Original Killer and Survivor Concept: The Vertigo and Dominic Lowe. Power, Perks, Add-ons, and Lore.

GreggCario Member Posts: 4

The Vertigo is a Technologically wicked killer, being able to set up cameras around the trial to spy on survivors and also being able to trick survivors with traps and allusions using his power, Vertigo's Hush.

115% | 4.6 m/s

28 meters (With Lullaby)

Average Hight

Weapon: Twin Blades

When he hits a survivor, he presses one of the blades against where his lips would be on his mask and lets out a hush.


At a young age Norman Young was fascinated with computers, their inner workings and anything on the web. Norman watched a lot of different videos while he was on his laptop, but the ones he gravitated towards the most were about killers. Their murders, how they got caught, their confessions, or even when they were never found. He saw these serial killers in bright light at a young age and never thought differently.

One day while in his college dorm, Norman went down a rabbit hole about a man named Jeffery Hawk. Norman was so fascinated about his different tonics and brutal ways he killed people, but the thing he was most curious about is that it seemed he just vanished off the face of the planet one day. Most people think he just ran off to nowhere, never to be found, but people can have their theories.

The instant news broke out that there was a mass murder at Mightee One, Norman was quick to research everything about the situation. As more information got out, he quickly learned that the lead suspect disappeared without a trace, and he couldn't help but make a connection. Is it really that common for a mass murderer to disappear, or is there something more?

Over the next few days, he kept learning more and more about the murders at Mightee One, it seemed impossible for someone to do that and escape without anybody reporting seeing the suspect. There was no evidence to suspect that he went anywhere after the murders, he disappeared. Was there this mystical get out of jail free card that he couldn't possibly understand? If there isn't, he might as well try.

Norman thought he should use his tech proficiency for something, being able to come up with different trap ideas with his knowledge of computer parts and also a little bit of searching on the web. He bought some parts from different hardware stores, making explosives and something that is able to tamper with electronics. He bought weapons from online and now he just needed to look for victims.

He stalked vulnerable people, mostly women, spying on them though their security systems and learning their normal life. He trapped two people's homes, killing them with bombs that they tripped with a wire. Norman liked to walk into the person's home afterwards, admiring his work and also making sure there wasn't any loose ends. When he was walking around one of the houses, he found a Halloween mask, Norman repurposing it as a new alter ego of his.

After a bit more murders, it seemed like he wasn't getting anywhere with it. It was fun and he enjoyed it, but this promised land that he believed to exist seemed to be so far from his grasp. He wanted to go so badly, he wanted to meet the people that inspired him to do these horrible things. He decided to be more drastic and wicked with his kills from that point onward.

He kidnapped people, tortured them for days before killing them of starvation. He played games with people, killing someone's husband and hiding the body in a closest, recording the scream the wife made as she found the body before he hushed.

Norman sat in his living room confused, multiple dead bodies in his basement, so many people 5 feet under because of him, and still nothing. What was he really expecting? He shook off all things he was feeling, me must do something big.

Norman started to target a office building, hacking into it's camera system and finding all of the security flaws. After a bit of planning he found and stole a janitor's identity and slid into the building without anyone noticing. He planted bombs on different floors when nobody was looking, that was until somebody intervened. He worked as security for the building and seemed to know everything about Norman's plan. Norman didn't have his blades with him as it would have caused suspicion immediately, so all he had was his fists. As the man tried to take down Norman and arrest him, he moved out of the way and started a fist fight. The man got the upper hand and Norman was stunned. Norman quickly pulled out the detonator of the bombs and without thinking pressed a button on it.

Norman closed his eyes as the explosions went off, and when he opened them, he laughed historically.




The aura of cameras or any trap is shown when their correct placing prerequisite is met. (Like trapper before placing down a trap)

You can't move while using the laptop.

While on the laptop you see 6 boxes (more if addons are used) which represent your 6 different camera feeds, being able to highlight a box when you see a survivor within that one by using the move keys. (WASD, Left analog.)

The maximum length of wire you can place down for the tripwire is 1 meter.

You can pick up the tripwire. (Press the Active ability button next to it)

The tripwire lets out a soft beeping sound.

With each survivor marked you gain back 1 trap, starting from the tripwires. (For example, if you have 2 tripwires and no tampered gens, you would gain a tampered gen.)

By default a survivor is Glitched for 15 seconds.

I thought maybe you would start with the default amount of traps and there would be no way to gain them back, so you would have to think carefully when and where to put your traps. I thought against this idea because I thought it would be pretty boring to be stuck with only your cameras, also the new idea encourages the player to use the camera more.

Also why "The Vertigo"? Idk it sounds cool.


There's some addons that negates others. For example if you were running Drunk's Index Finger and Dummy Survivor so you have no Tampered gens the Addon would be doing nothing for you.


Dominic Lowe is a tech savvy protector, being able to recognize uses for things that other people wouldn't think of.

His Personal perks, High Risk High Reward, Modification, and Wrong Signal let him use his surroundings in new interesting ways that could confuse the killer and allow him an easy escape.


Dominic always wanted to protect what was closest to him, getting his real first rush of that feeling when he saved his young sister from a rabid dog. His heroic act being rewarded by his small community with free gifts and food.

Later on in his life, Dominic felt lost and not having a sense of direction to go in his life after getting his high school diploma. As he still lived with his parents, his dad thought he could try and inspire his son and started to teach him how different electronics worked, his father being an absolute tech nerd and loving computers and the like. Dominic never really got into it and instead had asperations of becoming a boxer.

He started to train with a high regarded boxer, the boxer agreeing to work with him because he respected Dominic and sympathized with his situation. With the boxer's training, Dominic started to fight in minor leagues, slowly making a name for himself. One fight ended any future career he wanted though, getting an injury that instantly made him retire.

His trainer helped him cope with his new injury, getting him new job opportunities he could do without straining himself. Dominic got a job as security guard of a pretty small office building, it didn't pay well but it's something.

As he looked at the different computers, he couldn't help but feel a bit nostalgic with all that his dad taught him in the past. Dominic made good friends with the people who worked in the office, and it only took a week for everyone to know Dominic's name and smile.

One day he went into his office and noticed something different, a Janitor he knew well clocked in at a unusual time for him. He watched what he thought was a friend start to place down suspicious looking objects, Dominic knowing that he had to do something quick. He called the police before starting to alert everyone in the building he could to leave. His friends worried about himself but he reassured everyone that he'd be fine. After getting out everyone he could find, he pursued the suspect.

He got in a fist fight with the man, even with his injury he still had his experience and got the upper hand before the man pulled out something and pressed a button. All he heard were explosions before he closed his eyes and stumbled to the floor.

When he opened his eyes, he couldn't understand, but whatever happens next he can live happy knowing he saved many lives that day.


Perk Icons are from https://game-icons.net/

Also thanks if you read this far... cool.