Sometimes I run a Brown Medkit...

Just to see if the killer brings franklins
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Joke's on you, I bring Franklin's anyway
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I'm bringing a chainsaw and was gonna instadown and then camp you anyways
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MWAHAHA "laughs in overwhelming presence combined with all terror radius perks doctor"
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I do bring a lot of brown items into game, sometimes one heal or a small boost to the last gen is all you need. But sometimes I do stand there in the lobby as the timer ticks down thinking "Oh god, please don't let me get camp/tunnelled for a fricking brown toolbox" I only wonder about franklins if the rest of my team are all carrying items. And even if they do slap on the franklins.... it's a brown item, i have 20 more stacked in Nea's inventory lol
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distressing, agitation, overwhelming presence, Calm carters notes, Calm class 2
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Same but just for that 1 extra heal which helps a lot sometimes.
I dont usually bring items tho. I don't find them neccessary at all.
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I bring brown ones because I don't want to use my better ones.
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I don’t bring a brown medkit because it doesn’t give a full heal, FeelsBadMan
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Brown Medkits give full heals but not if the killer is stacking dying light. You can fully heal with a brown med kit even when Mangled, you just cant miss any skill checks.
If i bring good items with the good add-ons (unless im running Sabo) I'll put my med kit in a random far off location on the map then come back to it when i need it. Note that when doing this your essentially using a good hiding spot that you dont think survivors would go to check (unless they really are looking to survive then they might find it but at that point if they found my secret hiding spot then they are really looking to survive like i am so i'll go "they needed it") or essentially like burying something valuable, this will deal with Franklins Demise.
If everyone has items and i have a medkit im 100% hiding it somewhere until i need it
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@Edilibs usually yes they do, but currently you won’t get a full heal from a brown medkit. You need a tap from another survivor to complete it. Try it yourself.
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I always take in brown medkits for the challenges to deplete 5, or so, medkits. I use it and hope to find another, or better rarity, in a chest. 2 towards the stacks, yay.
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I always bring the 8 or 12 extra charges with brown med kits.
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Except they dont heal all the way anymore... which is the essence of the joke cuz its a bug. I'm guessing most people didnt get it?
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I think the brown med kit does heal all the way unless you’re mangled. I’m not too sure.
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I didn't use them in a while so I didn't knew about the bug, sorry.
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Nah I'm not teasing. Just thought it was funny. Also my last 2 games had a franklins lel