so there's really no point in dodging..
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what i did recently with my friends was have 4 of us equip flashlights, and when someone gets downed, we just stay on the gens. even better if someone gets downed in an open space, and the killer wastes like a minute or two being super paranoid of flashlights hahah. psychological warfare at its finest
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Not 99%, 20-40% at most. And I only play the side that has instant lobbies at the moment, so I don't waste much of my own time.
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As a survivor main i used to dodge other survivors bringing keys, not any more with the hatch being nerfed so thats good.
I dodge if i recognise a fellow survivor who was trash or who dc'd in a match i was in.
On the loading screen if you're sending me to a garbage map yeah we're all going back to the lobby.
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I tend not to dodge... cause I'd like to see how I do against all sorts of things
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