Dark Pictures Anthology Chapter?

T0thLewis Member Posts: 38
edited October 2021 in Creations

I recently played through the House of Ashes from The Dark Pictures Anthology and I loved that game. What struck me even more is how fascinating the monsters looked in it and how well one would fit in the Entity's realm as a killing machine.

Without further ado, I would like to introduce a general idea of a killer and survivor (Probably Salim, that dude was a Vampire Slayer :D) for a possible new chapter from The Dark Pictures Anthology.

The Vampire

A fearless and vicious monster from the depths of Earth itself, The Vampire preys on its victims from the shadows and is driven by inflicting fear and terror.

Base Speed: 4.6 m/s

Terror Radius: 32 meters

Basic Attack: Deadly Claws

Lethal and nearly indestructible in nature, The Vampire has deadly claws at the end of its fingers, striking its victims with a brutal maul.

Secondary Power: Echolocation

Living underground for several millennia, The Vampire has grown an acute sense of hearing and adapted to the darkness below. Press the Secondary Ability Button to enter Echolocation mode which slows down your movement speed by 90% and increases your FOV by 15 degrees. Survivors who are running will trigger killer instinct until they slow down to walking or you exit Echolocation.

Perk 1: Raging Immortality

Your physiology makes you near indestructible and your rage makes you a brutal opponent. You destroy dropped pallets 11% faster. Getting stunned with a pallet will give you 1 token, up to a total of 3 tokens. With each token, you destroy dropped pallets 1/2/3% faster, up to a total of 14/17/20% speed. Once you gain the maximum tokens, any other pallet stuns will result in the pallet being instantly broken on stun. You will still suffer from the stun cooldown. Getting blinded by a flashlight/flashbang/blast mine, consumes all tokens.

Perk 2: Terror of the Night

Your lethal attacks leave your victims panicked and hopeless and their fear drives you crazy for their blood. A successful basic attack freezes your Bloodlust Tier for 8 seconds and inflicts Blindness and Oblivious status effect on the survivor until they get downed or escape the chase. This effect persists for 8 seconds after braking chase or being downed.

Perk 3: Shadowstalker

You grow increasingly more predatory as your victims get closer to escaping. With each generator repaired, your Terror Radius is reduced by 5 meters. When the exit gates are powered your Terror Radius is reset and you gain a 5% Haste status effect.

Let me know what you guys think, what you would change and how. Personally I would love to see a Dark Pictures Anthology collaboration between the two game studios, House of Ashes, presented the perfect killing machine and I would love to see The Vampire enter the Entity's realm and wreak havoc. :D

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 921

    Imagine putting all 5 survivors of House of Ashes and we getting 15 new survivors perks

    QTASTIC Member Posts: 56

    Keep in mind that everything I say is not to offend anybody and is only my suggestion if you aren't open to constructive criticism please do not read any further. !!!!

    I've never seen DPA and my suggestions would pull the killer away from that concept and expand it into a regular killer but heres a suggestion.... An Alternative but unique version of michael myers.

    Since vampires are known through lore to drink blood I'd have the killer be a vampire lord type of setup that carries around a chalice that fills with blood that charges off successful hits; Using that charge to activate echlocation and even possiblty the ability to transform into a beast or blood state when blood is filled (similiar to oni mechanics) that have a unique set of powers or abilities, however the difference being the more blood the vampire has the more power they have access too while also being able to throw in a tiered system so if someone wants to play a starved vampire (similiar to tiered 1 michael myers) they can also play that way with unique abilities for that tier.

    This also takes the shift off bhvr to secure another contract and allows your killer to be implemented into the game uniquely.

    Secondary Power: Echolocation

    Living underground for several millennia, The Vampire has grown an acute sense of hearing and adapted to the darkness below. Press the Secondary Ability Button to enter Echolocation mode which slows down your movement speed by 90% and increases your FOV by 15 degrees. Survivors who are running will trigger killer instinct until they slow down to walking or you exit Echolocation.

    ---id make the slow down speed the same as the stalk speed as scratched mirror michael myers possibly alittle faster since it relies on a survivors movement state. (it will have to be fine tuned in the PTB ) but otherwise brilliant perk and balance and I personally think making the gauge fill up on "hit" instead of on "stalk" makes playing the vampire similiar however unique at the same time.

    Perk 1: Raging Immortality

    Your physiology makes you near indestructible and your rage makes you a brutal opponent. You destroy dropped pallets 11% faster. Getting stunned with a pallet will give you 1 token, up to a total of 3 tokens. With each token, you destroy dropped pallets 1/2/3% faster, up to a total of 14/17/20% speed. Once you gain the maximum tokens, any other pallet stuns will result in the pallet being instantly broken on stun. You will still suffer from the stun cooldown. Getting blinded by a flashlight/flashbang/blast mine, consumes all tokens.

    ----Brutal strength by base has a 20% pallet. breakable wall, and gen damage speed buff this perk is a nerfed version that has a higher end result. brutal strength takes 2.6 seconds to destroy a pallet as to a pallet stun being 2 seconds. so getting pallet stunned and losing that bit of vision you get during the animation, loss of breakable wall and generator speed, also isn't worth the trade off of .6 seconds. I would also change the consumes tokens trigger effect to something that can happen in every game and not make it rely on a survivor having a flashlight brought with them.

    Perk 2: Terror of the Night

    Your lethal attacks leave your victims panicked and hopeless and their fear drives you crazy for their blood. A successful basic attack freezes your Bloodlust Tier for 8 seconds and inflicts Blindness and Oblivious status effect on the survivor until they get downed or escape the chase. This effect persists for 8 seconds after braking chase or being downed.

    ---You are basically nullifying the speed boost survivors get after successfully getting hit as well as changing the core mechanic of blood lust tiers. This makes your killer better suited to tunneling with this perk. I'd suggest reworking it to not interfere with core game mechanics. As well as re balancing the status effects applied and their durations.

    Perk 3: Shadowstalker

    You grow increasingly more predatory as your victims get closer to escaping. With each generator repaired, your Terror Radius is reduced by 5 meters. When the exit gates are powered your Terror Radius is reset and you gain a 5% Haste status effect.

    ---- No one escapes death (hex:Perk) provides a 4% haste effect after exit gates are powered, Furtive chase decreases terror radius in chase 4m (with a totem system adding 4 meters per token) and Monitor and abuse reduces terror radius out of chase by 16 meters and increases FOV by 10% with an increase of base terror radius 8m. all of these perks are similar to SS and have a good and bad system associated with them for balance purposes and will encompass this perk in the long run. However every killer usually has 1 meh Perk so it's fine as it stands as long as its balanced to your killer's terror radius ( For most Killers in Dead by Daylight, their Terror Radius is decided by their base Movement speed: 32 metres for those moving at 4.6 m/s and 24 metres for those moving at 4.4 m/s.[sic]~google search)

    I hope I at least helped you come up with new ideas and remember these are only my suggestions.... Supplement your lifestyle !!!

    Happy Halloween
