Which Killer would you like to hear with new TR music?

Honestly I would love to hear some banjo-twanging for Hag and maybe something like creepy 1920's music for Nurse. Some variation for each killer would be nice since there's probably a few that've been overlooked for something new.
Leatherface. I want his Hacked up for Barbecue riff that Moritician did. Would be metal.
Or Savages. Would be 3 Days Grace.
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I just gave up on the game for the event. Eternity finding a killer lobby, equally when trying to find a 'real' game as survivor.
-opps, wrong thread
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Legion pls but make it cool
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Spirit was one of the ones I really wanted, and that wish got checked off the list. Now? Plague and Pig are my top contenders - eerie ancient prayer strains and something derived from Saw's soundtrack. Though I'd like to see what they could do for Nurse - twisted early 20th century would be neat.
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Leatherface really should have the iconic noise from the original movie:
Spirit I think they missed a trick not using a shamisen or something similar to O’Rin’s music from Sekiro:
There’s also the iconic Saw theme which would be cool for Pig: (2:35 best part)
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I vote for Wraith.
He's cloaked so often that they could make his TR music be 5-10 seconds long on a loop and no one could tell the difference.
That would help Behavour introduce something new even despite its current financial difficulties, which I could only assume exist given the failing quality of their product lately.
Cheap jabs aside, I'd love one for Ghostface or Legion. Probably Legion since Ghostface is a stealth killer normally
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Leatherface and they better include the snapshot noise from the films, it is too iconic.
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Thank you for saying literally exactly what I was going to.
I second all of this lol
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Part of me wants Legion to get one. Part of me also realizes that will be a small nerf to them because they're somewhat dependent on getting a good first Frenzy and a unique TR would give them away before their first hit.
Edit: Scratch that... the example TR Music in the above post is fantastic. I wouldn't even care if they were a smidge weaker in a hard to notice way if they got something that good.
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Legion should defiantly get his own TR music, have it be a alt. rock tune.
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Legion with Rock and Pig with Hello Zepp are my top choices, personally.
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Pig of course