Does Spirit need another nerf? Specifically her addon movement speed

The Spirit deserved every bit of nerf handed to her, and so she's not as cheap to use as before (why it took a year for them to fix her, i don't know). However, her addons are still disgustingly overpowered in my opinion. A common addon combo I encounter from Spirit players at reasonably high MMR is the purple amulet and ring (25% speed increase with 3.5s longer phase) and purple cherry blossom with the ring (40% speed increase with killer instinct triggering at 4m).
With the latter, it is pretty much impossible to escape from a chase when she can just phase for a few seconds and catch up to you, and you'll definitely be nowhere near a pallet. Retracing steps to mindgame scratchmarks won't even matter, and walking/crouching is just silly as the Spirit moves 4 and 5 times greater with the ring respectively, thus killer's instinct would instantly trigger anyway (4m is a pretty big deal).
What do you think? Her basekit seems fine and fair now, no more easy 4ks with minimal effort, but these addons... they pretty much negate the nerf to her. Here's a video representing what I'm saying:
p.s. I strongly believe the devs should change the difficulty label on her, she is most definitely not "hard" to play when compared to blight and nurse. maybe intermediate if I'm generous.
3 years*
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Anymore nerfs and she'll actually be dead
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All spirit has is speed, so no.
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As you said, don't nerf her base-kit, tbh I'm not sure if the kicking dust thing should even be added to her anymore (we'll see though).
Dried Cherry Blossom is fine, but the issue lies upon Mother-Daughter Ring which should have been reworked to begin with.
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Her basekit phasing speed is 176% which is already faster than Wraith. Adding the ring 40% speed increase which makes her nearly as fast as blight/hillbilly just seems a bit overkill, especially as these 2 killers need a lot of skill in curving their hits. Granted, its an ultra rare addon, but that isn't a compelling argument as ultra rares aren't really that... rare when you spend millions of bloodpoints on the killer you main. Again I would like to reiterate - her basekit is fine now, just her addons seem problematic.
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Mother-Daughter Ring could use a rework that isn't a net nerf, but other than that I'd say Spirit's in a really good spot right now.
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Def need to tone these add ons down. Takes no skill at all. Granted they are IRI/purple still stupidly easy to 4k with.
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I feel the addon combo goes like this. Someone gives you a bag of Gummy, in exchange you give them back a bag of Popcorn. And someone else gives you a bag of Snicker and you give them a bag of Popcorn. Both exchanges are fair.
But when someone gives you a bag of Gummy & a bag of Snicker for a bag of Popcorn. Its super benefit for you.
Both Cherry & Ring alone is fine. But they're not because both take the same thing (scratch mark), this is the reason why the combo so broken.
Each should take away a different thing. Ring should take away sound, Cherry take away scratch mark. With such strong combo, you still have chance even without Ironwill.
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No more killer nerfs!
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Iron Will absolutely destroys her and high MMR lobbies are guaranteed 3+ IWs. She's fine
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And so it begins.
I predicted that this when her PTB went live.
Her nerf only killed her super high-level play, it did very little for the average player and they'll still clamor for nerfs.
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Already? Lmao
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DbD recently shared the metrics of killer kill rates, and I don't think Spirit was even that close to the top.
She was only really a problem in high level games, and that was solely because of her mindgame potential and addons, which were what was nerfed.
This addon in question isn't even all that strong compared to some other addons, or survivor iris like BNP.
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Not only does she not need more nerfs, but she could use some buffs. They already completely gutted her. She’s a shadow of her former self and actually pallet loopable now, it’s sad.
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Why not? In fact, why not nerf every killer until they are useless?
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Spirit is now solidly 'A' tier, which should be the balance target for all killers imho.
Iri and UR addons should be powerful. Far too many killers have addons that are useless or worse.
It may sound whatabouty, but with how long it took BHVR to buff Trapper or nerf OoO, I'm not especially sympathetic to 'it took too long to nerf x killer' arguments.
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As I said before, people won’t be satisfied with Spirit until she actually can’t do anything. Alright to please y’all, let’s make Spirit move at 2.8 m/s in phase while survivors can see her and you can’t see or hear them. There, balanced.
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I got a better idea. Hear me out. Why don't we just remove killers from the game altogether it would be much more balanced and fair that way.
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Spirit with those add ons can lose at high mmr so I don’t get why ye struggle with her. She is in a good spot now if you want to beat her learn how to play her and you will know how she is like, like many other killers…
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You re joking right?
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her nerf made her in a better place now that add on is an ultra rare which should be insane
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No. If anything she needs her survivor collision reverted now
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Edit: oh nevermind, this was an old post.
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…. Okay ,… so let’s buff survivor ;)))
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All of her addons are all fine. Cherry blossom is the only one that needs to get trashed.
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Oh no a Killer has fun and entertaining add-ons and player are having a blast using them. Quick lets nerf it so that they play like Ghostface and only have bad stat-buff add-ons which offer nothing to the gameplay...
Let people have some fun. Even with Cherryblossom you can outplay Spirit now. You hear her phasing, most of the Survivor run Iron Will anyway to stomp any Spirit who does not run Cherryblossom and she is a 110% speed Killer who needs to use her power for descent downs.
The perk "Iron Will" is able to beat nearly any Spirit who runs no Cherryblossom now unless they go for a tediously slow 110% M1 chase.
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True Borrowed Teabag Time should be increased back to 12+ seconds and work for Survivor that unhooks too. If everyone runs Borrowed Teabag Time then it should be doubled to +24 seconds because Survivor is all about skill ;))))))
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I still can't believe they finally gave her directional phasing sound to finally grant some counter possibility that wasn't a 50/50, just to give her an addon that completely removes that counter option yet again.
Delete those two add-ons for real
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If you want every Killer in the game to be F-C Tier just say that
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If a killer even looks at a survivor they should get borrowed time and 1 minute of decisive strike bro. Everyone knows the "rules" haha. Sprintburst Deadhard B.L. what? Yeah I need an insta heal or beamer and 20+ pallets I'm pro. :)
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Survivors should be nerfed. Best thing is to nerf all killers and add boon: heal over time
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Are you taking the piss. She is been nerfed way too much. Anything else she will be physically unplayable
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Cherryblossom needs reworked to not use killer instinct. Maybe survivors are louder in the 4m range instead?
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Learn to play the game stop saying suggestions like this your making the game less fun 👍
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No no not pallet loopable.....she faces the same problem as any other killer....predropers
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Not to mention the KI you get is delayed so it dosnt give you a exact location to them. Let's not forget the true God Combo that they ruined of Mother Daughter Ring and Fathers Glasses
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Imagine still complaining about Spirit. Survivors just want easy killers!
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I think spirit is alright right now.
I do agree with the label being changed. They should removed those "easy/hard" labels in general since what makes something easy/hard is subjective.
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No and she never did.
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No, because "standing still isn't a mindgame."
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The only add-on nerf Spirit needs is the Dried Cherry Blossom, other than that, she's completely fine.
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Don’t say that here … devs could hear us …