To all the Killers complaining about boon totems...

You right, but I can still get to rank 1 so they can't be that great...
Ranks don't mean anything other than how much you play. That's always been how they are but now even more so than ever. They literally do not have anything to do with skill
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Ranks really only reflect time invested now. They have only a tangential relationship to skill.
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Then everyone would be ranked 1 killer and survivor LOL. You're so Salty bro.
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what do grades have anything to do with boons?
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Ranks are #########, you could play once a month but have high MMR
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Just do the bones.
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Will people ever realise that ranks are grades now and are not connected to sbmm I wonder.
Devs should have probably made it more clear.
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right, sometimes I forget though it's a little confusing lol.
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As much as "ranks are only time invested," you pretty much have to get a 2k minimum to be able to progress in rank based on the Malicious and Devout emblems. As such, the MMR which cares A HELL OF A LOT LESS about your actual performance must be gaining substantial MMR when you hit red ranks each month.
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First of all they removed ranks some time ago... so your 'rank 1' argument is invalid. It got replaced by an invisible mmr system. Second off all, I don't think anyone will disagree that theyre a bit too strong... because they are. But I mainly play survivor so I don't mind tbf...
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One guy said to me in end-game chat "Youre bronze and I'm red rank, you shouldnt talk to me I'm a higher rank" Dude the ######### cringe... They hid mmr so people won't have bragging rights... but people actually think they're superior when they have a higher GRADE that month!!! ######### HELL LOOOOOOOL
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As a legion main, neither of the two boon perks really affect me.
I do feel for people who main low mobility killers though, CoH can definitely be OP against them.
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Boon totems made my survivor games a lot easier and my killer games even harder. They are just a little too strong, especially on a 4 man swf.
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Should've just removed them from the endgame scoreboard and replaced with character pic.