What other B tier killers are in need of a nerf?

We've made good strides recently with changes to Wraith and Deathslinger, making them more fun to face. It got me thinking about other killers with problematic gameplay and what we could potentially do to remedy them.
Any suggestions?
I know he's not B tier but I think Trapper could use some tweaking. I don't find him to be OP by any means, however it's simply not fun getting caught in traps that are hard to see, and constantly keeping a look out for traps in general is tedious. This is exacerbated by his recent buffs, and perhaps we should start looking into ways of making him more fun
“We went ahead and added a .5 second delay on The Hags traps trigger-teleport window. We feel this will give survivors some counterplay when they make a 4head mistake.”
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yeah, nerf bad killers because survivors dont find them "fun" to play against
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Nerf Freddy into oblivion.
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Obviously Nemesis, his zombies shouldn't infect or injure and insted just give free speedboasts + nerf his tentacle attack and give it 2s charge up so that survivors have enough time to realise they're supposed to dodge.
Wowie I vent on kind of rant there, golly.
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Huntress should have a stamina bar. If she holds her hatchets for too long or throws too many in a short space of time, she drops all of her hatchets onto the floor and can't attack until she picks each of them up individually and sits down for a few minutes.
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All of them, we can't stop until all mid tier killers are as "underrated" as Pig.
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Doctor - longer animation on m2. Too oppressive
Huntress - limited range
cannibal - removed 1 stack
Pig - removed 1 box
Demogorgon - longer charge time
Oni - down takes away your power
Nemesis - Contamination has time duration
PH - Survivors perks work on cage
Twins - Victor reduced movement speed
Trickster - higher recoil, slower knives travel speed
Cenobite - Less chains
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Too late for that...
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Not enough. More.
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Yeah, I guess he doesn't need teleport, right?
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Excellent suggestions all-round!
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Alright, let's make him m1 without power.
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M1 without power, 110%, reduced FOV
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I thought said nerf Freddy into oblivion and this is all you can come up with?
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They could also start working on Bots for Killers so Survivors like you might not run out of killers to play againts :)
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Nerf all killer to 100% speed remove the ability to kick pallet and this should be enough for now
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Alright, 90% speed, M1 only, no power, have to get survivors into dream world first
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Burger King Freddy is acceptable nerf. This pleases me greatly.
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I think your going to see a lot more Basement Bubbas.
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Change all killer weapons for squiky toys who take the killers BP from them and gives it to the survivors, aditionally if for watever reason a killer carries a survivor it takes it to the closest generator and gives its a speed boost of +100% repair speed. Whe cant have our dear survivors feeling frustrated in any shape or form
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Im laughting so hard with the title lol
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its a joke... right ?
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More killer Nerfs..... **Yawn**
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Love it
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Since Stranger Things is leaving the store, clearly BHVR needs to nerf Demogorgon so as not to make players that missed out on buying him feel bad. As such, he needs to be made even louder, be restricted to only one portal placed (quickly traveling the map is OP, so he mustn't be permitted to make an exit), and have all of his addons replaced with Clown's confetti.
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Im a trickster/killer main and he is not fun for the survivors. Trickster should be rewarded for using his power but current trickster is boring and has no counterplay at small loops. Make him get fatigue when he spams too many knives. Survivors should have the ability to counterplay him. Then make his main event shorter because there's no counterplay if you're too close to him. Also the knifes should only put the mend status on injured survivors not down them 0 counterplay. Rework add ons so they're not too strong.
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They all need buffs
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I love this suggestion and I think it will go a long way to making Huntress more fun, however sitting down for a few mins after collecting hatchets may be a tad overboard.
Maybe must make her move slower until she has picked them back-up? Sort if like Victor’s speed after landing a pounce. Just food for thought.
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Very well reasoned suggestion. The more counterplay the better I say.
Also this way we can save flashlight charges for the exit.
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Lets just nerf everything so Survivors have an even easier time. Everybody should be M1 with no map pressure or mobility
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I feel that the "nerf" to wraith wasn't that big of a deal, shaving off 0.25 seconds to his post-uncloak speed didn't really have an impact on getting hits when i play as him
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Seeing a lot of bitching about Bubba recently, so probably him. They'll probably just revert him to his release state lol.
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Freddy is blind and deaf and can't deal damage until survivors fall in the dream state passively. Even when he can interact with the survivor, he moves at 110% while the snares are unchanged since they're oh so good. Maybe give him a 5 second stun every time he teleports. You know, it's only fair.
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Fun to face? How often do you face them after these nerfs?
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True, but consider this - if she has to sit down for a few minutes and cannot move, you can counter Huntress by repeatedly blinding her during her rest break with a flashlight. Over and over again. It would be incredibly fun counterplay for survivors, giving a dynamic way to counter the killer player themselves.
Perhaps if the Huntress is blinded more than 3 times during the rest break, she gets cataracts and blurry vision for the rest of the trial.
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Make Oni's demon strike a 2 hit down and for goodness sake, get rid of night shroud on ghost face 🙃
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If deathslinger misses a shot, he is bound to the area like a dog on a leash, and needs to walk over to where the shot landed, pick the shot up, reload, and than cry for 2 minutes before being allowed to move again.
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This is basically Poe's Law: The Thread.
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I wish i believed this post was bait. This type of ######### does not suprise me whatsoever. Considering they thought slinger needed nerfed and Wraith was a "Wee bit OP" I cant help but worry about the vision they have for killers.
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does that meen you one one zombie wandering around or two "half" zombies?....
Personally i vote for the late...it would be hilarious to se walking legs trying to kick survivors around
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Besides Bubba, Wraith and Slinger, I believe the rest of the B tier killers (Pinhead, Doc) could use some nerfs
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This one I absolutely agree should be added 👍 great suggestion
Wouldn't call walking into a trap a "4head mistake" since most of the time these traps are in places you can't see.
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Please dont change trapper. He's actually fun now. Not good, but fun.
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Lets nerf Pig, she's way to stealthy