Windows of Opportunity or Dead Hard

Which would you take and why?
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Windows Of Opportunity. I'm decent at looping, but I somehow always find myself in dead zones. Having WOO would be more useful for me.
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Definitely Windows of Opportunity. In most cases by the time you use dead hard it's not even to help you escape into something. Most survivors I see will use it any time just for those 2 seconds of longer life span.
Opportunity will at least show me a decent path and almost right away tell me what loops I'm walking into or even what loops are nearby for me to use against the killer. Way more beneficial
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Honestly, as broken as DH is, I still pick Windows more often than not because I enjoy the awareness it brings. That being said DH + Windows is possible in most of my builds.
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Windows by far.
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I'd take DH only because I can figure out where windows/pallets are most of the time. I didn't play the new maps(think after deathslinger) enough to learn them properly so maybe if we only considered the new maps I'd pick Windows of Opportunity,
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Lol ok then. If you have to choose one, go with dh.
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Woo, 100%
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Windows of Opportunity honestly seems pretty great now for survivors. Knowing precisely where you can run when a chase starts is huge!
Ironically Zanshin Tactics doesn’t seem to be as popular for killers even though it’s basically the same ability. I think it’s because the survivor is the one leading the chase and the killer is responding to what the survivor does, so the killer knowing a vault or pallet is coming up isn’t quite as useful to them as the survivor knowing where the closest vault or pallet is can be to them. (Although it is interesting that Zanshin Tactics shows the killer where the breakable walls are, which might be useful to know to weaken loops ahead of time… I might have to give this a go sometime…)
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WoO, because your exhaustion perk should be Sprint Burst.
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Zanshin Tactics doesn't slow down gen speed, and is therefor useless.
Windows of Opportunity can help survivors lengthen chase time, which helps the team with gen speed.
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Hypothetically if Zanshin Tactics helps a killer shorten their chases then it does put gen pressure on the survivors (since downing survivors is the best gen pressure of all.) The problem with Zanshin Tactics is it’s not obvious how much if at all it shortens your chases. (Taking out breakable walls can weaken those loops and shorten those chases, but how often would Zanshin clue you in to a wall you didn’t already know was there? )
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I've run Zenshin on Trapper and hag before just to find pallets to trap. any killer who can beat a survivor to a loop and cut them off may benefit from it... wraith maybe?
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So the one thing I have gotten value out of Zenshin tactics before is if I'm chasing a survivor that is running towards a strong area, I can size up the situation and determine whether I want to try to get a pallet down, commit, or not even bother because when they do throw down the pallet I can break they just have another crazy strong tile to run to.
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Windows. I love information perks.
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DH is cheap and dumb. WOO for the win.
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I always take WoO over exhaustion perks, the efficiency you gain by knowing where to route next is far outweighed by a single use of an exhaustion perk during chase.
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Woo in solo, dh in a coordinated swf.
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Dead Hard because I am a highly skilled gamer and it feels good to outplay the Killer by courageously pressing a button when I mess up :^)
Truly the pinnacle of perk design, Killers should get good by not letting Survivors have buttons to push.